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Monthly Report #202212

It's a remarkable thought to consider that an entire year has already passed us by! As we've mentioned on a few occasions, 2022 was momentous for us, with our app launching, presence at Polkadot Decoded and Sub0, and incredible team growth. We have a lot to be thankful for, but we also know that 2023 is going to be even better.

December was a record month for Zeitgeist, with prediction volumes reaching an all time high. This was mostly due to the FIFA World Cup, which drew amazing numbers to the platform. The tournament provided a wonderful opportunity to showcase the power of prediction markets, with every single market about the soccer showpiece turning out to be correct - even our biggest market to date: "Who will win the FIFA World Cup in 2022?"

While Brazil and France hovered around pole position at different moments of the tournament, by 4 December Argentina had become the forecast winner. This was a prediction that proved correct during what was a sensational final! Congratulations to Argentina on their victory, and to all the Zeitgeist users who predicted Messi's men to lift the trophy (including our very own Head of Integrations, "Numa", who is from Argentina!)

While the World Cup was by far our December highlight, there was still a lot of work done on the Zeitgeist protocol in the final month of the year. Here's what you need to know...



Zeitgeist's engineering team continued to optimize the protocol's overall code, and submitted a total of 121 commits. These are the primary commits worth mentioning:


  • Remove old migrations and ReportPeriod and DisputePeriod from prediction markets Config(#897

  • Tightly coupled market-commons with prediction markets.(#900

  • Add Chaintroopers audit report(#913


In terms of optimizing the app, we submitted a total of 199 commits. Here are a few of the highlights:


  • Reconstruct the APP condition filtering function
  • Adjust the weight calculation and use weight to calculate the spot price
  • Scalar market support decimal point
  • Scalar market support price range display
  • Add price verification function
  • Support market list sorting function

Subsquid Integration

As many of you know, Subsquid acts as an important data indexing tool for Zeitgeist. Here we submitted a total of 3 GitHub commits, which were as follows:


  • Adapt to latest changes on specVersion:41 (#239

  • Process & map SwapsPoolDestroyedEvent (#241

Parachain Swap

Our Kusama parachain slot lease came to term in November, and we successfully secured a second slot to ensure continuity of the network.

There was unfortunately an error during the slot swap, which required Zeitgeist to ask the Kusama governance council to swap our Parachain ID. This Kusama proposal was unanimously approved, and the ID swap took place between Kusama blocks 15,724,799 and 15,739,200, which occurred on 13 December.

There was some brief down time between these blocks, but the ID was successfully swapped, and we were then able to connect to our new Parachain Slot on Kusama with no trouble.

We were delighted to navigate that tricky tech hurdle with little to no effect on our application, and are looking forward to an exciting term ahead as a Dotsama parachain.

Other App Notes

NFT Library

Our NFT integrations have been exceptionally well received, and we continued to work on NFT avatars and equipable badges, as many of you would have seen with our Christmas campaign.

While these new avatars and badges were added to the Zeitgeist NFT inventory, there was also some additional work in the dependency package, which was updated in our NFT Badge library.

Nova Wallet

The Nova Wallet team have produced a wonderful feature whereby they are now able to offer ZTG holders the opportunity to stake their assets from within the Nova Wallet interface.


Our marketing and community teams were hard at work ensuring everyone in the Zeitgeist ecosystem was up to date with what we've been doing, while also doing our best to bring new users onto the platform. Some of the marketing highlights for December included:

  • Publication of the third Zeitgeist Newsletter, a fortnightly email of the primary markets and activities in the Zeitgeist ecosystem, including a Top Ten chart of the most active prediction markets by volume.
  • We held a successful campaign around the FIFA World Cup, which included Twitter Spaces, live match predictions, and ZTG giveaways - this was a fun-filled campaign that included conversations with some amazing Dotsama influencers from across the ecosystem.
  • Launched "12 Days of Christmas" community campaign and released Santa NFT set.
  • Announced partnership with NFT project ApeXchimpZ.
  • Our China Ecosystem Lead participated in the "Polkadot Ecosystem 2022 Rollup" event held by PolkaWorld


December concludes an extraordinary year for Zeitgeist. We accomplished a heck of a lot of goals and milestones, and we couldn't be prouder of our team and community.

Thank you for all of your support this last year, and we're extremely excited about some big announcements and updates coming in the next 12 months.

See you in 2023!