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Experiments on ImageNet-64 and FFHQ

The following figure shows the FID of our method (particle filtering) and baselines on ImageNet-64 and FFHQ using Restart sampler.

Below are the detailed steps to reproduce the results.

1) Prepare pre-trained score networks and classifier

  • Run the following script to download pre-trained score networks from EDM and classifier from guided_diffusion.
bash scripts/
  • The directory should contain the following files.
├── checkpoints
│   ├── pretrained_score/edm-imagenet-64x64-cond-adm.pkl
│   ├── pretrained_score/edm-ffhq-64x64-uncond-vp.pkl
│   ├── ADM_classifier/
├── ...

2) Generate samples

2.1) Generate samples

  • To generate 50k samples using our particle filtering method with Restart sampler on ImageNet, run:
python3 --network checkpoints/pretrained_score/edm-imagenet-64x64-cond-adm.pkl \
    --outdir samples/imagenet_restart_pf_4 --sampler restart --method pf --cond 1 \
    --discriminator_ckpt checkpoints/discriminator/ \
    --restart_info '18; {"0": [3, 1, 19.35, 40.79], "1": [4, 1, 1.09, 1.92], "2": [4, 4, 0.59, 1.09], "3": [4, 1, 0.30, 0.59], "4": [4, 4, 0.06, 0.30]}' \
    --S_churn 0.0 --S_min 0.01 --S_max 1.0 --S_noise 1.003 --num_particles 4 --seeds 0-199999 \
    --dg_weight_1st_order 0.0 --steps 64 --resample_inds -1

Some arguments are explained below:

--network: path to pre-trained score network
--outdir: directory to store generated images
--sampler: which diffusion sampler to use, choose from {restart, edm}
--method: which method to use for generation
    pf: particle filtering (ours)
    dg: discriminator guidance
    none: original sampler
--cond: is it class-conditioned generation? 1 for ImageNet and 0 for FFHQ
--discriminator_ckpt: path to pre-trained discriminator
--restart_info: configurations for Restart sampler
--num_particles: number of particles for each generation
--seeds: random seeds to use for generation. Should contain num_particles * 50k seeds
--steps: number of denoising steps. Only used for EDM sampler
--resample_inds: indices to do resampling. Only used for EDM sampler
--dg_weight_1st_order: discriminator guidance weight. Only used for dg method

The restart_info is in the format of $N_{\textrm{main}}; \lbrace i: [N_{\textrm{Restart}, i}, K_i, t_{\textrm{min}, i}, t_{\textrm{max}, i}]\rbrace_{i=1}^l$. Please refer to Table 8 in the paper for details. Please refer to Table 7 for values of steps and resample_inds.

To accelerate generation, seeds can be partitioned into multiple chunks and run parallel on multiple GPUs.

2.2) Select the best image

  • After generating num_particles * 50k images, run the following code to select the best image among num_particles particles based on the discriminator.
python --indir samples/imagenet_restart_pf_4 --outdir samples/imagenet_restart_pf_4/best --best_of_n 4

--indir: directory that stores generated images. This should be outdir in step 2.1
--outdir: directory to store select images
--best_of_n: how many images to select from. This should equal num_particles in step 2.1

2.3) Running scripts

  • We provide the scripts to run our method, discriminator select, and discriminator guidance in scripts/, scripts/, and scripts/ respectively.
  • For particle filtering, scripts/ takes three arguments:
$1: dataset name, choose from {imagenet, ffhq}
$2: diffusion sampler, choose from {restart, edm}
$3: number of particles
  • For discriminator select, scripts/ takes the same three arguments:
$1: dataset name, choose from {imagenet, ffhq}
$2: diffusion sampler, choose from {restart, edm}
$3: number of particles
  • For discriminator guidance, scripts/ takes three arguments:
$1: dataset name, choose from {imagenet, ffhq}
$2: diffusion sampler, choose from {restart, edm}
$3: restart configuration index (for Restart sampler), or number of steps (for EDM sampler)

To get the results in the paper, for ImageNet and Restart sampler, use $3 in one of 2,3,4,5,6, for ImageNet and EDM sampler, use $3 in 64,128,256,384, for FFHQ and Restart sampler, use $3 in 0,1,2,3, for FFHQ and EDM sampler, use $3 in 32,64,128,200.

3) Evaluate FID

  • The statistics files from EDM are already downloaded in step 1.
  • The directory should contain the following files.
├── stats
│   ├── ffhq-64x64.npz
│   ├── imagenet-64x64.npz
├── ...
  • To calculate FID, run:
python3 --images=samples/imagenet_restart_pf_4/best --ref=stats/imagenet-64x64.npz --num_samples=50000

--images: directory that stores the selected images from step 2.2
--ref: reference file, choose from {stats/imagenet-64x64.npz, stats/ffhq-64x64.npz}