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(resolution) wontfix
(resolution) wontfix
This will not be worked on
(status) can't reproduce
(status) can't reproduce
(status) help wanted
(status) help wanted
Extra attention is needed
(status) need confirm
(status) need confirm
(status) need debug log
(status) need debug log
(status) need more info
(status) need more info
Further information or debug log is requested
(status) need reproduce/test
(status) need reproduce/test
(status) wanted
(status) wanted
Recurring topic
(type) cheat/bypass/exploit
(type) cheat/bypass/exploit
Bypass / cheat not covered by existing checks
(type) documentation
(type) documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
(type) enhancement/feature
(type) enhancement/feature
New feature or request
(type) error
(type) error
(type) false positive
(type) false positive
(type) info/question
(type) info/question
(type) performance
(type) performance
Performance-related issue