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File metadata and controls

44 lines (35 loc) · 3.33 KB

Best Practices for Javascript


  • Use 4-spaces for indentation (because it's easier to be consistent with Python than it is to switch your editor back and forth).
  • Javascript variables names should always be camelCase (never snake_case).
  • Constant variables and configuration parameters should be in TITLECASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES.
  • Named functions should be declared like this var functionName = function() {}.
  • Event handlers should be named on + the name of the event generator + the event name, for example onDocumentLoad, onWindowResize and onGoButtonClick.
  • All global variables should be defined at the top of the file.
  • All variables should be constrained to the current scope with var.
  • Declare one variable on one line.
  • End all statements with a semicolon.
  • Use spaces after opening and before closing braces and brackets in array and object definitions, i.e. { foo: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } not {foo:[1,2,3]}.
  • Do not use spaces after opening or before closing parentheses, i.e. if (foo === true) { and not if ( foo === true ) {.
  • Put else statements on the same line as the if block's closing }.
  • When accessing properties of a data structure (such as one retrieved using getJSON) prefer bracket syntax (data['property']) to attribute syntax (
  • Very frequent property references (e.g. those inside loops) should be cached, i.e. var array_length = array.length;.
  • Use === rather than ==. (Why?)
  • Use single-quotes for strings.


For consistency, prefer the following libraries to others that perform the same tasks:

  • jQuery for DOM manipulation
  • Underscore.js for functional programming (where Underscore and jQuery overlap, i.e. each(), prefer Underscore)
  • Bootstrap for responsiveness
  • Moment.js for datetime handling
  • jPlayer for audio/video playback


  • jQuery references that are used more than once should be cached. Prefix these references with $, i.e. var $electris = $('#electris');.
  • Whenever possible constrain jQuery DOM lookups within the scope of a cached element. For example, $electris.find('.candidate') is preferable to $('.candidate').
  • Always use on, never bind, delegate or live. on should also be preferred to "verb events", such as click.
  • When an event needs to occur for elements which may not yet exist, use on in delegated/bubble mode, rather than binding and unbinding events as elements are created and destroyed. For example: $wrapper.on('click', '.item', onItemClick).
  • When using on for delegated/bubbled events, always use the nearest container div. Do not use $body to capture events from anywhere as this degrades performance.


  • Avoid anonymous functions as callbacks unless their contents are trivially simple.
  • When clarity of code matters most: use Underscore functions for loops.
  • When performance matters most: unroll Underscore loops into standard for loops.