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MatLab Agent

The MatLab agent and Matlab Standalone Agent together are example agents that allow for MatLab scripts to be run in a Windows environment and interact with the VOLTTRON platform running in a Linux environment.

The MatLab agent takes advantage of the config store to dynamically send scripts and commandline arguments across the message bus to one or more Standalone Agents in Windows. The Standalone Agent then executes the requested script and arguments, and sends back the results to the MatLab agent.

Overview of Matlab Agents

There are multiple components that are used for the MatLab agent. This diagram is to represent the components that are connected to the MatLab Agents. In this example, the scripts involved are based on the default settings in the MatLab Agent.



MatLabAgentV2 publishes the name of a python script along with any command line arguments that are needed for the script to the appropriate topic. The agent then listens on another topic, and whenever anything is published on this topic, it stores the message in the log file chosen when the VOLTTRON instance is started. If there are multiple standalone agents, the agent can send a a script to each of them, along with their own set of command line arguments. In this case, each script name and set of command line arguments should be sent to separate subtopics. This is done so that no matter how many standalone agents are in use, MatLabAgentV2 will record all of their responses.

class MatlabAgentV2(Agent):

    def __init__(self,script_names=[], script_args=[], topics_to_matlab=[],

        super(MatlabAgentV2, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        _log.debug("vip_identity: " + self.core.identity)

        self.script_names = script_names
        self.script_args = script_args
        self.topics_to_matlab = topics_to_matlab
        self.topics_to_volttron = topics_to_volttron
        self.default_config = {"script_names": script_names,
                               "script_args": script_args,
                               "topics_to_matlab": topics_to_matlab,
                               "topics_to_volttron": topics_to_volttron}

        #Set a default configuration to ensure that self.configure is called immediately to setup
        #the agent."config", self.default_config)
        #Hook self.configure up to changes to the configuration file "config"., actions=["NEW", "UPDATE"], pattern="config")

    def configure(self, config_name, action, contents):
        Called after the Agent has connected to the message bus.
        If a configuration exists at startup this will be
        called before onstart.
        Is called every time the configuration in the store changes.
        config = self.default_config.copy()

        _log.debug("Configuring Agent")

            script_names = config["script_names"]
            script_args = config["script_args"]
            topics_to_matlab = config["topics_to_matlab"]
            topics_to_volttron = config["topics_to_volttron"]

        except ValueError as e:
            _log.error("ERROR PROCESSING CONFIGURATION: {}".format(e))

        self.script_names = script_names
        self.script_args = script_args
        self.topics_to_matlab = topics_to_matlab
        self.topics_to_volttron = topics_to_volttron

        for script in range(len(self.script_names)):
            cmd_args = ""
            for x in range(len(self.script_args[script])):
                cmd_args += ",{}".format(self.script_args[script][x])
            _log.debug("Publishing on: {}".format(self.topics_to_matlab[script]))
  'pubsub', topic=self.topics_to_matlab[script],
            _log.debug("Sending message: {}{}".format(self.script_names[script],cmd_args))

        _log.debug("Agent Configured!")

For this example, the agent is publishing to the matlab/to_matlab/1 topic, and is listening to the matlab/to_volttron topic. It is sending the script name with the argument 20. These are the default values found in the agent, if no configuration is loaded.

script_names = config.get('script_names', [""])
script_args = config.get('script_args', [["20"]])
topics_to_matlab = config.get('topics_to_matlab', ["matlab/to_matlab/1"])
topics_to_volttron = config.get('topics_to_volttron', "matlab/to_volttron/")

The script is a standalone agent designed to be able to run in a Windows environment. Its purpose is to listen to a topic, and when something is published to this topic, it takes the message, and sends it to the script_runner function in This function processes the inputs, and then the output is published to another topic.

class StandAloneMatLab(Agent):
    '''The standalone version of the MatLab Agent'''

    @PubSub.subscribe('pubsub', _topics['volttron_to_matlab'])
    def print_message(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message):
        print('The Message is: ' + str(message))
        messageOut = script_runner(message)'pubsub', _topics['matlab_to_volttron'], message=messageOut)

The topic to listen to and the topic to publish to are defined in, along with the information needed to connect the Standalone Agent to the primary VOLTTRON instance. These should be the same topics that the MatLabAgentV2 is publishing and listening to, so that the communication can be successful. To connect the Standalone Agent to the primary VOLTTRON instance, the IP address and port of the instance are needed, along with the server key.

_topics = {
        'volttron_to_matlab': 'matlab/to_matlab/1',
        'matlab_to_volttron': 'matlab/to_volttron/1'

# The parameters dictionary is used to populate the agent's
# remote vip address.
_params = {
        # The root of the address.
        # Note:
        # 1. volttron instance should be configured to use tcp. use command vcfg
        # to configure
        'vip_address': 'tcp://',
        'port': 22916,

        # public and secret key for the standalone_matlab agent.
        # These can be created using the command:  volttron-ctl auth keypair
        # public key should also be added to the volttron instance auth
        # configuration to enable standalone agent access to volttron instance. Use
        # command 'vctl auth add' Provide this agent's public key when prompted
        # for credential.

        'agent_public': 'dpu13XKPvGB3XJNVUusCNn2U0kIWcuyDIP5J8mAgBQ0',
        'agent_secret': 'Hlya-6BvfUot5USdeDHZ8eksDkWgEEHABs1SELmQhMs',

        # Public server key from the remote platform.  This can be
        # obtained using the command:
        # volttron-ctl auth serverkey
        'server_key': 'QTIzrRGQ0-b-37AbEYDuMA0l2ETrythM2V1ac0v9CTA'


def remote_url():
        return "{vip_address}:{port}?serverkey={server_key}" \
                "&publickey={agent_public}&" \

The primary VOLTTRON instance will then need to add the public key from the Standalone Agent. In this example, the topic that the Standalone Agent is listening to is matlab/to_matlab/1, and the topic it is publishing to is matlab/to_volttron/1. contains the script_runner function. The purpose of this function is to take in a string that contains a Python script and command line arguments separated by commas. This string is parsed and passed to the system arguments, which allows the script sent to the function to use the command line arguments. The function then redirects standard output to a StringIO file object, and then attempts to execute the script. If there are any errors with the script, the error that is generated is returned to the standalone agent. Otherwise, the file object stores the output from the script, is converted to a string, and is sent to the standalone agent. In this example, the script that is to be run is

#Script to take in a string, run the program,
#and output the results of the command as a string.

import time
import sys
from io import StringIO

def script_runner(message):
    original = sys.stdout
#    print(message)
#    print(sys.argv)
    sys.argv = message.split(',')
#    print(sys.argv)

        out = StringIO()
        sys.stdout = out
        sys.stdout = original
        return out.getvalue()
    except Exception as ex:
        out = str(ex)
        sys.stdout = original
        return out


The script that is to be run needs to be in the same folder as the agent and the script. The script_runner function needs to be edited if it is going to call a script at a different location.

This is a very simple test script designed to demonstrate the calling of a MatLab function from within Python. First it initializes the MatLab engine for Python. It then takes in a single command line argument, and passes it to the MatLab function testPy.m. If no arguments are sent, it will send 0 to the testPy.m function. It then prints the result of the testPy.m function. In this case, since standard output is being redirected to a file object, this is how the result is passed from this function to the Standalone Agent.

import matlab.engine
import sys

eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()

if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    result = eng.testPy(float(sys.argv[1]))
    result = eng.testPy(0.0)



This MatLab function is a very simple example, designed to show a function that takes an argument, and produces an array as the output. The input argument is added to each element in the array, and the entire array is then returned.

function out = testPy(z)
x = 1:100
out = x + z

Setup on Linux

  1. Setup and run VOLTTRON from develop branch using instructions here <Platform-Installation>.
  2. Configure volttron instance using the vcfg command. When prompted for the vip address use tcp://<ip address of the linux machine>. This is necessary to enable volttron communication with external processes.


    If you are running VOLTTRON from within VirtualBox, jit would be good to set one of your adapters as a Host-only adapter. This can be done within the VM's settings, under the Network section. Once this is done, use this IP for the VIP address.

  1. Update the configuration for MatLabAgent_v2 at <volttron source dir>/example/MatLabAgent_v2/config.

    The configuration file for the MatLab agent has four variables.

    1. script_names
    2. script_args
    3. topics_to_matlab
    4. topics_to_volttron

    An example config file included with the folder.

      # VOLTTRON config files are JSON with support for python style comments.
      "script_names": [""],
      "script_args": [["20"]],
      "topics_to_matlab": ["matlab/to_matlab/1"],
      "topics_to_volttron": "matlab/to_volttron/"

    To edit the configuration, the format should be as follows:

      "script_names": ["", "", "..."],
      "script_args": [["arg1","arg2"], ["arg1"], ["..."]],
      "topics_to_matlab": ["matlab/to_matlab/1", "matlab/to_matlab/2", "..."],
      "topics_to_volttron": "matlab/to_volttron/"

    The config requires that each script name lines up with a set of commandline arguments and a topic. A commandline argument must be included, even if it is not used. The placement of brackets are important, even when only communicating with one standalone agent.

    For example, if only one standalone agent is used, and no command line arguments are in place, the config file may look like this.

      "script_names": [""],
      "script_args": [["0"]],
      "topics_to_matlab": ["matlab/to_matlab/1"],
      "topics_to_volttron": "matlab/to_volttron/"
  2. Install MatLabAgent_v2 and start agent (from volttron root directory)

    python ./scripts/ -s examples/MatLabAgent_v2 --start


    The MatLabAgent_v2 publishes the command to be run to the message bus only on start or on a configuration update. Once we configure the standalone_matlab agent on the Windows machine, we will send a configuration update to the running MatLabAgent_v2. The configuration would contain the topics to which the Standalone Agent is listening to and will be publishing result to.

    The MatLab agent uses the configuration store to dynamically change inputs. More information on the config store and how it used can be found here.

    • VOLTTRON Configuration Store <Configuration-Store>
    • Agent Configuration Store <Agent-Configuration-Store>
    • Agent Configuration Store Interface <Agent-Configuration-Store-Interface>
  3. Run the below command and make a note of the server key. This is required for configuring the stand alone agent on Windows. (This is run on the linux machine)

    vctl auth serverkey

Setup on Windows

Install pre-requisites

  1. Install Python3.6 64-bit from the Python website.
  2. Install the MatLab engine from MathWorks.


    The MatLab engine for Python only supports certain version of Python depending on the version of MatLab used. Please check here to see if the current version of MatLab supports your version of Python.


At this time, you may want to verify that you are able to communicate with your Linux machine across your network. The simplest method would be to open up the command terminal and use ping <ip of Linux machine>, and telnet <ip of Linux machine> <port of volttron instance, default port is 22916>. Please make sure that the port is opened for outside access.

Install Standalone MatLab Agent

The standalone MatLab agent is designed to be usable in a Windows environment.


VOLTTRON is not designed to run in a Windows environment. Outside of cases where it is stated to be usable in a Windows environment, it should be assumed that it will NOT function as expected.

  1. Download VOLTTRON

    Download the VOLTTRON develop repository from Github. Download the zip from GitHub.



    Once the zipped file has been downloaded, go to your Downloads folder, right-click on the file, and select Extract All...


    Choose a location for the extracted folder, and select "Extract"


  2. Setup the PYTHONPATH

    Open the Windows explorer, and navigate to Edit environment variables for your account.


    Select "New"


    For "Variable name" enter: PYTHONPATH For "Variable value" either browse to your VOLTTRON installation, or enter in the path to your VOLTTRON installation.


    Select OK twice.

  3. Set Python version in MatLab

    Open your MatLab application. Run the command:


    This should print the path to Python2.7. If you have multiple versions of python on your machine and pyversion points to a different version of Python, use:

    pyversion /path/to/python.exe

    to set the appropriate version of python for your system.

    For example, to use python 3.6 with MatLab:

    pyversion C:\Python36\python.exe
  4. Set up the environment.

    Open up the command prompt


    Navigate to your VOLTTRON installation

    cd \Your\directory\path\to\volttron-develop

    Use pip to install and setup dependencies.

    pip install -r examples\StandAloneMatLab\requirements.txt

    pip install -e .


    If you get the error doing the second step because of an already installed volttron from a different directory, manually delete the volttron-egg. link file from your <python path>\Lib\site-packages directory (for example:

    del C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\

    and re-run the second command

  5. Configure the agent

    The configuration settings for the standalone agent are in (located in volttron-develop\examples\StandAloneMatLab\)

    • volttron_to_matlab needs to be set to the topic that will send your script and command line arguments to your stand alone agent. This was defined in the config. <Matlab-Agent-Config>
    • matlab_to_volttron needs to be set to the topic that will send your script's output back to your volttron platform. This was defined in config. <Matlab-Agent-Config>
    • vip_address needs to be set to the address of your volttron instance
    • port needs to be set to the port of your volttron instance
    • server_key needs to be set to the public server key of your primary volttron platform. This can be obtained from the primary volttron platform using vctl auth serverkey (VOLTTRON must be running to use this command.)

    It is possible to have multiple standalone agents running. In this case, copy the StandAloneMatLab folder, and make the necessary changes to the new file. Unless it is connecting to a separate VOLTTRON instance, you should only need to change the volttron_to_matlab setting.


    It is recommended that you generate a new "agent_public" and "agent_private" key for your standalone agent. This can be done using the vctl auth keypair command on your primary VOLTTRON platform on Linux. If you plan to use multiple standalone agents, they will each need their own keypair.

  6. Add standalone agent key to VOLTTRON platform

    • Copy the public key from in the StandAloneMatLab folder.
    • While the primary VOLTTRON platform is running on the linux machine, add the agent public key using the vctl auth command on the Linux machine. This will make VOLTTRON platform allow connections from the standalone agent
    vctl auth add --credentials <standalone agent public key>
  7. Run standalone agent

    At this point, the agent is ready to run. To use the agent, navigate to the example folder and use python to start the agent. The agent will then wait for a message to be published to the selected topic by the MatLab agent.

    cd examples\StandAloneMatLab\

    The output should be similar to this:

    2019-08-01 10:42:47,592 DEBUG: identity: standalone_matlab
    2019-08-01 10:42:47,592 DEBUG: agent_uuid: None
    2019-08-01 10:42:47,594 DEBUG: serverkey: None
    2019-08-01 10:42:47,596 DEBUG: AGENT RUNNING on ZMQ Core standalone_matlab
    2019-08-01 10:42:47,598 DEBUG: ZMQ connection standalone_matlab
    2019-08-01 10:42:47,634 INFO: Connected to platform: router: ebae9efa-5e8f-49e3-95a0-2020ddff9e8a version: 1.0 identity: standalone_matlab
    2019-08-01 10:42:47,634 DEBUG: Running onstart methods.


    If you have Python3 as your default Python run the command python -2

8. On the Linux machine configure the Matlab Agent to publish commands to the topic standalone agent is listening to. To load a new configuration or to change the current configuration enter

vctl config store <agent vip identity> config <path\to\configfile>

Whenever there is a change in the configuration in the config store, or whenever the agent starts, the MatLab Agent sends the configured command to the topic configured. As long as the standalone agent has been started and is listening to the appropriate topic, the output in the log should look similar to this:

2019-08-01 10:43:18,925 (matlab_agentV2agent-0.3 3539) matlab_agentV2.agent DEBUG: Configuring Agent
2019-08-01 10:43:18,926 (matlab_agentV2agent-0.3 3539) matlab_agentV2.agent DEBUG: Publishing on: matlab/to_matlab/1
2019-08-01 10:43:18,926 (matlab_agentV2agent-0.3 3539) matlab_agentV2.agent DEBUG: Sending message:,20
2019-08-01 10:43:18,926 (matlab_agentV2agent-0.3 3539) matlab_agentV2.agent DEBUG: Agent Configured!
2019-08-01 10:43:18,979 (matlab_agentV2agent-0.3 3539) matlab_agentV2.agent INFO: Agent: matlab/to_volttron/1

Once the matlab agent publishes the message (in the above case, ",20") on the windows command prompt running the standalone agent, you should see the message that was received by the standalone agent.

2019-08-01 10:42:47,671 DEBUG: Processing callbacks for affected files: {}
The Message is:,20


If MatLabAgent_v2 has been installed and started, and you have not started the standalone_matlab agent, you will need to either restart the matlab_agentV2, or make a change to the configuration in the config store to send command to the topic standalone agent is actively listening to.