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Flexible Memory Access

async_mmap is TAPA's flexible interface to access external memory through the AXI protocol. It exposes the five AXI channels (AR, R, AW, W, B) in C++. In this way, users have maximal control over how they want to access the external memory. The async_mmap feature has several advantages:

  • Richer expressiveness and more flexible memory access pattern.
  • Runtime burst detection.
  • Smaller area overhead.

A successful case is the SPLAG accelerator for single-source shortest path (SSSP), which achieves up to a 4.9× speedup over state-of-the-art SSSP accelerators, up to a 2.6× speedup over 32-thread CPU running at 4.4 GHz, and up to a 0.9× speedup over an A100 GPU (that has 4.1× power budget and 3.4× HBM bandwidth).

That being said, async_mmap is relatively more difficult to use when compared to the conventional approach (abstract external memory as a simple array) because of the extra expressiveness. This tutorial shows examples of how to bring out the most potential of async_mmap.

The Programming Model of async_mmap

The following code shows the definition of async_mmap:

template <typename T>
struct async_mmap {
  using addr_t = int64_t;
  using resp_t = uint8_t;

  tapa::ostream<addr_t> read_addr;
  tapa::istream<T> read_data;
  tapa::ostream<addr_t> write_addr;
  tapa::ostream<T> write_data;
  tapa::istream<resp_t> write_resp;

async_mmap abstracts an external memory as an interface consisting of 5 channels/streams/FIFOs, as shown in the following figure.

  • On the read side, if we send one address to the read_addr channel, the data of type T stored in that address will appear later in the read_data channel.
  • If we send multiple addresses to the read_addr channel, the corresponding data (i.e., the read responses) will appear in order in the read_data channel.
  • On the write side, if we (1) send an address to the write_addr channel, and (2) send the corresponding data to the write_data channel, then the data will be written into the associated address.
  • If there are multiple outstanding write requests, they will be committed in order.
  • The write_resp channel will receive data that represent how many write transactions have succeeded.

Basic Usage of async_mmap

async_mmap is a special implementation of mmap that should be used only as formal parameters in lower-level tasks [1]. async_mmap can be constructed from mmap, and we could pass an mmap argument to an async_mmap parameter. Due to certain limitations from the Vitis HLS compiler, async_mmap must be passed by reference, i.e., with &. In contrast, mmap must be passed by value, i.e., without &.

[1]Lower-level tasks in TAPA are C++ functions that are called direct from tapa::task::invoke and do not instantiate any children tasks or streams itself.
void task1(tapa::async_mmap<data_t>& mem);
void task2(tapa::      mmap<data_t>  mem);

// Note the &
void task1(tapa::async_mmap<data_t>& mem) {
  // ...
  // ...

// Note no &
void task2(tapa::mmap<data_t> mem) {
  // ...
  mem[i] = foo;
  bar = mem[j];
  // ...

void top(tapa::mmap<data_t> mem1, tapa::mmap<data_t> mem2) {
    .invoke(task1, mem1)
    .invoke(task2, mem2)

Runtime Burst Detection

mmap (which uses Vitis HLS #pragma HLS interface m_axi under the hood) are synchronous memory interfaces that heavily rely on memory bursts. Without memory bursts, the access pattern looks like the following:

Synchronous off-chip memory accesses without burst.

An obvious problem is that the long memory latency (typically 100 ~ 200 ns) can result in very low memory throughput. To solve this problem, memory bursts have been used extensively, which allows the kernel to receive many pieces of data using a single memory request:

Synchronous off-chip memory accesses with burst.

However, memory bursts are only available when the memory access pattern is consecutive. To solve the problem, TAPA async_mmap takes a different approach, which is to issue multiple outstanding requests at the same time:

Asynchronous off-chip memory accesses.

Multi-outstanding asynchronous requests are much more efficient than single-outstanding synchronous requests, but for sequential access patterns, accessing memory in large bursts is still significantly more efficient than in small individual transactions on the external memory. For example, reading 4 KB of data in one AXI transaction is much faster than 512 smaller 8-byte AXI transactions. Existing HLS tools (e.g., Vitis HLS) generally rely on static analysis to infer bursts, which may generate unpredictable and limited hardware.

Instead, TAPA infers burst transactions at runtime. User only needs to issue individual read/write transactions, and TAPA provides optimized modules to combine and merge sequential transactions into burst transactions at runtime.

Asynchronous off-chip memory accesses with runtime burst detection.

With asynchronous memory interfaces and runtime burst detection, async_mmap makes it possible to achieve high memory throughput for both sequential and random memory accesses.

Smaller Area Overhead

When interacting with the AXI interface, Vitis HLS will buffer the entire burst transactions using on-chip memories. For a 512-bit AXI interface, the AXI buffers generated by Vitis HLS costs 15 BRAM_18K each for the read channel and the write channel. This becomes a huge problem for HBM devices, where the bottom SLR is packed with 32 HBM channels, and the AXI buffers along takes away >900 BRAM_18K from the bottom SLR.

In our settings, the read responses will be directly passed to the user logic through a stream interface, thus the AXI interface has much smaller area.

The following table shows quantitative results from a microbenchmark:

Memory Interface Clock/MHz LUT FF BRAM URAM DSP
#pragma HLS interface m_axi 300 1189 3740 15 0 0
async_mmap 300 1466 162 0 0 0

Sharing External Memory Interfaces

This section covers the usage of shared memory-mapped interfaces.

Vitis HLS does not allow sharing of memory-mapped interfaces among dataflow modules. TAPA gives a programmer the flexibility to do this. This can be very useful when the number of memory-mapped interfaces is limited. For example, the shared vector add example shipped with TAPA puts the inputs a and b in the same memory-mapped interface. By referencing the same mmap<float> twice, the two Mmap2Stream task instances can both access the same AXI instance.

void Mmap2Stream(mmap<float> mmap, int offset, uint64_t n, ostream<float>& stream) {
  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    stream.write(mmap[n * offset + i]);

void Load(mmap<float> srcs, uint64_t n, ostream<float>& a, ostream<float>& b) {
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, srcs, 0, n, a)
      .invoke(Mmap2Stream, srcs, 1, n, b);


The programmer needs to make sure of memory consistency among shared memory-mapped interfaces, for example, by accessing different memory locations in different task instances.


Under the hood, TAPA instantiates an AXI interconnect and use a dedicated AXI thread for each port so that requests from different ports are not ordered with respect to each other. This can help reduce potential deadlocks at the cost of more resource usage.

Example 1: Multi-Outstanding Random Memory Accesses

This example shows how to implement efficient random memory accesses using TAPA. The key point is to allow multiple outstanding memory operations. Even though random memory access cannot be merged into bursts, it is still more effective to allow multiple outstanding transactions. In the following example, the issue_read_addr task will keep issuing read requests as long as the AXI interface is ready to accept, while the receive_read_resp task is only responsible for receiving and process the responses.

void issue_read_addr(
  tapa::async_mmap<data_t>& mem,
  int n) {
  addr_t random_addr[N];
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
    if (!mem.read_addr.full()) {

void receive_read_resp(
  tapa::async_mmap<data_t>& mem,
  int n) {
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
    if (!mem.read_data.empty()) {
      data_t d =;
      // ...

void top(tapa::mmap<data_t> mem, int n) {

    // ...
    .invoke(issue_read_addr, mem, n)
    .invoke(receive_read_resp, mem, n)
    // ...

This simple design is actually very hard or infeasible to implement in Vitis HLS. Consider the following Vitis HLS counterpart. The generated hardware will issue one read request, then wait for its response before issuing another read request, so there will be only 1 outstanding transactions.

// Inferior Vitis HLS code
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
  data_t d = mem[ random_addr[i] ];
  // ... process d

Example 2: Sequential Read from async_mmap into an Array

  • Since the outbound read_addr channel and the inbound read_data channel are separate, we use two iterator variables i_req and i_resp to track the progress of each channel.
  • When the number of responses i_resp match the target count, the loop will terminate.
  • In each loop iteration, we send a new read request if:
    • The number of read requests i_req is less than the total request count.
    • The read_addr channel of the async_mmap mem is not full.
    • We increment i_req if we successfully issue a read request.
  • In each loop iteration, we check if the read_data channel has data.
    • If so, we get the data from the read_data channel and stores into an array.
    • We increment i_resp when we receive a new read response.
  • Note that issuing read addresses and receiving read responses must all be non-blocking so that they could function in parallel.
template <typename mmap_t, typename addr_t, typename data_t>
void async_mmap_read_to_array(
    tapa::async_mmap<mmap_t>& mem,
    data_t* array,
    addr_t base_addr,
    unsigned int count,
    unsigned int stride) {
  for (int i_req = 0, i_resp = 0; i_resp < count;) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1

    if (i_req < count &&
        mem.read_addr.try_write(base_addr + i_req * stride)) {
    if (!mem.read_data.empty()) {
        array[i_resp] =;

Example 3: Sequential Write into async_mmap from a FIFO

Compared to Example 2, this example is slightly more complicated because we are reading from a stream. Therefore, we need to additionally check if the stream/FIFO is empty before executing an operation.

Note that in this example, we don't actually need the data from the write_resp channel. Still, we need to dump the data from write_resp, otherwise the FIFO will become full and block further write operations.

template <typename mmap_t, typename stream_t, typename addr_t, typename count_t, typename stride_t>
void async_mmap_write_from_fifo(
    tapa::async_mmap<mmap_t>& mem,
    tapa::istream<stream_t>& fifo,
    addr_t base_addr,
    count_t count,
    stride_t stride) {
#pragma HLS inline

  for(int i_req = 0, i_resp = 0; i_resp < count;) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1

    // issue write requests
    if (i_req < count &&
        !fifo.empty() &&
        !mem.write_addr.full() &&
        !mem.write_data.full()) {
      mem.write_addr.try_write(base_addr + i_req * stride);

    // receive acks of write success
    if (!mem.write_resp.empty()) {
      i_resp += unsigned( + 1;

Example 4: Simultaneous Read and Write to async_mmap

This example reads from the external memory, increment the data by 1, then write to the same device in a fully pipelined fashion. This is also a pattern that can hardly be described when abstracting the memory as an array. A naive implementation like mem[i] = foo(mem[i]) in Vitis HLS will result in a low-performance implementation where there will only be one outstanding transaction (similar to the situation in Example 1).

void Copy(tapa::async_mmap<Elem>& mem, uint64_t n, uint64_t flags) {
  Elem elem;

  for (int64_t i_rd_req = 0, i_rd_resp = 0, i_wr_req = 0, i_wr_resp = 0;
       i_rd_resp < n || i_wr_resp < n;) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
    bool can_read = !mem.read_data.empty();
    bool can_write = !mem.write_addr.full() && !mem.write_data.full();

    int64_t read_addr = i_rd_req;
    int64_t write_addr = i_wr_req;

    if (i_rd_req < n && mem.read_addr.try_write(read_addr)) {

    if (can_read && can_write) {
      mem.write_data.write(elem + 1);


    if (!mem.write_resp.empty()) {
      i_wr_resp += + 1;