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A number of contracts to issue license. (c) Urs Zeidler

contract: LicenseManager

function changePaymentAddress(address _newPaymentAdress) public  onlyOwner 
function createIssuerContract(string itemName,string textHash,string url,uint lifeTime,uint price) public  onlyOwner 
function stopIssuing(uint licenseId) public  onlyOwner 
function changePaymentAddress(address _newPaymentAddress,uint licenseId) public  onlyOwner 

The licensmanager creates an issuer contract and holds the payment address.

LicenseManager properties

name type visiblity delegate doc
owner address public
paymentAddress address private
issuerName string public
contractCount uint public

LicenseManager mappings

name type mapsTo visiblity doc
contracts uint LicenseIssuer public -

LicenseManager.changePaymentAddress(address _newPaymentAdress) public onlyOwner

Change the address which receive the payment for an issued license. Only new issued licenses are affected.

name type direction doc
_newPaymentAdress address in

LicenseManager.createIssuerContract(string itemName,string textHash,string url,uint lifeTime,uint price) public onlyOwner

Create a new licenseissuer contract. The price is in finney.

name type direction doc
itemName string in
textHash string in
url string in
lifeTime uint in
price uint in

LicenseManager.stopIssuing(uint licenseId) public onlyOwner

Stopps the licence issuer from issue any more licences.

name type direction doc
licenseId uint in

LicenseManager.changePaymentAddress(address _newPaymentAddress,uint licenseId) public onlyOwner

Change the address which receive the payment for an issued license for a specific license issuer.

name type direction doc
_newPaymentAddress address in
licenseId uint in

contract: LicenseIssuer

function checkLicense(bytes32 factHash,uint8 v,bytes32 sig_r,bytes32 sig_s) public  returns (bool )
function checkLicense(address _address) public   constant returns (bool )
function changePaymentAddress(address _newPaymentAddress) public  onlyLicenseManager 
function stopIssuing() public  onlyLicenseManager 
function buyLicense(address _address,string _name) public  onlyExactAmount 

The license issuer is a contract containing the description of a particluar license. It grands a license to an address by reciving the fund and holds a register of the issued licenses.


LicenseIssuer properties

name type visiblity delegate doc
licensedItemName string public
licenseTextHash string public
licenseUrl string public
licencePrice uint public
licenseLifetime uint public
licenseCount uint public
issuable bool public
paymentAddress address private
licenseManager address public The address which manange the contract.

LicenseIssuer mappings

name type mapsTo visiblity doc
issuedLicenses uint IssuedLicense public licenseOwners

LicenseIssuer.checkLicense(bytes32 factHash,uint8 v,bytes32 sig_r,bytes32 sig_s) public returns (bool )

Check the liceses by a given signature.

name type direction doc
factHash bytes32 in
v uint8 in
sig_r bytes32 in
sig_s bytes32 in
bool return

LicenseIssuer.checkLicense(address _address) public constant returns (bool )

Simply lookup the license and check if it is still valid.

name type direction doc
_address address in
bool return

LicenseIssuer.changePaymentAddress(address _newPaymentAddress) public onlyLicenseManager

Change the payment address.

name type direction doc
_newPaymentAddress address in

LicenseIssuer.stopIssuing() public onlyLicenseManager

Stop accecpting buying a license.

LicenseIssuer.buyLicense(address _address,string _name) public onlyExactAmount

Issue a license for the item by sending the address data and the amount of money.

name type direction doc
_address address in
_name string in

event LicenseIssued

name type indexed doc
ownerAddress address
name string
succesful bool