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About VortexaSDK Endpoints

The endpoints module allows you to query Vortexa's data.

The VortexaSDK currently contains 5 different endpoints:

  1. Cargo Movements
  2. Vessel Movements
  3. Charterers
  4. Geographies
  5. Products
  6. Vessels

Each endpoint offers either one, or both, of two different functionalities:

  1. Lookup by ID. Retrieve an object matching a certain id. In sql speak this is the equivalent of SELECT * FROM vessels WHERE id = 12345;
  2. Search. Retrieve a number of objects matching given search parameters. In sql speak this is the equivalent of SELECT * FROM vessels WHERE name ~* 'ocean' AND vessel_class = 'vlcc';

Let's explain with some examples:

Find all aframax vessels

from vortexasdk import Vessels
df = Vessels().search(vessel_classes='aframax').to_df()

Find the vessel that has with id 1245

vessel = Vessels().reference(id='12345')