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Detect and Remove cycle from Linked List


Given a list with a loop:


Write a function to detect and remove the loop. Use Linked List implemented here.


Tip: list is singly linked (loop can go only from the last node).

Cycle detection

There are multiple solutions: the most effective is to go with slow and fast pointer until they meet each other. slow step indicates taking next() from current step and fast step indicate taking next()->next() from current step.

Cycle removal

Removing is based on calculating a length of the loop and moving from the head to start of the loop. Calculating a length can be done by incrementing a flag, or by moving a head pointer.

This implementation contains a few template functions that work with template class LinkedList. make helps generate main and test binaries to run tests or interactive main program.


  • make build
  • make run
  • make test
  • make clean