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47 lines (29 loc) · 1.21 KB


File metadata and controls

47 lines (29 loc) · 1.21 KB

Installing from sources

  1. Please follow the installation instructions for your system first:
    • venv-debian
    • venv-suse
    • venv-redhat
  2. Grab the latest Weblate sources using Git (or download a tarball and unpack that):

    git clone weblate-src

    Alternatively you can use released archives. You can download them from our website <>. Those downloads are cryptographically signed, please see verify.

  3. Install current Weblate code into the virtualenv:

    . ~/weblate-env/bin/activate
    pip install -e weblate-src
  4. Copy weblate/ to weblate/
  5. .. include:: steps/adjust-config.rst
  6. Create the database used by Weblate, see database-setup.
  7. Build Django tables, static files and initial data (see tables-setup and static-files):

    weblate migrate
    weblate collectstatic
    weblate compress
    weblate compilemessages


    This step should be repeated whenever you update the repository.