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Translation process

Suggestion voting


This feature is available since Weblate 1.6.

In default Weblate setup, everybody can add suggestions and logged in users can accept them. You might however want to have more eyes on the translation and require more people to accept them. This can be achieved by suggestion voting. You can enable this on component configuration by Suggestion voting and Autoaccept suggestions. The first one enables voting feature, while the latter allows you to configure threshold at which suggestion will gets automatically accepted (this includes own vote from suggesting user).


Once you enable automatic accepting, normal users lose privilege to directly save translations or accept suggestions. This can be overriden by Can override suggestion state privilege (see privileges).

You can combine these with privileges into one of following setups:

  • Users can suggest and vote for suggestions, limited group controls what is accepted - enable voting but not automatic accepting and remove privilege from users to save translations.
  • Users can suggest and vote for suggestions, which get automatically accepted once defined number of users agree on this - enable voting and set desired number of votes for automatic accepting.
  • Optional voting for suggestions - you can also only enable voting and in this case it can be optionally used by users when they are not sure about translation (they can suggest more of them).

Translation locking

To improve collaboration, it is good to prevent duplicate effort on translation. To achieve this, translation can be locked for single translator. This can be either done manually on translation page or is done automatically when somebody starts to work on translation. The automatic locking needs to be enabled using AUTO_LOCK.

The automatic lock is valid for AUTO_LOCK_TIME seconds and is automatically extended on every translation made and while user has opened translation page.

User can also explicitly lock translation for LOCK_TIME seconds.