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We can use our iPhone or iPad as a coach. The device can observe what we're doing and give us good, real-time feedback.

We already have the perfect tool in our pocket:

  • High quality camera
  • Fast CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine
  • Comprehensive and cooperative APIs
  • All on device, which means better privacy and no network latency

Today in sports and fitness

  • Sport analysis can help everyone improve
  • Billions of enthusiasts and professional athletes who can benefit

We can go beyond watching a video to learn how to do an exercise. Common forms of analysis:

  • What did the body do?
  • Which objects are in motion? (Ex: Ball in soccer/tennis game)
  • What is the field of play? (Ex: Soccer goal or tennis court)

The example in this session analyzes a simple-to-understand sport: bean bag toss. There's a simple application that can be downloaded.

The "Action & Vision" App

Everyone wants to win! Some questions we may want answered:

  • Why did I miss?

    • How was my bag flying?
    • What was my pose?
    • How fast was my throw?
  • How do I keep score?

  • Can I show off with different shots?

For a demo, watch 3:40-5:03.

  • To find the boards, Apple trained a custom model and then used VNCoreMLRequest
  • Scene stability: VNTranslationalImageRegistrationRequest
  • Board measurements: VNDetectContourRequest
  • Find player: VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest (new this year)
  • Find throw trajectory: VNDetectTrajectoriesRequest
  • Analyze throw type (overhand/underhand, etc): A new model Apple made that runs through CoreML predict.
  • Speed measurements happen using existing board measurements and throw trajectory information.

Detecting and recognizing boards

Apple trained a custom object detection model using the Create ML object detection template.

After training the model, Apple ran inference through Vision.

Why fixate the camera?

Some algorithms require a stable scene. Also, the playing field only needs to be analyzed once.

Another benefit is that, once the device is stabilized, we can assume the user wants to start analyzing. Therefore, there's no need for a "start" button. The user doesn't have to touch the screen at all.

Scene stability through registration

VNTranslationalImageRegistrationRequest analyzes movement from one frame to the next. Once the pixel-difference between 2 frames is below some threshold, the device is considered stable.

Finding the board

VNDetectContourRequest uses the bounding box we got from our object detection as a region of interest. These contours are then simplified for analysis.

To learn more about contour detection, see Explore Computer Vision APIs.

Finding the player

VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest gives points corresponding to a person's body joints. We can then analyze joint angles using these points.

This data is also used for Action Classification.

To learn more, see Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision.

Building the App

Most of the video from this point on is about the sample app's source code. To follow along, download the Xcode project from this link. These notes attempt to capture the main take-aways from each portion of the source code discussed in the video.

How does the app progress through stages of the game?

The app uses a GameManager to manage its state and communicate changes to that state with its listening ViewControllers. Here's how the GameManager singleton is initialized, directly from the sample project:

static var shared = GameManager()

private init() {
  // Possible states with valid next states.
  let states = [
    TrackThrowsState([ThrowCompletedState.self, ShowSummaryState.self]),
    ThrowCompletedState([ShowSummaryState.self, TrackThrowsState.self]),

  // Any state besides Inactive can be returned to Inactive.
  for state in states where !(state is InactiveState) {

  // Create state machine.
  stateMachine = GKStateMachine(states: states)


You can get an overview of the Storyboard by watching 10:25-10:58, but it doesn't seem necessary for the big picture. Essentially, RootViewController controls the rest of the app.

This view controller is responsible for hosting the CameraViewController on viewDidLoad(). CameraViewController manages the frame buffers coming from either the camera or the selected video and passes it to CameraViewControllerOutputDelegate.

After setting up the input buffers, RootViewController calls startObservingStateChanges(), which registers the view controller to be notified by GameManager state changes. This is the second responsibility of RootViewController: presenting and dismissing overlaying view controllers based on the game state.

RootViewController has an extension where it conforms to the GameStateChangeObserver protocol and figures out which overlaying view controller to present. The options are:

  • SetupViewController
  • GameViewController
  • SummaryViewController

Both SetupViewController and GameViewController also conform to GameStateChangeObserver. This means that they also listen for updates on game state and they become the current CameraViewControllerOutputDelegate.


In viewDidAppear(), this view controller creates a VNCoreMLRequest using the object detection model. This model was made using Create ML's Object Detection Transfer Learning algorithm in the Object Detection template.

Detecting the board

As SetupViewController starts receiving buffers through CameraViewControllerOutputDelegate methods, it starts performing Vision requests on each buffer in the detectBoard() function. Here, the app takes object detection results and filters out results with low confidence. If it finds a result with sufficient confidence, it draws a bounding box on-screen around the detected object.

Detecting board placement

In live camera mode, the app tells the user to align the bounding box with the board location guide, which is already present on the screen. Otherwise, in video playback mode, the app assumes that the board is placed on the right side of the scene.

Detecting scene stability

The checkSceneStability function contains a VNSequenceRequestHandler because checking scene stability requires performing VNTranslationalImageRegistrationRequests across a series of frames. It then adds the frame points to a sceneStabilityHistoryPoints array.

The view controller uses a read-only computed property sceneStability to calculate whether the scene is stable or not. This variable calculates the moving average of the points stored in sceneStabilityHistoryPoints and then calculates the distance. If the distance is less than 10 pixels, the scene is declared to be stable.

Detecting contours

The detectBoardContours() function performs a VNDetectContoursRequest and sets the region of interest to the board's bounding box. This means the request will only look for contours in that region.

The analyzeBoardContours() function performs analysis of the top-level contours to find the board edge path and hole path.


The SetupViewController's responsibilities are now done. It has detected the board and its placement, ensured the scene is stable, and detected board contours.

Now, the app goes back to RootViewController with a new state .DetectingPlayerState. At this point, RootViewController presents GameViewController, which is presented as an overlay and becomes the new CameraViewControllerOutputDelegate.


Detecting Player

As GameViewController receives input buffers from the camera, it performs a VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest. The results are passed to the humanBoundingBox(for:) function. This function filters out low-confidence observations and returns the bounding box of the person who enters the frame.

Detecting bean bag trajectories

The VNDetectTrajectoriesRequest finds moving objects while attempting to filter out noise movements. It does this by comparing differences in frames.

VNDetectTrajectoriesRequest is a stateful request, which means it builds state over time. This also means that we need to keep the request around, which is not mandatory for other requests in Vision.

A few frames down, once there's evidence of movement, a VNTrajectoryObservation is reported. However, we still know the time at which the trajectory started. This is contained in the timeRange property.

Some more information on VNTrajectoryObservation:

Notice how there's actually 2 parabolas above. The purple one is the bean bag, but the green one is the shadow of the bean bag.

Creating a VNDetectTrajectoriesRequest

request = VNDetectTrajectoriesRequest(
  frameAnalysisSpacing:,  // 1
  trajectoryLength: trajectoryLength,  // 2
  completionHandler: { ... }  // 3

// 4
request.minimumObjectSize = beanBagRadiusNormalized
request.maximumObjectSize = beanBagRadiusNormalized + fudge
  1. Setting the spacing to .zero means that we want to analyze all the frames, but we can change it to only start analyzing after a certain amount of time. This reduces computation cost.
  2. Trajectory length is half the "width" of the parabola. Specifying this parameter helps with filtering out small movement noise that we don't care about.
  3. The completion handler gives us a result, which we can use however we want.
  4. Here, we specify size bounds for which object to track. This helps us avoid tracking the trajectory of the arm, for example, because it's too large. We can also filter out very small objects like a bug.

It's important to note that trajectory detection is happening on its own queue separate from the camera queue.

Things to keep in mind with trajectory detection

  • Requires a stable scene
  • Objects must travel on a parabola (lines are parabolas)
  • Requires CMSampleBuffers with timestamps
  • Bounces create new trajectories; so does leaving the frame. To combine bounces into a single trajectory, we'll have to look at where end of trajectory 1 == start of trajectory 2
  • Use region of interest if possible. This helps filter out noise movements.

Processing trajectory results

Going back to the code, processTrajectoryObservations() tracks information about each trajectory, such as its duration and points detected. It also updates the trajectory region of interest if the trajectory is still in flight. If the trajectory is outside the region of interest for more than 20 frames, the app considers the throw to be complete.

It's important to note that trajectoryView.points has a didSet observer which calls updatePathLayer(). This function updates the trajectory path in the view. It also checks if the trajectory points are within the region of interest. Lastly, this function calculates the release speed of the throw.

Detecting type of throw

Apple created a custom classification model using the Create ML Action Classification template. They collected video of throw types that they wanted to classify, but they also collected video of non-throwing actions like walking.

Action Classification uses Bodypose through Vision. Just like trajectory detection, this builds evidence over time.

To determine the last throw a player made, we can go to the cameraViewController() delegate method inside GameViewController. For each buffer received, the method is also performing a VNDetectHumanBodyPoseRequest and storing those points as observations. Those observations are using in the humanBoundingBox(for:) function and used as input to the Action Classification model.

Once a throw is complete, the player's stats are updated. At this point, playerStats.getLastThrowType() is called. Here's the implementation:

struct PlayerStats {
  mutating func getLastThrowType() -> ThrowType {
        let actionClassifier = try? PlayerActionClassifier(configuration: MLModelConfiguration()),
        let poseMultiArray = prepareInputWithObservations(poseObservations),  // 1
        let predictions = try? actionClassifier.prediction(poses: poseMultiArray),  // 2
        let throwType = ThrowType(rawValue: predictions.label.capitalized)
      else {
          return .none

      return throwType
  1. Stored poseObservations are used as the input to the classifier. prepareInputWithObservations() is a helper function that massages data into a form required by the model.
  2. The throw type with the highest probability is returned.

Metrics calculated on trajectories

We want to calculate the size of the field. We know the physical size of the board (4' x 2'). We measure the contour of the board. From this data, we can calculate a mapping of pixel measurements to the real world.

We also know that the trajectory is in the same plane as the ball. So, we can calculate the speed using the size of the real world.

We can also calculate the release angle using:

  • Body pose at the beginning of the throw
  • Angle between relevant points (elbow/wrist vs horizontal plane)

In code, the updatePlayerStats() function gets the release speed, trajectory, and release angle of the throw. When the app first observes a trajectory, it calculates the length of that trajectory in pixels. This can be converted to a real-world distance using the game board length as a reference.

From here, release speed is simply the length of the trajectory divided by the duration of the trajectory.

The release angle is calculated in the getReleaseAngle function, which uses the angle between the forearm and the horizontal plane:

mutating func getReleaseAngle() -> Double {
  if !poseObservations.isEmpty {
    let observationCount = poseObservations.count
    let postReleaseObservationCount = GameConstants.trajectoryLength + GameConstants.maxTrajectoryInFlightPoseObservations
    let keyFrameForReleaseAngle = observationCount > postReleaseObservationCount ? observationCount - postReleaseObservationCount : 0
    let observation = poseObservations[keyFrameForReleaseAngle]
    let (rightElbow, rightWrist) = armJoints(for: observation)
    // Release angle is computed by measuring the angle forearm (elbow to wrist) makes with the horizontal
    releaseAngle = rightElbow.angleFromHorizontal(to: rightWrist)
  return releaseAngle

Important points when creating both ML models

Object Detection

Model input data should be as close to real-world usage as possible. The input data for object detection was:

  • Captured with iPhone
  • Standard bean bag boards
  • Images of boards outside because that's where games are usually played.

Apple realized they forgot to include actual images of bean bags or people, so the model initially had difficulty detecting boards when people and bean bags were in the frame. To fix this, they added pictures with people and bean bags in the frame. They also took pictures from various distances and angles.

Action Classification

Similarly, Action Classification data was captured with iPhone at various distances and angles.

Roadblock 1

Initially, throw classifications were just "underhand", "overhand", and "under the leg". However, all actions, such as picking up a bean bag, were recognized as one of those 3 actions.

To account for these additional situations, Apple added another Negative class of actions, where people were not throwing bean bags. Doing this helped the model's performance.

Roadblock 2

Another issue was figuring out the correct prediction window. It needed to be set to capture the entire target action. Apple settled at 45 frames.

A final issue was figuring out how frequently to run prediction. For this app, frames were sent once a throw was completed.

Best practices for live processing

Challenges of live streams

  • Camera only has finite buffers
    • Buffers we hold are not available to the camera. If we don't release them ASAP, we can starve the camera.
  • Assuming our algorithm is always faster than the throw is a bad assumption because load on the system varies.

We can use the following delegate method from AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate to be notified when we drop some buffers:

func captureOutput(
  _ output: AVCaptureOutput,
  didDrop sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer,
  from connection: AVCaptureConnection

Dealing with live streams

  • Speed is important, and there's a lot of things to analyze. Multiple tasks should run in parallel on different queues.
  • Rendering should not happen at the end, because that must happen on the main queue and will bottleneck our app.
    • Instead, we should release the buffer and then asynchronously render on the main queue.

Dealing with live playback

Live video playback has challenges similar to live streams:

  • Don't go frame by frame
  • Use AVPlayerItemVideoOutput and a CADisplayLink.

Here's some code from the project (type-annotated for clarity):

let nextTimeStamp: CFTimeStamp = displayLink.timestamp + displayLink.duration
let itemTime: CMTime = output.itemTime(forHostTime: nextTimeStamp)
guard output.hasNewPixelBuffer(forItemTime: itemTime) else { return }
guard let pixelBuffer = output.copyPixelBuffer(forItemTime: itemTime, itemTimeForDisplay: nil) else { return }

// ... do stuff with buffer

Wrap up

This type of application can work for other sports, like tennis, soccer, and cricket (35:40 - 36:00).