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Utkarsh Verma edited this page Sep 2, 2018 · 5 revisions

Share Card Dream Plus comes with a default share card which displays details about the author and provides share links in a sleek manner.


To enable share card, which is disabled by default, add the following to your config.toml file:

    author = "<your name>" 
    motto = "<short description>"    #Appears as author introduction
    avatar = "<your avatar>"
    enableShareCard = true    #Enable share card

    twitter = "<your username>"    #Enable twitter profile redirect

If the twitter config variable is also defined then there will be a redirection to your Twitter profile when the author name, within the share card, is clicked.

Share card may also be configured separately for each post according to the instructions over here: Defining the Post's Author

Need help configuring the config variables? Refer to this wiki page: Config Variables

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