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Aegis, a word that is derived from Greek mythology is defined as protection, backing, or support to an individual person or organization. Similarly, Aegis is a programming language that aims to support the user and their experience with the langauge. With hints of Java, Aegis was designed to be statically a typed language with a more basic and simpler to understand structure, such as structuring the language to be similar to pseudo-code as well as replacing curly braces with colons for scope limitations. Aegis seeks to improve code functionality while honing in on code readability!


Aegis {
  Program         = classKey id ":" ClassBody* endKey                                --declare
  ClassBody       = Declaration
                  | Statement
  Declaration     = VarDec ";"                                                       --var
                  | FunDec                                                           --func
  VarDec          = TypeExp Assignment                                               --initialize
                  | TypeExp id                                                       --declare
                  | FunCall                                                          --funCall              
  Assignment      = id "{" Comparand "}" "=" Exp                                     --array
                  | id addKey "[" Exp "][" Exp "]"                                   --dictAdd
                  | id "=" FunCall                                                   --funCall
                  | id "=" Exp                                                       --assign
  FunDec          = id "(" ListOf<Param, ","> ")" TypeExp ":" Body endKey            --declare
  Param           = TypeExp id                                                       --single
  Body            = Statement*
  Statement       = Conditional 
                  | DoLoop
                  | Loop
                  | Assignment ";"                                                   --assign       
                  | returnKey Exp ";"                                                --return
                  | printKey "(" Exp ")" ";"                                         --print
                  | Declaration
                  | Exp ";"                                                          --expLine
  FunCall         = id "(" ListOf<Exp, ","> ")"                                      --call
  Exp             = Exp (logicop Formula)*                                           --logic
                  | Formula
  Formula         = Formula (compareOp Comparand)*                                   --compare
                  | Comparand
  Comparand       = Comparand (addop Term)*                                          --arithmetic
                  | Term
  Term            = Term (multop Factor)*                                            --multiOp
                  | Factor
  Factor          = Factor (exponentop Primary)*                                     --exponent
                  | Primary                                                        
  Primary         = Primary crementOp                                                --postfix
                  | crementOp Primary                                                --prefix
                  | negateOp Primary                                                 --negate
                  | FunCall
                  | "{" ListOf<Exp, ","> "}"                                         --arrayLiteral
                  | id "{" Comparand "}"                                             --accessArray
                  | id getKey "[" Exp "]"                                            --getDictionary
                  | "(" Exp ")"                                                      --parens
                  | id                                                               --id
                  | literal                                                          --literal
  Conditional     = If ElseIf* Else? endKey               
  If              = "IF" "(" Exp ")" ":" Body                
  ElseIf          = "ELSEIF" "(" Exp ")" ":" Body         
  Else            = "ELSE" ":" Body                          
  DoLoop          = "DO" "(" Assignment "," Exp "," Exp ")" ":" Body endKey          --assign
                  | "DO" "(" VarDec "," Exp "," Exp ")" ":" Body endKey              --declare
  Loop            = "LOOP" "(" Exp ")" ":" Body endKey                               --statement
  int             = digit+
  decimal         = digit+ ("." digit+)
  negative        = "-" (int | decimal)
  true            = "TRUE" ~alnum
  false           = "FALSE" ~alnum
  char            = alnum
                  | space
  stringLiteral   = "\"" char* "\""
  literal         = negative | decimal | int | true | false | stringLiteral
  logicop         = "&" | "|"
  compareOp       = "==" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=" | "<" | ">" 
  negateOp        = "!"
  addop           = "+" | "-" 
  multop          = "*" | "/" | moduloKey
  exponentop      = "**"
  crementOp       = "++" | "--"
  numType         = "NUM"
  decimalType     = "DECI"
  booleanType     = "BOOL"
  charsType       = "CHARS"
  voidType        = "VOID"
  TypeExp         = TypeExp "{" "}"                                                  --array
                  | "[" TypeExp "]" "[" TypeExp "]"                                  --dictionary
                  | numType                                                          --numType
                  | decimalType                                                      --deciType
                  | booleanType                                                      --boolType
                  | charsType                                                        --charsType
                  | voidType                                                         --voidType
  moduloKey       = "MOD"
  conditionalKey  = "IF" | "ELSE" | "ELSEIF"
  loopKey         = "LOOP" | "DO"
  printKey        = "OUTPUT"
  endKey          = "END"
  returnKey       = "RETURN"
  classKey        = "CLASS"
  addKey          = "ADD"
  getKey          = "GET"
  keyword         = conditionalKey
                  | loopKey
                  | printKey
                  | endKey
                  | returnKey
                  | moduloKey
                  | classKey
                  | true
                  | false
                  | numType
                  | decimalType
                  | booleanType
                  | charsType
                  | voidType
                  | addKey
                  | getKey
  id              = ~keyword letter alnum*
  space          += "##" (~"\n" any)* ("\n" | end)                                   --singleLineComment
                  | "#*" (~"*#" any)* ("*#" | end)                                   --multiLineComment



Java Ageis
+ +
- -
* *
/ /
Math.pow() **

Increment / Decrement

Java Aegis
var++ var++
var-- var--
++var ++var
--var --var


Java Ageis
|| |
&& &
! !

Compare Logic

Java Ageis
== ==
!= !=
< <
<= <=
> >
>= >=


Java Ageis
while LOOP
for DO


Java Ageis
if...else IF...ELSE
else if IFELSE

Statically Typed

Java Ageis
int NUM
double DECI
boolean BOOL
String CHARS


Java Ageis
// ##
/* */ #* *#

Data Structures

Java Ageis
double[] array DECI array{index}
Map<Integer, String> map[NUM][chars]

Function Declarations

Java Ageis
public static void main(String[] args){...} main(CHARS{} args):...END
public int addOne(int x){ return ++x;} addOne(NUM x) NUM: RETURN ++x; END

Example Programs

Hello World!

Java Ageis
System.out.println("Hello world"); OUTPUT("Hello world");

Assignment Operation

Java Ageis
int x = 3 * y; NUM x = 3 * y;
double y = 3.14; DECI y = 3.14;
boolean condition = true; BOOL condition = TRUE;
String name = "Hello, World!"; CHARS name = "Hello, World!";
char character = 'c'; CHARS character = 'c';


Java Ageis
for(int i = 0; i < max, i++){...} DO(NUM i = 0, i < max, i++):...END
while(bool){...} LOOP(BOOL):...END


Java Ageis
if(boolean){...} IF(BOOL):... END
if(boolean){...}else{...} IF(BOOL):...ELSE:...END
if(boolean){...}else if{...}else{..} IF(BOOL):...IFELSE:...ELSE:...END


Java Ageis
(X && Y) (X & Y)
(X||Y) (X|Y)
(!X) (!X)
X == Y X==Y
X!=Y X!=Y
X<=Y X<=Y

Function Declarations

Java Ageis
public static void main(String[] args){...} main(CHARS{} args):...END
AccessModifier static returnType name(paramList){...} name(paramList) returnType:...END

Data Structures

Java Ageis
int[] arr = {1, 3, 2}; NUM{} array=[1,3,2];
int arr[3]; NUM array{3};
Map<Integer, String> myMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); myMap[NUM][chars];
myMap.put(1, “SomeString”); myMap ADD[1][“somestring”];
myMap.get(1); myMap GET[1];


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