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codecov Star on Github License: MIT Discord Bloc Library

An Angular-focused javascript library that helps implement the BLoC pattern.

Includes a comprehensive example on how to use the library on an Angular project.

Fork of Felix Angelov's bloc.js.

Learn more at!


Bloc Architecture

A Bloc is a component which converts incoming events into outgoing states.

Bloc Flow

State changes in bloc begin when events are added which triggers onEvent. The events are then funnelled through transformEvents. By default, transformEvents uses asyncExpand to ensure each event is processed in the order it was added but it can be overridden to manipulate the incoming event stream. mapEventToState is then invoked with the transformed events and is responsible for yielding states in response to the incoming events. transitions are then funnelled through transformTransitions which can be overridden to manipulation the outgoing state changes. Lastly, onTransition is called just before the state is updated and contains the current state, event, and next state.

Creating a Bloc

// The events which `CounterBloc` will react to.
enum CounterEvent {
  increment = 'INCREMENT'

// A `CounterBloc` which handles converting `CounterEvent`s into `int`s.
class CounterBloc extends Bloc<CounterEvent, number> {
  constructor() {
    // The initial state of the `CounterBloc` is 0.

  async *mapEventToState(event: CounterEvent) {
    switch (event) {
      // When a `CounterEvent.increment` event is added,
      // the current `state` of the bloc is accessed via the `state` property
      // and a new state is emitted via `yield`.
      case CounterEvent.increment:
        yield this.state + 1

Using a Bloc

// Create a `CounterBloc` instance.
const bloc = new CounterBloc()

// Access the state of the `bloc` via `state`.
console.log(bloc.state) // 0

// Interact with the `bloc` to trigger `state` changes.

// later...

// Access the new `state`.
console.log(bloc.state) // 1

// Close the `bloc` when it is no longer needed.

Observing a Bloc

enum CounterEvent {
  increment = 'INCREMENT'

class CounterBloc extends Bloc<CounterEvent, number> {
  constructor() {

  async *mapEventToState(event: CounterEvent) {
    switch (event) {
      case CounterEvent.increment:
        yield this.state + 1

  // Called whenever an `event` is added.
  onEvent(event: CounterEvent): void {

  // Called whenever a state change is about to occur.
  onTransition(transition: Transition<any, any>): void {

  // Called whenever an `error` is thrown within `mapEventToState`.
  onError(error: any): void {

BlocObserver can be used to observe all blocs as well.

class MyBlocObserver extends BlocObserver {
  onEvent(bloc: Bloc<any, any>, event: CounterEvent): void {

  onTransition(bloc: Bloc<any, any>, transition: Transition<any, any>): void {

  onError(bloc: Bloc<any, any>, error: any): void {
} = new MyBlocObserver()
// Use blocs...


  • Counter - an example of how to create a CounterBloc in a pure typescript app.

Maintainers (of this fork)

Original Author


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