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File metadata and controls

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Platform Commands

VOLTTRON files for a platform instance are stored under a single directory known as the VOLTTRON home. This home directory is set via the :term:`VOLTTRON_HOME` environment variable and defaults to ~/.volttron. Multiple instances of the platform may exist under the same account on a system by setting the VOLTTRON_HOME environment variable appropriately before executing VOLTTRON commands.

VOLTTRON's configuration file uses a modified INI format where section names are command names for which the settings in the section apply. Settings before the first section are considered global and will be used by all commands for which the settings are valid. Settings keys are long options (with or without the opening "--") and are followed by a colon (:) or equal (=) and then the value. Boolean options need not include the separator or value, but may specify a value of 1, yes, or true for true or 0, no, or false for false.

It is best practice to use the :ref:`vcfg command <VOLTTRON-Config>` prior to starting VOLTTRON for the first time to populate the configuration file for your deployment. If VOLTTRON is started without having run vcfg, a default config will be created in $VOLTTRON_HOME/config. The following is an example configuration after running vcfg:

message-bus = rmq
instance-name = volttron1
vip-address = tcp://
bind-web-address = https://<hostname>:8443
volttron-central-address = https://<hostname>:8443


  • message-bus - Indicates message bus to be used. Valid values are zmq and rmq
  • instance-name - Name of the VOLTTRON instance. This has to be unique if multiple instances need to be connected together
  • vip-address - :term:`VIP address` of the VOLTTRON instance. It contains the IP address and port number (default port number is 22916)
  • bind-web-address - Optional parameter, only needed if VOLTTRON instance needs a web interface
  • volttron-central-address - Optional parameter. Web address of VOLTTRON Central agent


env/bin/volttron -c <config> -l volttron.log &

Below is a compendium of commands which can be used to operate the VOLTTRON Platform from the command line interface.

VOLTTRON Platform Command

The main VOLTTRON platform command is volttron, however this command is seldom run as-is. In most cases the user will want to run the platform in the background. In a limited number of cases, the user will wish to enable verbose logging. A typical command to start the platform is:


  • All commands and sub-commands have help available with -h or --help
  • Additional configuration files may be specified with -c or -config
  • To specify a log file, use -l or --log
  • The ampersand (&) can be added to then end of the command to run the platform in the background, freeing the open shell to be used for additional commands.
volttron -vv -l volttron.log &

volttron Optional Arguments

  • -c FILE, --config FILE - Start the platform using the configuration from the provided FILE
  • -l FILE, --log FILE - send log output to FILE instead of standard output/error
  • -L FILE, --log-config FILE - Use the configuration from FILE for VOLTTRON platform logging
  • --log-level LOGGER:LEVEL - override default logger logging level (INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, NOTSET)
  • --monitor - monitor and log connections (implies verbose logging mode -v)
  • -q, --quiet - decrease logger verboseness; may be used multiple times to further reduce logging (i.e. -qq)
  • -v, --verbose - increase logger verboseness; may be used multiple times (i.e. -vv)
  • --verboseness LEVEL - set logger verboseness level
  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit
  • --version - show program's version number and exit
  • --message-bus MESSAGE_BUS - set message bus to be used. valid values are zmq and rmq


Visit the Python 3 logging documentation for more information about logging and verboseness levels.

Agent Options

  • --autostart - automatically start enabled agents and services after platform startup
  • --vip-address ZMQADDR - ZeroMQ URL to bind for VIP connections
  • --vip-local-address ZMQADDR - ZeroMQ URL to bind for local agent VIP connections
  • --bind-web-address BINDWEBADDR - Bind a web server to the specified ip:port passed
  • --web-ca-cert CAFILE - If using self-signed certificates, this variable will be set globally to allow requests to be able to correctly reach the webserver without having to specify verify in all calls.
  • --web-secret-key WEB_SECRET_KEY - Secret key to be used instead of HTTPS based authentication.
  • --web-ssl-key KEYFILE - SSL key file for using https with the VOLTTRON server
  • --web-ssl-cert CERTFILE - SSL certificate file for using https with the VOLTTRON server
  • --volttron-central-address VOLTTRON_CENTRAL_ADDRESS - The web address of a VOLTTRON Central install instance.
  • --volttron-central-serverkey VOLTTRON_CENTRAL_SERVERKEY - The server key of the VOLTTRON Central being connected to.
  • --instance-name INSTANCE_NAME - The name of the instance that will be reported to VOLTTRON Central.
  • --msgdebug - Route all messages to an instance of the MessageDebug agent while debugging.
  • --setup-mode - Setup mode flag for setting up authorization of external platforms.
  • --volttron-central-rmq-address VOLTTRON_CENTRAL_RMQ_ADDRESS - The AMQP address of a VOLTTRON Central install instance
  • --agent-monitor-frequency AGENT_MONITOR_FREQUENCY - How often should the platform check for crashed agents and attempt to restart. Units=seconds. Default=600
  • --agent-isolation-mode AGENT_ISOLATION_MODE - Require that agents run with their own users (this requires running scripts/ as sudo)


Certain options alter some basic behaviors of the platform, such as --agent-isolation-mode which causes the platform to run each agent using its own Unix user to spawn the process. Please view the documentation for each feature to understand its implications before choosing to run the platform in that fashion.

volttron-ctl Commands

volttron-ctl is used to issue commands to the platform from the command line. Through volttron-ctl it is possible to install and removed agents, start and stop agents, manage the configuration store, get the platform status, and shutdown the platform.

In more recent versions of VOLTTRON, the commands vctl, vpkg, and vcfg have been added to be used as a stand-in for volttron-ctl, volttron-pkg, and volttron-cfg in the CLI. The VOLTTRON documentation will often use this convention.


vctl creates a special temporary agent to communicate with the platform with a specific :term:`VIP Identity`, thus multiple instances of vctl cannot run at the same time. Attempting to do so will result in a conflicting identity error.

Use vctl with one or more of the following arguments, or below sub-commands:

vctl Optional Arguments

  • -c FILE, --config FILE - Start the platform using the configuration from the provided FILE
  • --debug - show tracebacks for errors rather than a brief message
  • -t SECS, --timeout SECS - timeout in seconds for remote calls (default: 60)
  • --msgdebug MSGDEBUG - route all messages to an agent while debugging
  • --vip-address ZMQADDR - ZeroMQ URL to bind for VIP connections
  • -l FILE, --log FILE - send log output to FILE instead of standard output/error
  • -L FILE, --log-config FILE - Use the configuration from FILE for VOLTTRON platform logging
  • -q, --quiet - decrease logger verboseness; may be used multiple times to further reduce logging (i.e. -qq)
  • -v, --verbose - increase logger verboseness; may be used multiple times (i.e. -vv)
  • --verboseness LEVEL - set logger verboseness level (this level is a numeric level co
  • --json - format output to json
  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit


  • install - install an agent from wheel or from an agent package directory


    If --agent-config is not specified then a default config, config.json or config.yml file in the agent directory will be used as configuration. If none present then no configuration file will be loaded.

  • tag AGENT TAG - set, show, or remove agent tag for a particular agent

  • remove AGENT - disconnect specified agent from the platform and remove its installed agent package from VOLTTRON_HOME

  • peerlist - list the peers connected to the platform

  • list - list installed agents

  • status - show status of installed agents

  • health AGENT - show agent health as JSON

  • clear - clear status of defunct agents

  • enable AGENT - enable agent to start automatically

  • disable AGENT - prevent agent from start automatically

  • start AGENT - start installed agent

  • stop AGENT - stop agent

  • restart AGENT - restart agent

  • run PATH - start any agent by path

  • upgrade AGENT WHEEL - upgrade agent from wheel file


    Does NOT upgrade agents from the agent's code directory, requires agent wheel file.

  • rpc - rpc controls

  • certs OPTIONS - manage certificate creation

  • auth OPTIONS - manage authorization entries and encryption keys

  • config OPTIONS - manage the platform configuration store

  • shutdown - stop all agents (providing the --platform optional argument causes the platform to be shutdown)

  • send WHEEL - send agent and start on a remote platform

  • stats - manage router message statistics tracking

  • rabbitmq OPTIONS - manage rabbitmq


For each command with OPTIONS in the description, additional options are required to make use of the command. For each, please visit the corresponding section of documentation.


Visit the Python 3 logging documentation for more information about logging and verboseness levels.

vctl auth Subcommands

  • add - add new authentication record
  • add-group - associate a group name with a set of roles
  • add-known-host - add server public key to known-hosts file
  • add-role - associate a role name with a set of capabilities
  • keypair - generate CurveMQ keys for encrypting VIP connections
  • list - list authentication records
  • list-groups - show list of group names and their sets of roles
  • list-known-hosts - list entries from known-hosts file
  • list-roles - show list of role names and their sets of capabilities
  • publickey - show public key for each agent
  • remove - removes one or more authentication records by indices
  • remove-group - disassociate a group name from a set of roles
  • remove-known-host - remove entry from known-hosts file
  • remove-role - disassociate a role name from a set of capabilities
  • serverkey - show the serverkey for the instance
  • update - updates one authentication record by index
  • update-group - update group to include (or remove) given roles
  • update-role - update role to include (or remove) given capabilities

vctl certs Subcommands

  • create-ssl-keypair - create a SSL keypair
  • export-pkcs12 - create a PKCS12 encoded file containing private and public key from an agent. This function is may also be used to create a Java key store using a p12 file.

vctl config Subcommands

  • store AGENT CONFIG_NAME CONFIG PATH - store a configuration file in agent's config store (parses JSON by default, use --csv for CSV files)
  • edit AGENT CONFIG_NAME - edit a configuration. (opens nano by default, respects EDITOR env variable)
  • delete AGENT CONFIG_NAME - delete a configuration from agent's config store (--all removes all configs for the agent)
  • list AGENT - list stores or configurations in a store
  • get AGENT CONFIG_NAME - get the contents of a configuration

vctl rpc Subcommands

  • code - shows how to use RPC call in other agents
  • list - lists all agents and their RPC methods

vpkg Commands

vpkg is the VOLTTRON command used to manage agent packages (code directories and wheel files) including creating initializing new agent code directories, creating agent wheels, etc.

vpkg Optional Arguments

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit
  • -l FILE, --log FILE - send log output to FILE instead of standard output/error
  • -L FILE, --log-config FILE - Use the configuration from FILE for VOLTTRON platform logging
  • -q, --quiet - decrease logger verboseness; may be used multiple times to further reduce logging (i.e. -qq)
  • -v, --verbose - increase logger verboseness; may be used multiple times (i.e. -vv)
  • --verboseness LEVEL - set logger verboseness level


  • package - Create agent package (whl) from a directory
  • init - Create new agent code package from a template. Will prompt for additional metadata.
  • repackage - Creates agent package from a currently installed agent.
  • configure - Add a configuration file to an agent package

volttron-cfg Commands

volttron-cfg (vcfg) is a tool aimed at making it easier to get up and running with VOLTTRON and a handful of agents. Running the tool without any arguments will start a wizard with a walk through for setting up instance configuration options and available agents. If only individual agents need to be configured they can be listed at the command line.


For a detailed description of the VOLTTRON configuration file and vcfg wizard, as well as example usage, view the :ref:`platform configuration <Platform-Configuration>` docs.

vcfg Optional Arguments

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • -v, --verbose - increase logger verboseness; may be used multiple times (i.e. -vv)

  • --vhome VHOME Path to volttron home

  • --instance-name INSTANCE_NAME

    Name of this volttron instance

  • --list-agents - list configurable agents

    Agents available to configure:
  • --agent AGENT [AGENT ...] - configure listed agents

  • --rabbitmq RABBITMQ [RABBITMQ ...] - Configure RabbitMQ for single instance, federation, or shovel either based on configuration file in YML format or providing details when prompted. Usage:

    vcfg --rabbitmq single|federation|shovel [rabbitmq config file]
  • --agent-isolation-mode Require that agents run with their own users (this requires running scripts/ as sudo)


    The secure agent users significantly changes the operation of agents on the platform, please read the :ref:`secure agent users <Running-Agents-as-Unix-User>` documentation before using this feature.