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Namaste React Course by Akshay Saini

Chapter 02 - Igniting our App

Q: What is NPM?

A: npm stands for Node Package Manager. It is a package manager for JavaScript Package Installation: npm allows developers to easily install and manage external libraries (packages) that are available in the npm registry. Dependency Management:npm automatically handles dependencies between different packages. When a package is installed, npm also installs the packages it depends on, ensuring that the project has all the necessary components.

  • npm alternative is yarn

How to initialize npm?

npm init

npm init -y can be used to skip the setup step, npm takes care of it and creates the package.json json file automatically , but without configurations.

Q: What is Parcel/Webpack? Why do we need it?

A: Parcel/Webpack are the Bundlers we used to make our app production ready by minifing the code, optimizing the code, cleaning the consoles etc in order to achieve that thing we use bundlers like parcel/Webpack/Vite packages or dependencies parcel is easy to config and most of all bundlers do the same job in our code. Parcel is the beast!

Parcel Features:

  • HMR (Hot Module Replacement) - parcel keeps track of what all files are changing at realtime via file watcher algorithm and renders the changes in the files
  • File watcher algorithm - made with C++
  • Tree Shaking - Removing the unused code
  • Minification- removing unnecessary characters like whitespaces, comments, and renaming variables to make the code more compact and improve load times.
  • Cleaning our code
  • DEV and production Build
  • Super fast building algorithm
  • Image optimization
  • Caching while development
  • Compresses the code
  • Compatible with older version of browser
  • HTTPS in dev
  • Port Number
  • Consistent hashing algorithm
  • Zero Configuration - Easy to Config
  • Automatic code splitting
  • Code Splitting - Breaking down the code into smaller, manageable chunks to optimize the loading of the application.

installation commands:

  • Install:
npm install -D parcel

-D is used for development and as a development dependency.

  • Parcel Commands :
    • For development build:
    npx parcel <entry_point> (with a proper file location)
    • For production build :
    npx parcel build <entry_point> (with a proper file location)

Q: What is .parcel-cache?

A: .parcel-cache is used by parcel(bundler) to reduce the building time. It stores information about your project when parcel builds it, so that when it rebuilds, it doesn't have to re-parse and re-analyze everything from scratch. It's a key reason why parcel can be so fast in development mode.

Q: What is npx?

A: npx is a tool that is used to execute the packages. It comes with the npm, when you installed npm above 5.2.0 version then automatically npx will installed. It is an npm package runner that can execute any package that you want from the npm registry without even installing that package.

  • Parcel Commands :

  • For development build:

    npx parcel <entry_point> (with a proper file location)
  • For production build :

    npx parcel build <entry_point> (with a proper file location)

Q: What is difference between dependencies vs devDependencies?



  • Purpose: Dependencies are packages that are required for the application to run in a production environment. They are essential for the application's core functionality.

  • Installation: Dependencies are installed by default when someone installs your published package or when deploying your application.


  • Purpose: devDependencies are packages that are only needed for development and testing purposes. They are not required for the actual execution of the application in a production environment.

  • Installation: devDependencies are typically installed when someone is setting up the development environment or running tests. They are not included when the application is being prepared for production.

Q: What is Tree Shaking?

A: Tree shaking in Parcel is process of removing the unwanted code that we do not use while developing the application.

Q: What is Hot Module Replacement?

A: Hot Module Replacement (HMR) means parcel is keeping the track of all the files which are updating at realtime by using the File Watcher Algorithm which is written in C++ and its tell the server to reload and build

Q: List down your favorite 5 superpowers of Parcel and describe any 3 of them in your own words.

A: 5 superpowers of Parcel:

  • HMR (Hot Module Replacement) - It uses FWAlgo provides real-time updates, allowing developers to see changes immediately without having to manually refresh the page.
  • File watcher algorithm - The file watcher is responsible for monitoring changes in the project's source code files.
  • Minification - Minification is the process of minimizing code and markup in your web pages and script files by removing code, comments etc
  • Image optimization - Image optimization is the expensive task it but parcel does it easily.
  • Caching while development - The bundler intelligently remembers and reuses previous build results, making the process of rebuilding your project faster and more efficient during development. This helps developers see the effects of their changes more quickly without unnecessary delays. so the building time decreases when u refresh

Q: What is .gitignore? What should we add and not add into it?

A: The .gitignore file is a text file that tells Git which files or folders to ignore in a project during commit to the repository. The types of files you should consider adding to a .gitignore file are any files that do not need to get committed. for example, For security, the security key files and API keys should get added to the gitignore. node-modules , dict, parcel-cache should into your .gitignore file.

This is an example of what the .gitignore file could look like:

# Ignore node_modules folder

# Ignore all text files

Q: What is the difference between package.json and package-lock.json?

A: package.json:

  • This file is mandatory for every project
  • It contains basic information about the project
  • Application name/version/scripts
  • With caret ^ and tidle symbol in it.


  • This file is automatically generated for those operations where npm modifies either the node_module tree or package-json.
  • It is generated after an npm install
  • It allows future devs & automated systems to download the same dependencies as the project.
  • it also allows to go back to the past version of the dependencies without actual ‘committing the node_modules folder.
  • It records the same version of the installed packages which allows to reinstall them. Future installs will be capable of building identical description tree.

~ or ^ in package.json file : These are used with the versions of the package installed.

For example in package.json file:

"dependencies": {
    "react": "^18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.2.0"

Q: Why should I not modify package-lock.json?

A: package-lock.json file contains the information about the dependencies and their versions used in the project. Deleting it would cause dependencies issues in the production environment. So don't modify it, It's being handled automatically by NPM.

Q: What is node_modules ? Is it a good idea to push that on git?

A: node_modules folder like a cache for the external modules that your project depends upon. When you npm install them, they are downloaded from the web and copied into the node_modules folder and Nodejs is trained to look for them there when you import them (without a specific path). Don't push node_modulesin github because it contains lots of files(more than 100 MB), it will cost you memory space.

Q: What is the dist folder?

A: The /dist folder contains the minimized version of the source code. The code present in the /dist folder is actually the code which is used on production web applications. Along with the minified code, the /dist folder also comprises of all the compiled modules that may or may not be used with other systems.

Q: What is browserslist?

A: Browserslist is a tool that allows specifying which browsers should be supported in your frontend app by specifying "queries" in a config file. It's used by frameworks/libraries such as React, Angular and Vue, but it's not limited to them.