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File metadata and controls

206 lines (112 loc) · 4.1 KB


Simple Cache Solution for Node and Web.


  1. 📑 How to use
  2. 🚗 Functions and Methods
  3. 🎪 Events
  4. ➰ Auto Cleanup Expired
  5. ❌ Deleted / Removed

📑 How to use

const { V_Core_Cache } = require('v_core_cache');
const cache = new V_Core_Cache();

// OR

const { createCache } = require('v_core_cache');
const cache = createCache();

🚗 Functions and Methods

1. Get Item Value

await cache.get(key)  //> anything you put in

2. Get Whole Cache

Returns all cache.

cache.getAll() //> object

3. Size of Cache

Returns the approximate size of the cache in bytes.

await cache.size();  //> 1507114 

4. Has Item?

Returns true if the key exists in the cache and is not expired.


5. Set Item

Set/Create/Update an item in the cache. Will overwrite existing item.

await cache.set(key, data, expires?)
cache.setSync(key, data, expires?)  

6. Purge cache

Returns true if cache was successfully purged. Otherwise, returns false if cache is already empty.

await cache.purge()

7. Delete item from cache

await cache.del(key);  //> true/false

8. Stats

Returns stats about the cache.

cache.stats() //> { hits: 156, misses: 15, count: 33, size: 1507114 }

9. Purge Stats

This basically just resets counters for hits and misses.

cache.purgeStats()  //> { hits: 0, misses: 0, count: 33, size: 1507114 }

10. Get Item Expire Time

Returns the time in milliseconds when the item will expire.

cache.getExpire(key); //> 150123456789 [ + expires]

11. Cleanup Expired Items

Returns the number of expired items removed.

await cache.cleanup(); 

12. Count Items

Returns the number of items in cache.

await cache.count();

🎪 Events


1. Add Event Listener

cache.addListener("set", (data) => console.log(data));
// or
cache.on("set", (data) => console.log(data));

2. Remove Event Listener

cache.removeListener("set", (data) => console.log(data));
// or"set", (data) => console.log(data));

3. Prepend Event Listener

cache.prependListener("set", (data) => console.log(data));
// or
cache.pre("set", (data) => console.log(data));

4. Get Registered EventNames


5. Remove All Listeners

Removes all registered listeners for a single event


6. Purge All Listeners

Removes all registered listeners for all registered events


Available events

1. SET

Returns {key, value} pair.

cache.on('set', (item) => console.log(item.key, item.value))

1.2 set with key

In this case we are returning the value only.

cache.on('set/{key}', (value) => console.log(value))

2. GET

cache.on('get', (item) => console.log(data)) //> { key, value } - value can be undefined 

3. HIT

cache.on('hit', (item) => console.log(item)) //> { key, value } 


cache.on('miss', (item) => console.log(item)) //> { key } 


cache.on('purge', (status) => console.log(status)) //> true/false - can return false if already empty


cache.on('purge_stats', (data) => console.log(data)) //> { hits, misses, count, size } - returns stats after purging them.

6. cleanup

returns number of affected items

cache.on('cleanup', (data) => console.log(data)) //> number 

6. addListener

New listener added

cache.on('addListener', (data) => console.log(data)) 

6. removeListener

Removed event listener

cache.on('addListener', (data) => console.log(data)) 

➰ Auto Cleanup Expired

const V_Core_Cache = require('v_core_cache');
const cache = new V_Core_Cache({ cleanInterval: 250 }); // Number in milliseconds 

NOTE: When using autoCleanup you should stop the cleanup interval by calling cache.stopCleanup()

✅ Tests and Coverage with Jest

Test and Coverage with Jest