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Team Management - Forming Teams: spoken by Your Project Leader

Dear Team Members,

We are thrilled to begin the first sprint of our web development project, and we want to encourage you to work together in cross-functional teams of 2-3 people. By forming these teams, you will be able to pool your talents and work together to create a more effective product. Each member of the team brings unique skills and perspectives to the table, and by collaborating, you can create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Here are some steps to help you form cross-functional teams:

Identify your skills: Think about what skills you bring to the table, such as technical expertise, design skills, or marketing knowledge. This will help you identify what kind of team you should join.

Identify gaps: Once you know your skills, look for gaps that need to be filled. For example, if you have technical expertise, you may want to look for team members who have design skills or marketing knowledge.

Reach out to potential team members: Talk to classmates who you think would be a good fit for your team. You can also use our discussion board to find potential team members.

Meet with your team: Once you have identified potential team members, schedule a meeting to discuss your goals and how you can work together effectively. Make sure to establish clear roles and responsibilities for each team member.

Work collaboratively: As you work on the project, make sure to communicate regularly with your team members and work collaboratively to achieve your goals. You may find that working with people who have different skill sets can be a little uncomfortable at first, but this can ultimately lead to more creative and innovative solutions.

By working together in cross-functional teams, you can create a website that is both functional and user-friendly. Let us work together to revolutionize education and help teachers prepare students for a rapidly changing world.

Activity: Create Cross-Functional Teams, Assign Tasks, and End of Project Team Improvement Report


  • To create cross-functional teams and assign project tasks to team members
  • To practice collaboration, communication, and task management skills
  • To learn about the different roles and responsibilities involved in a software development project

Submission Instructions:

  1. Form teams of 2-3 people.
  2. Assign roles and assign responsibilities to each team member based on their strengths and interests.
  3. Clone the project repository and add your team members as collaborators. Decide if you want each person to work on a fork or if you want to just use one repository.
  4. Each person needs to submit a document at the start of the project with each team members name, email, contact preferences, and project responsibilities by end of the first week. You will be held accountable for completing the parts of the project that you agree to complete.
  5. Reflect on the process and outcomes of the activity. Discuss what went well, what could have been done better, and what you learned from the experience. Post your reflections to the Team Formation Discussion Board in Canvas
  6. Submit a report retrospective report that includes what you learned, what you think went well, and what you can improve. You should also include a summary of the improvements that you and your team will make in the next sprint.

Grading Rubric

Rubric Criteria Unsatisfactory (0) Satisfactory (1) Exceeds Expectations (2)
Team Formation Team does not form or assign roles Team forms and assigns roles based on strengths and interests Team forms and assigns roles based on strengths and interests and includes a plan for how to handle conflicts
Task Assignment No clear task assignments Clear task assignments based on strengths and interests Clear task assignments based on strengths and interests with consideration for workload balance
Repository Collaboration Team does not clone repository or add members as collaborators Team clones repository and adds members as collaborators Team clones repository, adds members as collaborators, and establishes branch management plan
Initial Documentation No documentation submitted Documentation submitted with team member names, contact information, and project responsibilities Comprehensive documentation submitted with team member responsibilities, timelines, and potential roadblocks
Reflection No reflection submitted Reflection submitted on what went well and what could be improved Reflection submitted on what went well, what could be improved, and what was learned from the experience
Retrospective Report No retrospective report submitted Retrospective report submitted with summary of what was learned and improvements for next sprint Retrospective report submitted with detailed summary of what was learned, improvements for next sprint, and clear plan for implementation

Project Responsibilities among Your Team Members

  • Project Management and Team Formation Report: Manage the project from conception to completion, oversee development, testing, and other teams, ensure that the project stays on schedule and within budget, analyze and define the business requirements of the project, identify goals, gather data, and develop solutions to meet the needs of the project. Also, outline the formation of the project team, skill sets needed, and task assignments.

  • Web Accessibility and Internationalization Research, Implementation, Testing, and Issue Resolutions: Ensure that the website can be easily adapted to different languages and cultures and is accessible to people with disabilities, develop and implement accessibility and internationalization standards and guidelines to ensure compliance with industry regulations.

  • SEO Research, Implementation, Testing, and Issue Resolutions: Develop and implement search engine optimization strategies to ensure that the website is ranked highly by search engines.

  • DevOps and SRE Research, Implementation, Testing, and Issue Resolutions: Develop and implement DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) best practices to ensure that the website runs smoothly and reliably.

  • Testing and Quality Assurance: Develop and implement testing strategies and processes, ensure that software defects are identified and corrected in a timely manner, conduct performance testing and benchmarking to improve system performance.

  • Development of Responsive Content Template and Homepage: Develop a responsive content template that can be used to create content for the website, design and develop the landing page or homepage of the website.

  • Website Legal Research, Implementation, Testing, and Issue Resolutions: Research and ensure that the website and associated applications comply with all relevant legal requirements, such as data privacy and security regulations. Javascript Implementation of GDPR Requirements with Google Analytics using Consent API: Implement the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements using Google Analytics Consent API to ensure that the website is compliant with industry regulations.

  • Team Improvement Plan: Identify areas of improvement within the development team and coordinate efforts to address those areas. Develop training programs, provide mentorship opportunities, or identify process improvements to enhance team performance.

Further Reading and Examples

Typical Job Descriptions in a Project

Job Title: Web Developer

Job Description: The Web Developer will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining a website or application. They will work closely with the project manager/quality assurance lead to ensure that the website meets the requirements of the project and is free of defects. The Web Developer will also be responsible for implementing search engine optimization strategies and ensuring that the website is accessible to people with disabilities.


  • Design and develop the website or application
  • Work closely with the project manager/quality assurance lead to ensure that the website meets the requirements of the project and is free of defects
  • Implement search engine optimization strategies
  • Ensure that the website is accessible to people with disabilities

Job Title: Project Manager

Job Description: The Project Manager will be responsible for overseeing the entire project from conception to completion.


  • Oversee the entire project from conception to completion
  • Work closely with the Web Developer to ensure that the website meets the requirements of the project and is free of defects
  • Coordinate team formation
  • Ensure that the project stays on schedule and within budget
  • Develop and implement testing strategies and processes.
  • Ensure that the website meets all legal and regulatory requirements

Job Title: Testing and Quality Assurance Lead

Job Description: The Testing and Quality Assurance Lead will be responsible for developing and implementing testing strategies and processes. They will work closely with the Web Developer and Project Manager to ensure that the website is free of defects and meets the requirements of the project. The Testing and Quality Assurance Lead will also be responsible for conducting performance testing and benchmarking.


  • Develop and implement testing strategies and processes
  • Work closely with the Web Developer and Project Manager to ensure that the website is free of defects and meets the requirements of the project
  • Conduct performance testing and benchmarking

Job Roles and Responsibilities in a Large Project

Each of these job roles plays an important part in the successful development, launch, and maintenance of a website or application. By working together and leveraging their unique skills and expertise, these teams can create high-quality, user-friendly products that meet the needs of both the business and its users.

Development Team:

  1. Content Developer: A Content Developer is responsible for creating and updating the textual and multimedia content of a website or application. They may also be involved in developing strategies for creating and presenting content to meet the goals of the project.

  2. Homepage Developer: A Homepage Developer is responsible for designing and developing the landing page or homepage of a website. This includes creating the layout, selecting colors and fonts, and ensuring that the page is responsive to different screen sizes.

  3. JavaScript Specialist: A JavaScript Specialist is responsible for designing and developing client-side scripts using JavaScript, which can enhance the functionality and interactivity of a website or application.

Project Management and Analysis Team:

  1. Lead Project Management: A Lead Project Manager is responsible for overseeing the entire project from conception to completion. They coordinate the efforts of the development, testing, and other teams, ensuring that the project stays on schedule and within budget.

  2. Lead Project Analysis: A Lead Project Analyst is responsible for analyzing and defining the business requirements of a project. They work with stakeholders to identify goals, gather data, and develop solutions to meet the needs of the project.

  3. Coordinate team formation: The team formation coordinator is responsible for assembling the project team, determining the skill sets needed, and assigning team members to specific tasks and responsibilities.

  4. Create Agile documentation: The Agile documentation creator is responsible for creating and maintaining project documentation in an Agile development environment, including requirements, user stories, and test plans.

Testing and Quality Assurance Team:

  1. Lead Testing and Automated Tests: The Lead Testing and Automated Tests is responsible for developing and implementing testing strategies and processes. They oversee the work of the testing team, ensuring that software defects are identified and corrected in a timely manner.

  2. Conduct performance testing and benchmarking: The performance tester is responsible for ensuring that the software is able to handle a variety of loads and user interactions. They use benchmarking tools to identify performance bottlenecks and develop solutions to improve system performance.

Web Development Team:

  1. Web Accessibility Lead: The Web Accessibility Lead is responsible for ensuring that the website is accessible to people with disabilities. They develop and implement accessibility standards and guidelines to ensure that the website is compliant with industry regulations.

  2. Accessibility Research and Implementation: The Accessibility Research and Implementation specialist is responsible for researching and implementing accessibility best practices to ensure that the website is accessible to people with disabilities.

  3. Develop Responsive Content Template: The Responsive Content Template Developer is responsible for developing a template that can be used to create responsive content for the website. This template can be used by other developers to ensure that the website looks good on all screen sizes.

  4. Develop Homepage: The Homepage Developer is responsible for designing and developing the landing page or homepage of the website.

Web Optimization Team:

  1. Internationalization Lead: The Internationalization Lead is responsible for ensuring that the website can be easily adapted to different languages and cultures. They develop and implement internationalization standards and guidelines to ensure that the website can be easily translated into different languages.

  2. SEO Lead: The SEO Lead is responsible for developing and implementing search engine optimization strategies to ensure that the website is ranked highly by search engines.

  3. SEO Research and Implementation: The SEO Research and Implementation specialist is responsible for researching and implementing search engine optimization best practices to ensure that the website is ranked highly by search engines.

DevOps and SRE Team:

  1. Lead DevOps and SRE Research, Implementation, Testing and Issue Resolutions: The Lead DevOps and SRE Research, Implementation, Testing and Issue Resolutions specialist is responsible for developing and implementing DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) best practices to ensure that the website runs smoothly and reliably.

  2. Create installation instructions for production and development: The installation instructions creator is responsible for creating and maintaining documentation that details the steps required to set up the website in production and development environments.

Research and Coordination Team:

  1. Research legal compliance and ensure implementation: The legal compliance specialist is responsible for researching and ensuring that the website and associated applications comply with all relevant legal requirements, such as data privacy and security regulations.

  2. Conduct UX research and develop an improvement plan: The UX researcher is responsible for conducting user research and gathering feedback on the website's user experience. They use this information to develop an improvement plan that addresses any user pain points and improves the overall user experience.

  3. Develop a team improvement plan: The team improvement plan developer is responsible for identifying areas of improvement within the development team and coordinating efforts to address those areas. They may develop training programs, provide mentorship opportunities, or identify process improvements to enhance team performance.