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executable file
67 lines (46 loc) · 1.32 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
67 lines (46 loc) · 1.32 KB


This repository contains the front end which is created using Angular. The server is made in Node.js express. See respective READMEs for more details.

Development Environment

Install pre-commit using the following:


pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install


brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Deploying to the server

SSH into the IP:

ssh root@<server_ip_address>

Refer to current manager for the server password.

cd Epsilon-Telemetry-Server

git pull and/or checkout to branch you want to deploy.

For Database or Server Side changes

cd server

Server should first be killed. Find the server process with:

pgrep node
kill <server_process_pid>

To remake the database:

sudo -u postgres dropdb epsilontelemetrydb
sudo -u postgres createdb epsilontelemetrydb
sudo -u postgres psql epsilontelemetrydb < migrate.psql

Start the server with:

nohup npm run start >/dev/null &

End your ssh session with exit, otherwise the server will stop running.

For front end changes

cd web-app
ng build --prod

After this step you should have a dist folder in your repository.

Copy the contents of the dist folder to /var/www/html/ so that the apache server will update the site

cp dist/* /var/www/html/ -rf