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Bret Morris edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 6 revisions

A statically generated website starter kit using Next.js and Prismic CMS

It's highly suggested that you read through the Next and Prismic documentation below before starting a project if you are not familiar with these services:

Table of contents

  • How to use
  • UA5 conventions
    • Branch naming

How to use

Create a new GitHub repo based off this generator

Use this Template



Create an account and a repository

First, create an account on Prismic.

After creating an account, create a repository from the dashboard and assign to it any name of your liking.

Create a page and header type

From the repository page, create two new custom types:

  • page (repeatable)
  • header (single)

Copy the JSON in types/page.json and types/header.json](types/header.json), then click on JSON editor and paste it there.

Save the types and continue.

Populate Content

Go to the Content page, it's in the menu at the top left, then click on Create new and select the page type:

  • You just need 1 page document.
  • Use dummy data for the metadata.
  • Make sure to specify a slug. It should include a starting and trailing slash (e.g. /example/post/)

Do the same for the header content type

Important: For each document, you need to click Publish after saving. If not, the document will be in the draft state.

Set up Preview

On your repository page, go to Settings, click on Previews and then Create a New Preview for development, fill the form like so:

  • Site Name: may be anything, like development
  • Domain of Your Application: http://localhost:3000
  • Link Resolver: /api/preview

Once saved, go to one of the posts you've created and:

  • Update the meta_title. For example, you can add [Draft] in front of the meta_title.
  • Click Save, but DO NOT click Publish. By doing this, the post will be in draft state.
  • Right next to the Publish button you should see the Preview button, displayed with an eye icon. Click on it!

You should now be able to see the updated title. To exit preview mode, you can click on Click here to exit preview mode at the top of the page.


Set up environment variables

Follow the instructions in this post to generate a new access token.

Next, copy the .env.local.example file in this directory to .env.local (which will be ignored by Git):

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Then set each variable on .env.local:

  • PRISMIC_API_TOKEN should be the Permanent access token you just created
  • PRISMIC_REPOSITORY_NAME is the name of your repository (the one in the URL)
  • PRISMIC_REPOSITORY_LOCALE is the locale of your repository. Defaults to en-us
  • PRISMIC_HOME_ID is the Prismic ID for the index page

Your .env.local file should look like this:


Make sure the locale matches your settings in the Prismic dashboard.

Install deps, run development server

yarn install
yarn dev

Your site should be up and running on http://localhost:3000!

Google Analytics

  • Go into /lib/analytics.js and update the GA_TRACKING_ID
  • Make sure the environment variable NODE_ENV is set to production on the production server (no tracking happening in development by default)
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