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Localhost Continuous integration/delivery

Table of content

  • What is Tilt?
  • What is starlark?
  • K8s/Docker
  • Demonstration
  • Integration within Atreides

Presentation powered by Slides


What is Titl

Tilt is a continuous integration tool for localhost development aiming to replicate the final kubernetes production environment locally.

Why tilt

Tilt allows you to locally develop your stack/app as closely as you would use it, as a microservice, in production. Tilt allows you to run tests based on changes to a file so long as its present in your cli.


  • Kubectl
  • Kind
  • Titl
  • Helm
  • Kustomize
  • Any other cli tools that helps you

Common commands

  • local_ressource: run linters, tests, local cli programs, etc.
local_resource('yarn', cmd='yarn install', deps=['package.json', 'yarn.lock'])
  • k8s_ressource: expose ports, configure ressource, etc.
  • k8s_yaml: from simple to custom k8s deployment
  • helm: from simple to custom helm chart deployment
  • extensions: allows you to extend tilt with plugins
  • and more


Documentation can be found in the repo but the TL;DR is that Starlark is a dialect of python and is used by Tilt when coding the Tiltfile.

# list comprehension
above30 = [name for name, age in people.items() if age >= 30]
print("{} people are above 30.".format(len(above30)))
# support objects(dictionary)
people = {
    "Alice": 22,
    "Bob": 40,
    "Charlie": 55,
    "Dave": 14,
# Define a function
def greet(name):
    """Return a greeting."""
    return "Hello {}!".format(name)

All Starlark code is valid Python code

# here's a simple function to init the stack
def k8s_init(kustomize_charts):
  return None

Starlark allows us to dynamically configure the testing environment in a readable and dynamic way.


Using Kind instead of minikube allows us to configure a full cluster with a registry that the local k8s cluster will pull. Using ctlptl we can create a local registry in conjunction with the kind cluster we previously created.

ctlptl create registry ctlptl-registry --port=5005
ctlptl create cluster kind --registry=ctlptl-registry

Great for full integration testing (20s build time usually), but terrible for immediate changes like CSS.


The better alternative to minikube as we can replicate, withing a single docker container, a full cluster

kind: Cluster
product: kind
registry: ctlptl-registry
  name: infrastructure-professional-website
    - role: control-plane
    - role: worker
    - role: worker
    - role: worker

known problems

There is however a steeper learning curve to kind compared to minikube. Kind can have its own docker registry and its integration with tools like ctlptl eludes me.

Replicating a production ingress is more complicated than what can be done using minikube.



  • Frontend: Sveltekit
  • Backend: gofiber
  • DB: postgres
  • DB helper: pgadmin
  • k8s monitoring: prometheus from helm
  • editor: neovim


  • add an item in frontend /projects page and see the difference localhost/k8s
    • show localhost and k8s diff
    • show registry
  • using postman make a few api calls to the backend
    • confirm using pgadmin4

Integration within Atreides

Monorepo that depending on the usage (e.g. configuring the backend/frontend/infrastructure) pulls the relevant repos, calls their respective Titlfile, build the application.