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Actuator Agent

This agent is used to manage write access to devices. Agents may request scheduled times, called Tasks, to interact with one or more devices.

Actuator Agent Communication

Scheduling a Task

An agent can request a task schedule by publishing to the devices/actuators/schedule/request topic with the following header:

    'type': 'NEW_SCHEDULE',
    'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally>
    'taskID': <unique task ID>, #The desired task ID for this task. It must be unique among all other scheduled tasks.
    'priority': <task priority>, #The desired task priority, must be 'HIGH', 'LOW', or 'LOW_PREEMPT'

with the following message:

    ["campus/building/device1", #First time slot.
     "2013-12-06 16:00:00",     #Start of time slot.
     "2013-12-06 16:20:00"],    #End of time slot.
    ["campus/building/device1", #Second time slot.
     "2013-12-06 18:00:00",     #Start of time slot.
     "2013-12-06 18:20:00"],    #End of time slot.
    ["campus/building/device2", #Third time slot.
     "2013-12-06 16:00:00",     #Start of time slot.
     "2013-12-06 16:20:00"],    #End of time slot.


If time zones are not included in schedule requests then the Actuator will interpret them as being in local time. This may cause remote interaction with the actuator to malfunction.

Points on Task Scheduling

  • Everything in the header is required
  • Task id and requester id (agentid) should be a non empty value of type string
  • A Task schedule must have at least one time slot.
  • The start and end times are parsed with dateutil's date/time parser. The default string representation of a python datetime object will parse without issue.
  • Two Tasks are considered conflicted if at least one time slot on a device from one task overlaps the time slot of the other on the same device.
  • The end time of one time slot can be the same as the start time of another time slot for the same device. This will not be considered a conflict. For example, time_slot1(device0, time1, **time2**) and time_slot2(device0, **time2**, time3) are not considered a conflict
  • A request must not conflict with itself
  • If something goes wrong see :ref:`this failure string list <Actuator-Failure-Reasons>` for an explanation of the error.

Task Priorities

  • HIGH: This Task cannot be preempted under any circumstance. This task may preempt other conflicting preemptable Tasks.
  • LOW: This Task cannot be preempted once it has started. A Task is considered started once the earliest time slot on any device has been reached. This Task may not preempt other Tasks.
  • LOW_PREEMPT: This Task may be preempted at any time. If the Task is preempted once it has begun running any current time slots will be given a grace period (configurable in the ActuatorAgent configuration file, defaults to 60 seconds) before being revoked. This Task may not preempt other Tasks.

Canceling a Task

A task may be canceled by publishing to the devices/actuators/schedule/request topic with the following header:

    'type': 'CANCEL_SCHEDULE',
    'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally>
    'taskID': <unique task ID>, #The desired task ID for this task. It must be unique among all other scheduled tasks.

Points on Task Canceling

  • The requesterID and taskID must match the original values from the original request header.
  • After a Tasks time has passed there is no need to cancel it. Doing so will result in a TASK_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST error.
  • If something goes wrong see :ref:`this failure string list <Actuator-Failure-Reasons>` for an explanation of the error.

Actuator Agent Schedule Response

In response to a Task schedule request the ActuatorAgent will respond on the topic devices/actuators/schedule/result with the header:

    'requesterID': <Agent VIP identity from the request>,
    'taskID': <Task ID from the request>

And the message (after parsing the json):

    'result': <'SUCCESS', 'FAILURE', 'PREEMPTED'>,
    'info': <Failure reason, if any>,
    'data': <Data about the failure or cancellation, if any>

The Actuator Agent may publish cancellation notices for preempted Tasks using the PREEMPTED result.

Preemption Data

Preemption data takes the form:

    'agentID': <Agent ID of preempting task>,
    'taskID': <Task ID of preempting task>

Failure Reasons

In many cases the Actuator Agent will try to give good feedback as to why a request failed.

General Failures
  • MISSING_TASK_ID: Failed to supply a taskID.
  • MISSING_AGENT_ID: AgentID not supplied.
Task Schedule Failures
  • TASK_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS: The supplied taskID already belongs to an existing task.
  • MISSING_PRIORITY: Failed to supply a priority for a Task schedule request.
  • INVALID_PRIORITY: Priority not one of HIGH, LOW, or LOW_PREEMPT.
  • MALFORMED_REQUEST_EMPTY: Request list is missing or empty.
  • REQUEST_CONFLICTS_WITH_SELF: Requested time slots on the same device overlap.
  • MALFORMED_REQUEST: Reported when the request parser raises an unhandled exception. The exception name and info are appended to this info string.
  • CONFLICTS_WITH_EXISTING_SCHEDULES: This schedule conflict with an existing schedules that it cannot preempt. The data item for the results will contain info about the conflicts in this form (after parsing json)
             "2013-12-06 16:00:00",
             "2013-12-06 16:20:00"],
             "2013-12-06 18:00:00",
             "2013-12-06 18:20:00"]
    '<agentID2>': {...}
Task Cancel Failures
  • TASK_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST: Trying to cancel a Task which does not exist. This error can also occur when trying to cancel a finished Task.
  • AGENT_ID_TASK_ID_MISMATCH: A different agent ID is being used when trying to cancel a Task.

Actuator Agent Value Request

Once an Task has been scheduled and the time slot for one or more of the devices has started an agent may interact with the device using the get and set topics.

Both get and set are responded to the same way. See :ref:`Actuator Reply <Actuator-Reply>` below.

Getting values

While a driver for a device should always be setup to periodically broadcast the state of a device you may want an up-to-the-moment value for an actuation point on a device.

To request a value publish a message to the following topic:

'devices/actuators/get/<full device path>/<actuation point>'

Setting Values

Value are set in a similar manner:

To set a value publish a message to the following topic:

'devices/actuators/set/<full device path>/<actuation point>'

With this header:

    'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally>

And the message contents being the new value of the actuator.


The actuator agent expects all messages to be JSON and will parse them accordingly. Use publish_json to send messages where possible. This is significant for Boolean values especially

Actuator Reply

The ActuatorAgent will reply to both get and set on the value topic for an actuator:

'devices/actuators/value/<full device path>/<actuation point>'

With this header:

    'requesterID': <Agent VIP identity>

With the message containing the value encoded in JSON.

Actuator Error Reply

If something goes wrong the Actuator Agent will reply to both get and set on the error topic for an actuator:

'devices/actuators/error/<full device path>/<actuation point>'

With this header:

    'requesterID': <Agent VIP identity>

The message will be in the following form:

    'type': <Error Type or name of the exception raised by the request>
    'value': <Specific info about the error>

Common Error Types

  • LockError: Returned when a request is made when we do not have permission to use a device. (Forgot to schedule, preempted and we did not handle the preemption message correctly, ran out of time in time slot, etc...)
  • ValueError: Message missing or could not be parsed as JSON

Schedule State Broadcast

Periodically the ActuatorAgent will publish the state of all currently scheduled devices. For each device the ActuatorAgent will publish to an associated topic:

'devices/actuators/schedule/announce/<full device path>'

With the following header:

    'requesterID': <VIP identity of agent with access>,
    'taskID': <Task associated with the time slot>
    'window': <Seconds remaining in the time slot>

The frequency of the updates is configurable with the schedule_publish_interval setting.

Task Preemption

Both LOW and LOW_PREEMPT priority Tasks can be preempted. LOW priority Tasks may be preempted by a conflicting HIGH priority Task before it starts. LOW_PREEMPT priority Tasks can be preempted by HIGH priority Tasks even after they start.

When a Task is preempted the ActuatorAgent will publish to devices/actuators/schedule/response with the following header:

    'type': 'CANCEL_SCHEDULE',
    'requesterID': <Agent VIP identity for the preempted Task>,
    'taskID': <Task ID for the preempted Task>

And the message (after parsing the json):

    'result': 'PREEMPTED',
    'info': '',
        'agentID': <Agent VIP identity of preempting task>,
        'taskID': <Task ID of preempting task>

Preemption Grace Time

If a LOW_PREEMPT priority Task is preempted while it is running the Task will be given a grace period to clean up before ending. For every device which has a current time slot the window of remaining time will be reduced to the grace time. At the end of the grace time the Task will finish. If the Task has no currently open time slots on any devices it will end immediately.

ActuatorAgent Configuration

  • schedule_publish_interval: Interval between current schedules being published to the message bus for all devices
  • preempt_grace_time: Minimum time given to Tasks which have been preempted to clean up in seconds. Defaults to 60
  • schedule_state_file: File used to save and restore Task states if the ActuatorAgent restarts for any reason. File will be created if it does not exist when it is needed

Sample configuration file

 "schedule_publish_interval": 30,
 "schedule_state_file": "actuator_state.pickle"

Heartbeat Signal

The ActuatorAgent can be configured to send a heartbeat message to the device to indicate the platform is running. Ideally, if the heartbeat signal is not sent the device should take over and resume normal operation.

The configuration has two parts, the interval (in seconds) for sending the heartbeat and the specific point that should be modified each iteration.

The heart beat interval is specified with a global heartbeat_interval setting. The ActuatorAgent will automatically set the heartbeat point to alternating "1" and "0" values. Changes to the heartbeat point will be published like any other value change on a device.

The heartbeat points are specified in the driver configuration file of individual devices.

Notes on Working With the ActuatorAgent

  • An agent can watch the window value from :ref:`device state updates <Actuator-Schedule-State>` to perform scheduled actions within a timeslot

    • If an Agent's Task is LOW_PREEMPT priority it can watch for device state updates where the window is less than or equal to the grace period (default 60.0)
  • When considering if to schedule long or multiple short time slots on a single device:

    • Do we need to ensure the device state for the duration between slots?

      • Yes: Schedule one long time slot instead
      • No: Is it all part of the same Task or can we break it up in case there is a conflict with one of our time slots?
  • When considering time slots on multiple devices for a single Task:

    • Is the Task really dependent on all devices or is it actually multiple Tasks?
  • When considering priority:

    • Does the Task have to happen on an exact day?

      • Yes: Use HIGH
      • No: Consider LOW and reschedule if preempted
    • Is it problematic to prematurely stop a Task once started?

      • Yes: Consider LOW or HIGH
      • No: Consider LOW_PREEMPT and watch the device state updates for a small window value
  • If an agent is only observing but needs to assure that no another Task is going on while taking readings it can schedule the time to prevent other agents from messing with a devices state. The schedule updates can be used as a reminder as to when to start watching

  • Any device, existing or not, can be scheduled. This allows for agents to schedule fake devices to create reminders to start working later rather then setting up their own internal timers and schedules