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Stephen Grider Modern React with Redux -- practice for routing to backend

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Purpose of App

The purpose of this app is to ensure that I absolutely understand:

  • the purpose of reducers
  • making API requests with Redux
  • the purpose of redux-thunk

This app is not intended to showcase UI/UX. It is a study to further my knowledge of how to implement react with redux.

Tools used

Visual Studio
JSON Placeholder API smeantic-ui Lodash Memoize

To run

npm install npm start

Skills Learned

Components that are more reusable with Redux Store

// example: to pass ONE user to the component
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
    return { users: state.users.find(user => === ownProps.userId)}
  • so not instead of passing all the users with the find() method directly in the component by accessing the redux stroe with this.props.user, the find() method is called within mapStateToProps by passing in ownProps to access the store
    • you then can access ONE user with const { user } = this.props; (this.props.user) within the component
    • mapStateToProps is supposed to do work on the state + props!

Lodash Memoize

  • Us on action to prevent overfetching of data from API ==> optimization
  • _.memoization -> one way to solve overfetching, unique
  • _.uniq(._map) => fetch only unique keys from jsonPlaceholder --> like memoization
  • OR use _.chain:
 _.chain(     // used to "chain on" additonal funcitons for a response
    .forEach(id => dispatch(fetchUser(id)))
    .value()               // executes all the steps


Redux Cycle

  1. To change state of App --> Action Creator -->
  • action creator must return plain JS objects with a type property
    • axios + async, await causes ^^this^^ error in the browser
    • bc of babel transpiling ot ES2015
    • solution => redux-thunk middleware
const createAction() = (x, y) => {
   return {
      type: 'CREATE_ACTION',
      payload: {
         xName: x,
         yName: y 

         OR just
         x, y

Produces an... -->
2. Action --> Gets Fed to... -->
3. dispatch --> middleware --> Forwards an action to... -->

  • Middleware in Redux
    • Function that gets called with every action dispatched
    • ability to STOP, MODIFY, or mess around with actions
    • most popular usage ==> asnyc actions
  1. Reducers -->
const reducerName = (oldInfo = [], action) => {
   if(action.type === 'ACTION_NAME') {
      // we care about this action
      // ...oldInfo copied and added to action.payload
         // creates a brand new array
         // oldInfo.push(action.payload) only adds to an existing array
            // NEVER USE THIS === BAD DATA
      return [...oldInfo, action.payload]

   // we dont care about this action
   return oldInfo;

Creates new... -->
5. State --> Wait until need to update state again (newAction)

  1. Store = actions and reducers
const { createStore, combineReducers } = Redux;

const ourDepartments = combineReducers({
   name1: name1,
   name2: name2,
   name3: name3

const store = createStore(ourDepartments);

// call action
const action = createAction('x', 'y');


// get state

General Data Loading with Redux

  • Components are generally responsible for fetching data they need by calling an action creator
    • Component gets rendered
    • Component's componentDidMount lifecycle method called
    • Call action creator from componentDidMount
  • Action creators are responisble for making API requests
    • redux-thunk works here
    • Action creator runs code to make API request
    • API responds with data
    • Action creator returns 'action' with fetched data on the 'payload' property
  • Fetched data shows in a component with new state in redux store, mapStateToProps
    • Some reducer sees the action, returns the data off the 'payload'
    • Because of new state object, redux/react-redux cause rerender

Rules of Reducers

  • overview: export default (state = [], action) => {switch (action.type) {case 'FETCH_N'...default: return state}};
  • must return any value besides 'undefined'
  • produces 'state', or data to be used inside of app
    • using only previous state and the action (reducers are pure!)
  • Must not return reach 'out of itself' to decide what value to return
    • BAD return document.querySelector(...)
    • BAD return axios.get(...)
    • GOOD return state + action
  • Should not mutate its input 'state' argument
    • mutate - change of contents of data
    • BAD state[0] = newValue
    • BAD state.push(...)
    • this is not ok because of how data is stored in memory not the actual values
    • Redux snippet from source code for combineReducer:
    let hasChanged = false
    const nextState = {}
    for (let i=0; i < finalReducerKeys.length; i++) {
        const key = final ReducerKeys[i]
        const reducer = finalReducers[key]
        const previousStateForKey = state[key]
        const nextStateForKey = reducer(previousStateForKey, action)
        if (typeof nextStateForKey = 'undefined') {
            const errorMessage = getUndefinedStateErrorMessage(key, action)
            throw error Error(errorMessage)
        nextState[key] = nextStateForKey
        * this is the part that gets the next state or not
        * if this is still false then the function returns there is no change
        * therefore returning old state
        hasChanged = hasChanged || nextStateForKey !== previousStateForKey
    return hasChanged ? nextState : state
  • Syntax best practice:
// have default value for selectedItem to avoid undefined error
const selectedItemReducer = (selectedItem = null, action) => {
    // if correct return payload
    if(action.type === 'SELECTED_ITEM') {
        return action.payload

    // else return deault value
    return selectedItem
Remove el from array state.pop() state.filter(element=>element!=='hi')
Adding an el to array state.push('hi) [...state, 'hi']
Replacing an el in array state[0]='hi'> el==='hi' ? 'bye':el)
Updating a property Obj = "Sam" {...state, name: 'Sam'}
Adding a property to Obj state.age = 30 {...state, age:30}
Removing a property from Obj delete {...state, age:undefined}


  • integration between react and redux


  • middleware to help make requests in a redux application
  • most popular use async funcitons
  • allows the option for actions to return a function
dispatch -->   Action Creator Obj or Function
                            /  \
                        Obj    Fxn
                        /        \
            to reducers           called with dispatch and getState -->
                                    manually dispatch fxn when request is finished -->
                                        New Action! --> back to top dispatch with returned request

From Source Code This is the function that redux thunk is using to help with async

function createThunkMiddleware(extraArgument) {
    return ({ dispatch, getState }) => next => action {
        if (typeof action === 'function') {
            return action(dispatch, getState, extraArgument);
        return next(action);

const thunk = createThunkMiddleware();
thunk.withExtraArgument = createThunkMiddleware;

export default thunk;


Normal Rules for Actions Redux Thunk Rules
Action creators must return action objects Action creators can return action objects or Functions!
Actions must have a type property If Obj gets returns, must have a type
Actions can optionally have a 'payload' If an obj type gets returned, payload is optional


Stephen Grider Modern React with Redux -- practice for routing to backend






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