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wx-config for Windows

Option as WXCFG=gcc492-x64_dll/mswu is now allowed. This make life much easier if wxWidgets is compiled, in parallel with different compilers.



The original implementation had always hard coded gcc_dll_\mswu

// Name:        wx-config[-win]
// Purpose:     A wx-config implementation for MinGW/DMars/VC
// Author:      Takeshi Miya <takeshimiya at gmail dot com>
// Created:     2006-03-23
// Copyright:   (c) Takeshi Miya
// Licence:     wxWidgets licence
// First Source:
// $URL: $
// Second Source:
// $URL: $
// Current Version:
// $URL: $
// Modified:

wx-config is a tiny implementation of wx-config for Windows compilers.

wx-config is a helper tool used when compiling applications that makes use of the wxWidgets library. It helps you insert the correct compiler options on the command line so an application can use g++ -o test.exe test.cpp wx-config --libs --cflags for instance, rather than hard-coding values on where to find wxWidgets and it's configurations (monolithic, debug, unicode, wxuniversal, etc).

Note that backticks is a property of the shell or the build system used. Fortunately the Code::Blocks IDE supports backticks natively on windows. For other Windows IDEs and build systems there are workarounds, commonly using "response files".

  Usage: wx-config [options]
  --prefix[=DIR]              Path of the wxWidgets installation (ie. C:/wxWidgets2.6.3)
  --wxcfg[=DIR]               Relative path of the build.cfg file (ie. gcc_dll/mswud)
  --cflags                    Outputs all pre-processor and compiler flags.
  --cxxflags                  Same as --cflags but for C++.
  --rcflags                   Outputs all resource compiler flags. [UNTESTED]
  --libs                      Outputs all linker flags.

  --debug[=yes|no]            Uses a debug configuration if found.
  --unicode[=yes|no]          Uses an unicode configuration if found.
  --static[=yes|no]           Uses a static configuration if found.
  --universal[=yes|no]        Uses an universal configuration if found.
  --compiler[=gcc,dmc,vc]     Selects the compiler.
  --release                   Outputs the wxWidgets release number.
  --version                   Outputs the wxWidgets version.
  --basename                  Outputs the base name of the wxWidgets libraries.
  --cc                        Outputs the name of the C compiler.
  --cxx                       Outputs the name of the C++ compiler.
  --ld                        Outputs the linker command.
  --selected-config           Outputs the selected config (defined with WXWIN and WXCFG).
  -v                          Outputs the revision of wx-config.

  Note that using --prefix is not needed if you have defined the
  environmental variable WXWIN.

  Also note that using --wxcfg is not needed if you have defined the
  environmental variable WXCFG.

The currently supported compilers are:

  • GNU MinGW [gcc]
  • MS Visual C++ [vc]
  • Digital Mars [dmc]

Advantages of using wx-config-win:

  • Same commands for build in linux, mac, and windows.
  • Doesn't need cygwin (there is a wx-config for cygwin already).
  • The projects of the IDE will be exactly the same in all systems for most cases.
  • Separates the user library configurations entirely from the project.
  • The makefiles exported by the IDE (if any) will be a lot smaller and easier to handle.
  • Can be used from the console (redirecting the output) or from an IDE that supports backticks (like Code::Blocks).
  • Source code is 1 single cpp so you can include and compile it as a dependency easily in your project if you want.
  • No dependencies, only ISO/C++ standard code.
  • Feel free to hack it :)

Disvantages of using wx-config:

  • Only works on something (IDE, build system, console, etc) that supports backticks or redirecting the output (though there are workarounds for IDEs that doesn't, like Visual Studio IDE).
  • The whole "*-config" scripts are dying on linux (ie. sdl-config, wx-config, gtk-config, ...). There is a strong standard on *nix now called pkg-config, developed by FreeDesktop, and is being used in a lot of packages, like gtk, glib, sqlite, etc (and there is a pkg-config.exe for windows too). So this solution is a temporal relief (I hope) so that when in future versions of the library uses the pkg-config standard, there wouldn't be any need for this. Here's the FR: