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Namaste React Course by Akshay Saini

Chapter 04 - Talk is Cheap, show me the code

Q: Is JSX mandatory for React?

A: JSX is a syntax extension that simplifies the combination of HTML and JavaScript in React. It allows for the creation of React elements, making React code more readable and maintainable. While not mandatory, using JSX results in cleaner code compared to the alternative of writing the equivalent with React.createElement. It enhances the developer's experience in building user interfaces with React.

Example of JSX

const sample = <h2>Namaste JSX</h2>;

Q: Is ES6 mandatory for React?

A: ES6 is not mandatory for React but is highly recommendable. The latest projects created on React rely a lot on ES6. React uses ES6, and you should be familiar with some of the new features like: Classes, Arrow Functions, Variables(let, const). ES6 stands for ECMAScript 6. ECMAScript was created to standardize JavaScript, and ES6 is the 6th version of ECMAScript, it was published in 2015.

Q: {TitleComponent} vs {<TitleComponent/>} vs {<TitleComponent></TitleComponent>} in JSX.

A: The Difference is stated below:

  • {TitleComponent}: This value describes the TitleComponent as a javascript expression or a variable or React element. The {} can embed a javascript expression or a variable or React element inside it.
  • <TitleComponent/> : This value represents a Component that is basically returning Some JSX value. In simple terms TitleComponent a function that is returning a JSX value. If component is written inside the {< />} expression.
  • <TitleComponent></TitleComponent> : <TitleComponent /> and <TitleComponent></TitleComponent> are equivalent only when < TitleComponent /> has no child components. The opening and closing tags are created to include the child components.


    <FirstChildComponent />
    <SecondChildComponent />
    <ThirdChildComponent />

Q: How can I write comments in JSX?

A: JSX comments are written as follows:

  • {/* */} - for single or multiline comments


{/* A JSX comment */}

Q: What is <React.Fragment></React.Fragment> and <></>?

A: <React.Fragment></React.Fragment> is a feature in React that allows you to grouped the nodes without even adding extra nodes to DOM <></> is the shorthand tag for React.Fragment. The only difference between them is that the shorthand version does not support the key attribute.


return (
            <Header />
            <Navigation />
            <Main />
            <Footer />

return (
            <Header />
            <Navigation />
            <Main />
            <Footer />

Q: What is Reconciliation in React?


Q: What is React Fiber?


Q: Why do we need keys in React?

A: In React, keysare special attributes that provide a way to uniquely identify and track elements in a list during the process of rendering. They help React efficiently update the user interface by determining which items have changed, been added, or been removed. Keys should be given to the elements within the array to give the elements a stable identity.

IN SIMPLE WORDS- A key is a unique identifier assigned to each element in a React list.
It helps React keep track of the state and identity of each element in the list.


<li key={0}>1</li>
<li key={1}>2</li>
<li key={2}>3</li>

Q: Can we use index as keys in React?

A: Yes, we can use the index as keys, but it is not considered as a good practice to use them because if the order of items may change. This can negatively impact performance and may cause issues with component state. Keys are taken from each object which is being rendered. There might be a possibility that if we modify the incoming data react may render them in unusual order.

Q: What is props in React? Ways to.

A: props in raect means properties it's like an arguments to pass a functional components.A way to pass data from a parent component to a child component


function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Tool name="Vivek" tool="vscode"/> // name and tool are props

Q: What is Config Driven UI?

A: Config Driven UI means controlling or changing the UI by using backend Data is known as Config Driven UI

Q: Difference between Virtual DOM and Real DOM?