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Lab 3

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Getting Started with App Engine


In this hands-on Lab, we create and deploy a simple App Engine application using Googl Cloud shell

The Following Tasks will be performend to achieve above objectives

  • Intialize App Engine

  • Preview an App Engine application running locally in Cloud Shell

  • Deploy an App Engine application for that others can reahc it

  • Disable an App Engine application when you nolonger need it.


Task 1 - Initialize App engine

  1. In the Cloud Shell, Initialize App Engine with your project and Choose a region

    gcloud app create --project=$DEVSHELl_PROJECT_ID

    when prompted, select the region in the Lab such as us-central1

  2. Clone the source for sample application in the hello_world directory

    git clone

  3. navigate to the source directory

    cd python-docs-samples/appengine/standard_python3/hello_world

Task 2 - Run Hello World Application locally

  1. At the Cloud Shell Prompt, run this command:

    audo apt-get update

  2. Setup environment in which to run the application using python virtual environments

    sudo apgt-get install virtualenv

    if prompted [Y/n], press Y and then Enter

    virtualenv -p python3 venv

  3. Activate th enew virtual environment like this

    source venv/bin/activate

  4. Install dependencies; this must be done within your project directory

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Run the Application


    Ignore any warnings

  6. Preview the Application by Clicking on Web Preview > Preview on port 8080

    To access Web Preview icon, collapse the navigation menu

  7. End the Test by typing Ctrl+C in the Cloud Shell.

  8. Notic that in the Cloud Console Dashboard, no application is deployed.

Task 3 - Deploy and run Hello World on App Engine

  1. Naviagte to source directory

cd ~/python-docs-samples/appengine/standard_python3/hello_world

  1. deploy the Application

    gcloud app deploy

    Incase you are prompted, Press Y then Enter

  2. Launch Browser to preview App at

    gcloud app browser

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the actual project ID in your Cloud Shell

4.Copy and paste the url into a browser window to view App Content.

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Task 4 - Disable App Engine
