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Packages and isolated environments

Julia packages and environments

  • Julia packages broaden the use of Julia considerably!
  • Instead of writing code yourself there may be others that have done the same!
  • Isolated environments solve a couple of problems:

    • You can install specific, also older, versions into them.
    • You can create one for each project and no problem if the two projects require different versions.
    • You can remove the environment and create a new one, if not needed or with errors.
  • How to install packages?
  • How to work with isolated environments?
  • How to check for and use the UPPMAX pre-installed packages?
  • Give a general theoretical introduction to isolated environments
  • Show how to install own packages
  • Show how to check for Julia packages at UPPMAX
  • Before going into installing packages let's have a background to the Julia environments and ecosystem!

In the Python's lesson on environments, we saw that there are different ways to deal with isolated environments in this language, for instance, conda and pip. This situation is simplified in Julia (if you are working with Julia code only) because environments are managed by Julia itself. Julia distinguishes between project environments and package directories ( In the former, only the Tom's Obvious Minimal Language (TOML) files (Project.toml, Manifest.toml) are present while in the latter also source files are included with some specific layout.

Packages are imported or loaded by the commands import and using, respectively. The difference is briefly:

To use "module" functions, use import <module> to import the "module", and Module.fn(x) to use the functions. Alternatively, using <Module will import all exported Module functions into the current namespace, i.e. Module.fn(x) becomes fn(x).

If you have started Julia previously, you will get the folders like this in the ~/.julia folder.

$ tree .julia/ -d -L 1
├── artifacts
├── bin
├── compiled
├── conda
├── environments
├── logs
├── packages
├── prefs
├── registries
└── scratchspaces

Packages in Julia work as decentralized units which can be connected through their universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) in the so-called federated package management. The active environments can be seen with the command:

3-element Vector{String}:

where @ is the current environment, @v#.# is the default environment for the Julia version that is being in use, and @stdlib is the standard library. At UPPMAX the central environment adds to the list with the element:


Thus, by default in addition to the current environment other environments are present which can potentially create conflicts for reproducibility if you are not aware of what Julia is doing under the hood. Later on, we will see possible strategies to avoid this situation.

In a fresh Julia installation, we can see the following project information:

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.project()
Pkg.API.ProjectInfo(nothing, nothing, nothing, false, Dict{String, Base.UUID}(), "/pfs/stor10/users/home/p/pojedama/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml")

Here, we can see among other things that nothing (any package) has been added to project, the UUID of the project, and the location of the .toml file. Let's install a package DFTK, for instance, that performs Density Functional Theory routines (

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("DFTK")
        Info Packages marked with ⌅ have new versions available but compatibility constraints restrict them from upgrading. To see why use `status --outdated -m`
Precompiling project...
104 dependencies successfully precompiled in 43 seconds

Now, the project information tells us about the recently installed package:

julia> Pkg.project()
Pkg.API.ProjectInfo(nothing, nothing, nothing, false, Dict{String, Base.UUID}("DFTK" => UUID("acf6eb54-70d9-11e9-0013-234b7a5f5337")), "/pfs/stor10/users/home/p/pojedama/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml")

Create a project environment

Let's now create a project environment, this can be done as follows (if typing along, you have to change the path to your environment, like /proj/py-r-jl/$USER/julia on rackham):

julia> using Pkg
shell> mkdir my-first-env
shell> cd my-first-env
shell> #type backspace#
julia> ]  
(v1.8) pkg> activate . 
   Activating new project at `/pfs/proj/nobackup/path/Julia-Test/my-first-env`
(my-first-env) pkg> #type backspace
julia> ;
shell> ls  

We can see that our environment in parenthesis has been activated. At this stage nothing has been added in the folder my-first-env as you can see from the empty output of the ls command. Notice that now that we are in this new environment, the default and standard library environments are also present as before:

julia> LOAD_PATH
3-element Vector{String}:

This can be confirmed if we try to load the DFTK package that we installed previously as the command using DFTK will execute without any complaints. If we install the DFTK package we will notice some differences w.r.t. the previous installation:

(my-first-env) pkg> add DFTK 
Resolving package versions...
Updating `/pfs/proj/nobackup/path/Julia-Test/my-first-env/Project.toml`
[acf6eb54] + DFTK v0.6.2
 Updating `/pfs/proj/nobackup/path/Julia-Test/my-first-env/Manifest.toml`

First, we notice that installation was much faster than before. This is because Pkg did not do a new installation but it just updated our environment with information of the available DFTK package. Specifically, if you take a look at the content of the current directory you will see the new files Project.toml and Manifest.toml, the more command can display the content of these files:

shell> ls
Manifest.toml  Project.toml

shell> more Project.toml 
DFTK = "acf6eb54-70d9-11e9-0013-234b7a5f5337"

shell> more Manifest.toml
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised

julia_version = "1.8.5"
manifest_format = "2.0"
project_hash = "48bbaa26b07ee1ca85ad746dc9b2f772ba10b675"

deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "LinearAlgebra"]
git-tree-sha1 = "69f7020bd72f069c219b5e8c236c1fa90d2cb409"
uuid = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c"
version = "1.2.1"

deps = ["LinearAlgebra"]
git-tree-sha1 = "195c5505521008abea5aee4f96930717958eac6f"
uuid = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e"
version = "3.4.0"


Here, we notice that the Project.toml only gives us the UUID of the project while the Manifest.toml file contains the full information about the dependencies versions and organization layout. Notice the message regarding editing for the latter. Let's leave this environment:

(my-first-env) pkg> activate 
    Activating project at `~/.julia/environments/v1.8`

(v1.8) pkg> 

Once you have created an environment, it can be activated in several manners. The one we saw before is by activating it in package mode with the command activate .. You may also be able to activate the environment inside the Julia script by calling these lines in your .jl file:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate(".")

Besides the previous two options for activating an environment, you can also activate it on the Linux command line (assuming that you are located in the environment directory):

$ julia --project=. 

Create a package environment

A package environment can be created by using the generate function in package mode or Pkg.generate() in Julian mode:

(v1.8) pkg> generate myfirstpackage 
  Generating  project myfirstpackage:

In contrast to the project environment, the package environment has a default file structure, see for instance the src directory that is created. One can activate this environment in the following way:

shell> cd myfirstpackage 
(v1.8) pkg> activate . 
Activating project at `/pfs/proj/nobackup/path/Julia-Test/my-first-env/myfirstpackage`
(myfirstpackage) pkg> 

The project function tells us that the current project has an UUID assigned to it:

julia> Pkg.project()
Pkg.API.ProjectInfo("myfirstpackage", UUID("ca799254-944c-4043-b9e3-b70b93409f34"), v"0.1.0", true, Dict{String, Base.UUID}(), "/pfs/proj/nobackup/path/Julia-Test/my-first-env/myfirstpackage/Project.toml")

As in the project environment, the package environment can see the default and the standard library environments.

Let's add the package Flux for Machine Learning routines:

(myfirstpackage) pkg> add Flux
  Precompiling project...
  49 dependencies successfully precompiled in 92 seconds. 43 already precompiled.
(myfirstpackage) pkg> status
  Project myfirstpackage v0.1.0
  Status `/pfs/proj/nobackup/path/Julia-Test/my-first-env/myfirstpackage/Project.toml`
  [587475ba] Flux v0.13.11

where the status function tells us information about the packages that are installed in the current environment, for instance the Flux version that we just installed.

Customizing the set of visible environments

We saw previously that by default some environments are visible to new environments. One can customize this setting with the variable JULIA_LOAD_PATH, this can be done on the Linux command line:

$ export JULIA_LOAD_PATH="path1:path2:..."

For instance, for including just the current environment we can set the value of this variable as:

$ export JULIA_LOAD_PATH="@"

Then, when we start a Julia session the default option will be the current environment:

julia> LOAD_PATH
1-element Vector{String}:

One can also modify the LOAD_PATH directly on the julian prompt with the following functions:

julia> empty!(LOAD_PATH)        # this will clean out the path
julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, "@")    # it will add the current environment

Environment stacks

As we saw before, LOAD_PATH shows that environments can be stacked and we can place the environments we want in the path so that they are visible in our current environment. To illustrate this concept, let's create a second environment and first we can remove the content of LOAD_PATH (which path will be different for you):

julia> empty!(LOAD_PATH)
shell> pwd

shell> mkdir my-second-env

shell> cd my-second-env
pkg> activate .

If we try to use the DFTK package we will see the error message:

julia> using DFTK
   │ Package DFTK not found, but a package named DFTK is available from a registry. 
   │ Install package?
   │   (my-second-env) pkg> add DFTK 
   └ (y/n/o) [y]: n
    ERROR: ArgumentError: Package DFTK not found in current path.

If you remember this package was installed in the first environment (my-first-env). In order to make this package available in our second environment we can push the corresponding folder's path to LOAD_PATH:

julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, "/pfs/proj/nobackup/path/Julia-Test/my-first-env/")
   1-element Vector{String}:

julia> using DFTK

and now the package can be loaded from the first environment without errors.

UPPMAX Central library

Please notice

  • At UPPMAX there is a central library with installed packages.
  • This is good, especially when working on Bianca, since you don't need to install via the Wharf.
  • If you work on Rackham you can actually ignore it and do all installations by yourself. The reason is that you need some more steps.
  • You may control the present "central library" by typing ml help julia/<version> in the BASH shell.
  • A possibly more up-to-date status can be found from the Julia shell:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate(DEPOT_PATH[2]*"/environments/v1.8");     #change version (1.8) accordingly if you have another main version of Julia
julia> Pkg.status()
julia> Pkg.activate(DEPOT_PATH[1]*"/environments/v1.8");     #to return to user library

A selection of the Julia packages and libraries installed on UPPMAX and HPC2N are:


The Julia application at UPPMAX comes with several preinstalled packages. A selection of the Julia packages and libraries installed on UPPMAX are:

  • BenchmarkTools
  • CSV
  • CUDA
  • MPI
  • Distributed
  • IJulia
  • Plots
  • PyPlot
  • Gadfly
  • DataFrames
  • DistributedArrays
  • PlotlyJS


The Julia versions installed at HPC2N include only the Base and Standard library modules.


  1. Project environment

Create a project environment called new-env and activate it. Then, install the package CSV in this environment. For your knowledge, CSV is a package that offers tools for dealing with .csv files. After this, check that this package was installed. Finally, deactivate the environment.

Solution for both centres

shell> mkdir new-env
shell> cd new-env
(@v1.8) pkg> activate .
      Activating new project at `path-to-folder\new-env`
(new-env) pkg> add CSV
(new-env) pkg> status
      Status `path-to-folder\new-env\Project.toml`
      [336ed68f] CSV v0.10.9
(new-env) pkg> activate 
  1. Package environment

Create a package environment called new_pack and activate it. Then, install the package CSV in this environment. For your knowledge, CSV is a package that offers tools for dealing with .csv files. After this, check that this package was installed. Finally, deactivate the environment.

Solution for both centres

shell> pwd            #Check were you are currently located
(@v1.8) pkg> generate new_pack
     Generating  project new_pack:
shell> cd new_pack
(@v1.8) pkg> activate .
       Activating project at `path-to-folder\new_pack`
(new_pack) pkg> add CSV 
(new_pack) pkg> status
       Project new_pack v0.1.0
       Status `path-to-folder\new_pack\Project.toml`
       [336ed68f] CSV v0.10.9
(new_pack) pkg> activate
  • Installation of Julia packages can be done with Julia package manager.
  • You install packages with the add command
  • With a virtual environment you can tailor an environment with specific versions for Julia and packages, not interfering with other installed Julia versions and packages.
  • Make it for each project you have for reproducibility.
  • The environments in Julia are lightweight so it is recommended to start a new environment for each project that you are developing.
  • Environments in Julia created by Julia itself so third party software are not required.
  • You can check for centrally installed packages at UPPMAX
    • from the Julia shell
    • from BASH shell with ml help julia/1.8.5