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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 13, 2023. It is now read-only.

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248 lines (178 loc) · 8.01 KB

File metadata and controls

248 lines (178 loc) · 8.01 KB



This project allows interaction with Mojang API using Kotlin and coroutine.


We have chosen to use Kotlin to simplify our codes, learn the language and take advantage of coroutines for the I/O operations.

Gradle is used to manage dependencies because he's the more friendly with Kotlin.

The project is compiled to :

See Multiplatform documentation


Replace {version} with the latest version number on Maven central.


Gradle (groovy)

repositories {

dependencies {
  // for jvm environment
  // for js environment
  // for native environment

Gradle (kotlin)

repositories {

dependencies {
  // for jvm environment
  // for js environment
  // for native environment


  <!-- for jvm environment -->
  <!-- for js environment -->
  <!-- for native environment -->


The Mojang API Implementation allows you to easily interact with API. You just need to define a Http client from Ktor.

import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.engine.cio.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import io.github.universeproject.kotlinmojangapi.MojangAPI
import io.github.universeproject.kotlinmojangapi.MojangAPIImpl

suspend fun main() {
    // We advise to ignore unknown keys in case of api change
    val json = Json {
        ignoreUnknownKeys = true

    // You can use another engine (other than CIO) for your http client
    val httpClient = HttpClient(CIO) {
        // Necessary to transform the response from api to a data object
        install(ContentNegotiation) {

    val mojangApi: MojangAPI = MojangAPIImpl(httpClient)
    // you can interact with Mojang api


This section is dedicated to the maintainers of the project.


To build the project, you need to use the gradle app (gradlew.bat for windows and gradlew for linux). gradlew is a wrapper to run gradle command without install it on your computer.

gradlew build


The tests are created using Kotlin test. To simplify the conception of tests, some common tests are placed in JVM test module.

Run tests

gradlew allTests


Create tag

When you make change on the projet, you need to create a release of the main branch.

Firstly, you need to create a specific tag version.

A gradle plugin is used to simplify this operation. Basically, you can check the official documentation, but you only need to make this following commands.

To keep coherence, you need to check the last version release for the project.

gradle release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true -Prelease.releaseVersion=<version to release>

For example, if the latest version is 1.2.1, you can create the next release tag using :

# Patch release
gradle release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true -Prelease.releaseVersion=1.2.2 -Prelease.newVersion=1.2.3-SNAPSHOT

# Minor release
gradle release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true -Prelease.releaseVersion=1.3.0 -Prelease.newVersion=1.3.1-SNAPSHOT

# Major release
gradle release -Prelease.useAutomaticVersion=true -Prelease.releaseVersion=2.0.0 -Prelease.newVersion=2.0.1-SNAPSHOT

For the convention, you can check this link.

After these commands, several commits has been made on main branch and a new tag was created.

At this moment, no artifact is published in repository.

Create release

Credentials (if necessary)

If you need new credentials to publish in repository, you need to follow this tutorial :

  • You need me to add you as publisher of the repository in Sonatype issues
    • Create an account
    • Ask me to add you in the publishers list
  • Generate a Gpg key pair
  • When you get the permission, you can check in the Sonatype staging if you can log in and see artifacts.
  • Generate Access User Token for security
  • You can publish in repository artifact !


To publish the artifacts, you need to create a release on the GitHub repository. When you create your release, select your created tag and explain all changes.

When the release is published, automatically, the CI/CD will try to create and publish in the artifact repository.

The CI/CD uses GitHub Secret to publish in artifact repository, so you may need to replace the current secret of the GitHub repository.


If, for X reason, you want to publish the artifact yourself, you need to define several environment variable using by gradle script :

  • REPOSITORY_USERNAME (Access User Token username)
  • REPOSITORY_PASSWORD (Access User Token password)
  • SIGNING_KEY (Gpg private key)
# Export your private key in the file privatekey.key
# replace <keyid> by you gpg key id
gpg --export-secret-keys -a <keyid> > privatekey.key
  • SIGNING_PASSWORD (Gpg password)

After defining the variables, you can run one the following commands :

Manual close

Manual close action allows to verify in the Sonatype staging repository if all files are correctly published.

gradle publishToSentry

You can check if the artifact is correctly in Sonatype staging repository. If he's present, you can close to trigger the check by repository and if all is good, you can release to publish the artifact in production.

Automatic close

This following command allows to publish, close instantly the artifact to trigger checks and finally release it.

gradle publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository