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Image deblur is basically realized using Python, which based on methods desvribed by the paper "Image deblurring with blurred/noisy image pairs." Yuan etc,

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Image deblurring using noisy/blurred image pairs

Image deblurring was basically achieved by non-blind method, that is, we first estimate our blur kernel and then deconvolution using our obtained blurred kernel. So the project can be roughly divided into two parts, kernel estimation and deconvolution.

Introduction to each part

Kernel Estimation

Basically, the process of Image blurring can be actually be described as $B = I \bigotimes K$ . As a result, to restore the image, we first have to figure out the $K$ . First, we transform the convolution form $B = I\bigotimes K$ as $ b=Ak$ , where $b$ and $k$ are the vector forms of $B$ and $K$ , and $A$ is the matrix form of $I$ .

Here, we transform the problem into matrix problem, which can be described as linear language and be solved using the knowledge of Linear algebra. That is we describe this problem as following optimization: $$ min||Ak-b||^{2}+\lambda||k||{1}, subject\quad to\quad k{i} \geq 0, \quad and\quad\sum_i k_{i} =1 $$ This is called $L_{1}$ Least Square Optimization Problem, so to estimate the kernel is to solve the optimization problem mentioned above.

In the program, the kernel estimation is achieved by calling the function kernel_estimation() , then it will return the estimated kernel.


After solving out the kernel, here comes to the deconvolution problem. we have carried out four methods to deconvolve the blurring image, and they are called Richardson Lucy Algorithm, (RL) , Residual RL method , Gain-Control Residual RL , and Detail layer added RL . Actually, the latter three methods are based on the direct RL method, which are the improvement of the RL method , as you can see from the result of each restoration image in the ./result/ directory.

Illustration to the program

File & Directory Description

Name Description File The entry of the whole program
results Directory, Used to save the output of the program, such as the deblurring image, estimated kernel, Image Quality Evaluation, etc
images Directory , the test image
Kernel_Estimation Package It contains the function used to estimate the kernel, like kernel_estimation , and the l1ls used to solve the $L_{1}$ least square problem.
Affiliated Package It contains many auxiliary function, like denoise , motion_blur , blur kernel generator , addnoise etc, which all play great role in testing our result with the ground truth.
Deconvolution Package It involves many function and its dependency to deconvolve the image.

How to implement

In the file, there are several key variables, they are num_to_cal , is_random_kernel, size_of_kernel .

First you have to choose how many images you want to calculate at this time, which is controlled by the variable num_to_cal , so you can modify the value in this code line

num_to_cal = 1

Then, you choose to whether to generate the random kernel given specific size, which are controlled by is_random_kernel, size_of_kernel

is_random_kernel = False size_of_kernel = 30

As a matter of fact, this algorithm, after testing we find, will get a more satisfying result when the direction of the blur is along just one direction

The kernel estimation function is called like:

K_estimated = kernel_estimation(Nd,B,lens=size_of_kernel,lam=5,method='l1ls')

The deconvolution function is called like:

deBlur = deconv(Nd,B,K_estimated,mode=demode)

Nd, is the image denoised; ​ B, is the blurred image; ​ K_estimated, is the blur kernel; ​ mode, is the variable controlling which method to choose, such as 'detailedRL','lucy','resRL','gcRL', which are corresponding to the method I have mentioned above; ​ method , used to choose which algorithm to estimate, up to now, though, we have carried out another method, but it seems to not performing very well, but you can still have a try, that's change the method='l1ls' to method='landweber'


The result of using this method is not satisfying, mainly resulting from the inaccuracy estimation of the kernel, and iteration algorithm to deconvolution is not so good, leaving "ringing" effect after deconvolution. Besides, the denoising effect is also not satisfying sometimes, resulting in the bad quality of the restoration image, and maybe it's also one of the reason contributed to the inaccuracy of the kernel estimation. And that is the reason we refer to the neutral network based joint image denoising and deblurring .


Image deblur is basically realized using Python, which based on methods desvribed by the paper "Image deblurring with blurred/noisy image pairs." Yuan etc,






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