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Dev Tools

This is a docker compose file that gives you a Redis and Memcached so that you don't have to install them locally. We can add other tools to make bootstrapping new projects easier.

  1. Get docker going. See the interwebs for the latest documentation.
  2. Make sure you have a local machine called default
  3. docker-compose up


Images that we use across projects


Image to run commands on circleci with the basic circleci setup.

Published as verba/circleci-node-awsebcli

Push new one: You'll increment the tag name so that builds can use the right one. Then:

docker build . -t verba/circleci-node-awsebcli
docker push verba/circleci-node-awsebcli:<tagname>


This is just a pegged version of the robcherry/docker-chromedriver. To update it:

docker pull robcherry/docker-chromedriver
docker tag robcherry/docker-chromedriver verba/docker-chromedriver
docker push verba/docker-chromedriver:latest

Helpful Docker Commands & Links

Currently out images are hosted on Docker Cloud.

To run a command in an ubunti instance:

docker run -w /usr/src/app node:8 /bin/bash -c '<the command>'

To run a command in an ubunti instance with the current directory mounted:

docker run -w /usr/src/app -v "$(pwd)":/usr/src/app node:8 /bin/bash -c 'yarn install && yarn build'