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How to update the tWAS base single server on Azure VM solution for next tWAS fixpack

Please follow sections below in order to update the solution for next tWAS base fixpack.

Updating the image

  1. Which file to update for WAS and BigFix client versions?

    • For WAS version in twas-base image, update the following properties in file, e.g.:

      Note: only the major version should be specified, the minor version should not be hard-coded as the Installation Manager will intelligently install the latest available minor version.

    • For BigFix client version in twas-base image, update the following properties in file, e.g.:


      Note: these properties shouldn't be updated unless there are new versions/updates available.

  2. When to update the images?

    • For new tWAS fixpack, try to update the image soon after the fixpack GA but no more than one week after the GA.
    • Images may also need to updated to fix a critical WebSphere or OS fixes.
  3. How to run CI/CD?

    • Before running the CI/CD, make sure the VM image in partner center has already been live. If the VM image is not published or published but in preview stage, the CI/CD workflow run will fail.
    • Go to Actions > Click twas-base CICD > Click to expand Run workflow > Fill in image version number for Must provide image version number > Click Run workflow > Refresh the page.
      • Note: The image version number you provide will be used as the value of Image version for the new twas-base VM image that will be added to partner center by the CICD pipeline.
    • If Workflow does not kick off from the UI, try the command line after replacing <twas-base-image-version-number> with real value:
    curl --verbose -X POST -u "WASdev:${PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN}" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"${REPO_NAME}/actions/workflows/twas-baseBuild.yml/dispatches --data '{"ref": "main", "inputs": {"imageVersionNumber": "<twas-base-image-version-number>"}}'
  4. How to test the image, what testcases to run?

    • The CI/CD contains tests to verify the entitlement check, tWAS installation, configuring tWAS single server, installing a sample application and accessing admin console and application. So basically it's good to go without manual tests.
    • However, if CI/CD failed, please look at error messages from the CI/CD logs, and access the source VM for troubleshooting if necessary.
  5. How to publish the image in marketplace and who can do it?

    1. Wait until the CI/CD workflow for twas-base CICD successfully completes. The workflow will update the offer by adding a new twas-base VM image and saving it as a draft in partner center.
    2. Sign into Microsoft Partner Center:
      • Select the Directory IBM-Alliance-Microsoft Partner Network-Global-Tenant
      • Expand Build solutions and choose Publish your solution.
      • Click to open the offer for 2023-03-27-twas-single-server-base-image
      • Click Plan overview then click to open the plan
      • IMPORTANT Click Pricing and availability to verify the plan is NOT hidden from the marketplace
        • Ensure the Hide plan checkbox is NOT checked
      • Click Technical configuration. You should see a new draft of VM image exists.
      • Click Review and publish
      • In the "Notes for certification" section enter the twas-base CICD URL
      • Click Publish;
      • Wait for few hours to a day, keep refreshing the page until "Go Live" button appears
      • Click on "Go Live" and wait again (for few hours) for the image to be published.
      • Note: After the image is successfully published and available, please clean up the storage account with VHD files for reducing Azure cost.
      • Now proceed to Updating and publishing the solution code steps

    Note: Currently Graham Charters has privilege to update the image in marketplace, contact him for more information.

  6. Do we need to update the solution every time we do the image update?

    • Yes. That's because image version of twas-base is explicitely referenced in the tWAS base single server solution. Make sure correct image version is specified in the config.json of the solution code.

Updating and publishing the solution code

Note: Wait for images to be published before proceeding with this step. The steps included in this section are also applied to release new features / bug fixes which have no changes to the images.

  1. How to update the version of the solution?

  2. How to run CI/CD?

    • Go to Actions > Click integration-test > Click to expand Run workflow > Click Run workflow > Refresh the page
  3. How to publish the solution in marketplace and who can do it? (Note: Make sure the image is published before publishing the solution)

    1. Wait until the CI/CD workflow for integration-test successfully completes
      • Click to open details of the workflow run > Scroll to the bottom of the page
      • Click azure.websphere-traditional.singleserver-<version>-arm-assembly to download the zip file azure.websphere-traditional.singleserver-<version>;
    2. Sign into Microsoft Partner Center
      • Click to open the offer for the solution (likely 2022-01-07-twas-base-single-server) > Click Plan overview
      • Click to open the plan > Click Technical configuration
      • Specify the increased version number for Version (note, the version is in the zip file name)
      • Click Remove to remove the previous package file
      • Click browse your file(s) to upload the downloaded zip package generated by the CI/CD pipeline before
      • Scroll to the bottom of the page
      • Click Save draft
      • Click Review and publish
      • In the "Notes for certification" section enter the integration-test URL
      • Click Publish
      • Wait until solution offer is in Publisher signoff (aka "preview") stage and "Go Live" button appears(it could take few hours)
      • Before clicking "Go Live" use the preview link to test the solution
      • Run test cases defined in Note: use "preview link" for each test case.
      • Click "Go Live"
      • Wait for remaining steps to complete (may take couple of days)
      • Make sure to delete your test deployments
      • Once the solution is in "Publish" stage, new version is publicly available
      • To verify the version number, launch the solution in Azure portal and hover over "Issue tracker" and it should display the version number. For example,**1.0.1**

    Note: Currently Graham Charters has privilege to update the solution in marketplace, contact him for more information.

    There is another approach to automate all the steps before Review and publish, with Package ARM workflow.

    1. Go to Actions > Click Package ARM > Click to expand Run workflow > Click Run workflow > Refresh the page.
    2. Wait until the CI/CD workflow for Package ARM successfully completes. The workflow will update the offer with the generated artifact and save it as draft.
    3. Sign into Microsoft Partner Center and complete the same steps above starting from Click Review and publish.
  4. Create a release for this GA code and tag with the pom.xml version number.

What needs to be cleaned up from test env and how to clean them up?

Azure marketplace is responsible for managing different stages during the offer publishing, just follow its process to make it Go-Live and no additional clean-ups are needed.

Do we delete/archive previous version of the solution?

Previous versions of the solution are archived. You can find/download them from "Offer > Plan overview > Technical configuration > Previously published packages".

Create a release and a branch with the GA code (for image and singleserver repo)

Probably creating a release/tag for each GA code is good enough.


twas-base CICD's Deploy VM stage fails with "Can not perform requested operation on nested resource"

ERROR: ***"status":"Failed","error":***"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.","details":[***"code":"NotFound","message":"***\r\n  \"error\": ***\r\n    \"code\": \"ParentResourceNotFound\",\r\n    \"message\": \"Can not perform requested operation on nested resource. Parent resource 'evaluation297509892811' not found.\"\r\n  ***\r\n***"***]***
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

This failure is caused by the issue that vm extension can't find the VM where it's executed. I guess it's an intermittent Azure issue as I can't reproduce the similar issue.