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Web-API Permissions

The extensive permissions system allows you to configure which data can be accessed by whom.

The main permissions file is located in the config/webapi folder and called permissions.conf. Some additional permissions related to hooks are located in the hooks.conf file. This documentation focuses mostly on the permissions.conf file, but the most of the things also apply to the hooks.conf file.

Most of the permissions.conf file contains comments to explain what each part of the config does.

Table of Contents

  1. Whitelist
  2. Blacklist
  3. Default permissions (key-less clients)
  4. Permissions with keys
  5. PermissionsTree


# Set this to true to enable the whitelist, false to turn it off
useWhitelist = true

# Add IP address that are allowed to connect to the Web-API to this list
whitelist = [

The whitelist defines a basic IP-based restriction on who may access the Web-API. This setting is enabled by default, and set only to allow the localhost to connect.

If you wish to access the Web-API from another server than the one that your minecraft server is running on, you will have to add that IP here, or turn off whitelisting.

Turning off the whitelist is not recommended, unless you have properly set up permissions


# Set this to true to enable the blacklist, false to turn it off
useBlacklist = false

# Add the IP addresses that are NOT allowed to connect to the Web-API to this list
blacklist = [

The blacklist controls which hosts are NOT allowed to access the Web-API. Use this to block out possible hosts spamming your server with requests.

Default permissions (key-less clients)

# These are the default permissions that a client without a key receives
default {
    # The permissions define which endpoints a user with this key can access, and what data is
    # returned for each endpoint
    permissions = {
        info = "*"
        player = {
            one = {
                "*" = true
                uuid = false
    # The rate limit specifies how many operations per second a client with this key can execute
    rateLimit = 10

These permissions are the ones that a client which doesn't specify a key receives. These permissions should generally be really restrictive, as anyone who can access the Web-API can access this data.

The rateLimit node specifies how many operations per second a client can execute.

The permissions node is a PermissionsTree, which is explained down below and specifies which endpoints and what data from those endpoints a client can access.

Permissions with keys

# This is a map of keys, defining which keys give access to which endpoints.
keys {
    # General usage
    secretkey {
        permissions {
            player {
                one {
        rateLimit = 0        
    # Example    
    # Use something secure and randomly generated for your key. (e.g.
    # Web-API will reject keys that are not at least 8 characters long
    7S%M2FYp9NYT^Ozg {
        # The "*" stands for all permissions and data

        # No rate limit or zero = unlimited requests

The keys array is an array of permission structures similar to the ones explained above. The only difference is that they have a key attribute, which is the key that the client needs to pass in order to gain access to this set of permissions.

The key should generally be something secure and long enough to make it unfeasable to guess. The suggested way to go about this is to generate an arbitrary hash or password of at least 16 characters length

The client then has two ways to pass this key when accessing the Web-API:

  • Set the x-webapi-key header in the request
  • Set the key query parameter in the request


The permissions properties above as well as the permissions properties listed in the hooks.conf file use what is here referred to as a PermissionsTree. The tree defines which endpoints of the API can be accessed and what data is returned for those endpoints.

permissions = {
    info = "*"
    player = {
        one = {
            "*" = true
            uuid = false

The two first levels of the permissions tree refer to the method of the Web-API (except when using a PermissionsTree for the hooks.conf file. In that case you must leave those away).

So in this case info refers to the Info endpoint, which provides general information about the minecraft server. Since this node is set to *, which is the allow all permission, all the data for that endpoint will be returned.

The player node refers to the Player endpoint, which provides information about players (when sending GET requests), and allows executing methods on the player object (when sending POST requests).

Since the permission node is not set, it is not allowed, and sending POST requests to this endpoint will yield a 403 - Not allowed error.

The permission is allowed, meaning that accessing the endpoint which returns one player will return data. Which data is specified through the one node. The * node means that all data is allowed, but more specific permissions always override the * node. So in this case, all data except the uuid will be returned.


The key is a string specifying the name of the node. Following keys have special meaning:

Key Description
. Refers to this permission
* Referes to this and all sub permissions


Each node can have any one of following values:

  • true
  • false
  • *
  • An object mapping keys to permission nodes



info = true

Key: info
Value: true

Allows access to the info node. Does not allow access to any sub nodes.

Allow all

info = "*"

Key: info
Value: *

This node allows full access to the info node and all sub nodes.


info = false

Key: info
Value: false

Denies access to the info node and all sub nodes.


player {
  one {
    "*" = true
    uuid = false
    location {
      y = false
  list {
    "*" = false
    uuid = true
    link = true
  change {
    "." = false

Key: player
Value: An object mapping keys to permission nodes

Allows full access to the path, except for the uuid path and the location.y path.
Allows access to the list endpoint, but returning only the uuid and link field.
Denies access to the player.change path. This could also be written as: change = false