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92 lines (76 loc) · 3.68 KB


The Matrix (1999) screen rain effect of falling green characters in a shell/terminal written in POSIX sh.


Usage: matrix [OPTION...]
    -h, --help          Display help
    -b, --binary        Use binary characters  [01]
    -d, --digits        Use digit characters   [0123456789]
    -l, --lower         Use lower case letters [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]
    -u, --upper         Use upper case letters [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]
    -s, --special       Use special characters [()[]{}/\]
    -t, --testing       Activate character testing mode
    -c, --custom        Use custom characters specified 'inside single quotes'
    -m, --message       Provide a message to display in the center
    -i, --message_int   Provide an integer from 0-9 that modifies the message
    -k, --halfwidth     Use half-width characters of Japanese katakana
    -K, --fullwidth     Use full-width Japanese katakana characters.
                        Will not work, provided as a reference!
    matrix -du
    matrix -bi 5 -m 'TEST MESSAGE'
    matrix -b --custom='!?/\' --testing

Spawn full screen terminal and execute matrix shell

# example for st terminal emulator
st -f "NotoSansMono Nerd Font:pixelsize=27" -n opaque -t The-Matrix-Shell -e matrix -du

# define rule in i3/config
for_window [title="The-Matrix-Shell"] fullscreen

Screensaver & Lock screen

For using this script as a screensaver, you can use slock with unlock screen patch.

You can build & patch it from sources yourself, or build & use my already patched slock version.

Create and modify this script to fit your system, terminal emulator, available font, etc.

# specifically for using in command: 'slock "$bname"' (this script base name)
# executes matrix shell in new spawned terminals for each monitor output
# then kills all process-group when 'slock "$bname"' process is finished

bname=$(basename "$0") # get this script base name

spawn_term() {
    # add (.0) in title - wm should use this substring as rule to match monitor output
    title="The-Matrix-Shell (.$1)"
    st -f "NotoSansMono Nerd Font:pixelsize=27" -n opaque -t "$title" -e matrix -du

# whole command line runs in the background
# if process exist and then finished -> killall process group | else return 1 (does nothing)
pwait -u "$USER" -f "slock $bname" && killall -g "$bname" &

nummons=$(xrandr --listactivemonitors | sed "1d" | wc -l)
while [ "$i" -lt "$nummons" ]; do
    spawn_term "$i" &
    i=$((i + 1))

Do not forget to add to your WM - match substring rules:

window title="The-Matrix-Shell"

to make it fullscreen/floating/etc. as you like or need.

window title="(.N)"

where N is number from 0 to the total Number of monitor outputs.

To place windows with such titles on predefined monitors.

After installing of patched slock & creating matrixlock:

Make sure that slock, matrix, matrixlock files are added to your $PATH. And can be used independently.

Now you can lock your screen using this simple command:
$ slock matrixlock
