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23 lines (19 loc) · 1.29 KB

File metadata and controls

23 lines (19 loc) · 1.29 KB



Name Type Description Notes
cost_if_specified float Cost if specified [optional]
cost_per_letter float Cost per letter [optional]
cost_per_line float Cost per line [optional]
ignore_if_default bool Ignore this option on the order if the default value is selected [optional]
label string Label [optional]
label_translated_text_instance_oid int Label translated text instance ID [optional]
name string Name [optional]
name_translated_text_instance_oid int Name translated text instance ID [optional]
one_time_fee bool One time fee [optional]
option_oid int Option object identifier [optional]
required bool True if the customer is required to specify an answer [optional]
system_option bool True if this is a system option [optional]
type string Type of option [optional]
values \ultracart\v2\models\ItemOptionValue[] Values [optional]

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