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File metadata and controls

53 lines (39 loc) · 1.77 KB

The FakeDriver is included as a way to quickly see data published to the message bus in a format that mimics what a true Driver would produce. This is an extremely simple implementation of the VOLTTRON driver framework<VOLTTRON-Driver-Framework>

Make a script to build and deploy the fake driver.

  • Create a config directory (if one doesn't already exist). All local config files will be worked on here.
  • cp examples/configurations/drivers/fake.config config/
  • Edit registry_config for the paths on your system


    "driver_config": {},
    "interval": 5,
    "timezone": "US/Pacific",
    "heart_beat_point": "Heartbeat",
    "driver_type": "fakedriver",
    "publish_breadth_first_all": false,
    "publish_depth_first": false,
    "publish_breadth_first": false
  • cp examples/configurations/drivers/master-driver.agent config/fake-master-driver.config
  • Add fake.csv and fake.config to the configuration store<config-store>.
  • Edit fake-master-driver.config to reflect paths on your system


    "driver_scrape_interval": 0.05
  • Create a script to simplify installation. The following will stop and remove any existing instances of agents create with the script, then package, install, and start the new instance. You will need to make the file executable: chmod +x make-fakedriver


export SOURCE=services/core/MasterDriverAgent
export CONFIG=config/fake-master-driver.agent
export TAG=fake-driver
  • If you have a Listener Agent<Listener-Agent> already installed, you should start seeing data being published to the bus.