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Airspace Bases

Harry Sugden edited this page Dec 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

Airports/EG**/Airspace Bases.txt

These files contain airspace base freetext for those areas of controlled airspace that 'belong' to an airport (i.e. CTAs). Example for Luton CTA 1:

;CTA 1


  • 2500' is what will appear on the controller's display.
  • The apostrophe ' should be appended after any bases that are an altitude.
  • The colon : between the airspace base and latitude coordination, and the latitude and longitude coordinates are required for the base to be generated in the sector file correctly.
  • There could be multiple labels (with the same airspace base value) for the same piece of airspace.

Misc/Freetext_Airspace Bases.txt

This file contains any remaining airspace bases that are required. Generally speaking, the maximum base that would be labelled is FL190 (since most FL195+ areas are displayed by a black region on the controller's display), though there are a few instances where this isn't the case - most notably, in the Southern CTA north of Stansted.

Order of the main file's contents:

  1. TMAs/CTAs/CTRs - in alphabetical order.
  2. Remaining airways labels - no particular order.

Formatting example:
;Clacton CTA 2 A FL105-FL195
N052.09.57.055:E001.24.27.356:Airspace Bases:FL105

  • The first line is a full description of the airspace that the label covers. When creating airspace base labels, the chart ENR is the best reference
    • For bases that are for portions of one or more airways, the same full description should be added:

      e.g. N42/N862 A FL95-FL195
  • Unlike airport-related airspace bases, bases in this file should be in the freetext format that EuroScope understands directly...
    LAT:LONG:Airspace Bases:LABEL
  • Again, note the requirement for colons.
  • If a base is an altitude, in order to differentiate from airport airspace bases, an apostrophe should NOT be added.

Overlap between airport and upper airspace bases


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