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Deprecated Whiteblock CLI

Maintainability Go Report Card Docker

./whiteblock [FLAGS]

This application will deploy a blockchain, create nodes, and allow those nodes to interact in the network. Documentation, usages, and exmaples can be found in our documentation.

  • Available Commands:

    • build Build a blockchain using image and deploy nodes
    • get Get server and network information.
    • geth Run geth commands
    • help Help about any command
    • netconfig Network conditions
    • rpc Rpc interacts with the blockchain
    • ssh SSH into an existing container.
    • version Get whiteblock CLI client version
  • Flags:

    • -h, --help : help for whiteblock


./whiteblock build [FLAGS]

Aliases: build, create, init

Build will create and deploy a blockchain and the specified number of nodes. Each node will be instantiated in its own container and will interact individually as a participant of the specified network.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for build
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")


./whiteblock get [FLAGS]

Get will ouput server and network information and statstics.

  • Available Commands:

    • data Data will pull data from the network and output into a file.
    • nodes Nodes will show all nodes in the network.
    • server Get server information.
    • stats Get stastics of a blockchain
  • Flags:

    • -h, --help : help for get
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get data

./whiteblock get data [FLAGS]

Data will pull specific or all block data from the network and output into a file. You will specify the directory where the file will be downloaded.

  • Available Commands:

    • all All will pull data from the network and output into a file.
    • block Data block will pull data from the network and output into a file.
    • time Data time will pull data from the network and output into a file.
  • Flags:

    • -h, --help : help for data
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get data all

./whiteblock get data all [path] [FLAGS]

Data all will pull all data from the network and output into a file. The directory where the file will be downloaded will need to be specified. If no directory is provided, default directory is set to ~/Downloads.

Response: JSON representation of network statistics

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for all
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get data block

./whiteblock get data block [path] [FLAGS]

Data block will pull block data from the network from a given start and end block and output into a file. The directory where the file will be downloaded will need to be specified. If no directory is provided, default directory is set to ~/Downloads.

Params: Block numbers Format:

Response: JSON representation of network statistics

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for block
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get data time

./whiteblock get data time [path] [FLAGS]

Data time will pull block data from the network from a given start and end time and output into a file. The directory where the file will be downloaded will need to be specified. If no directory is provided, default directory is set to ~/Downloads.

Params: Unix time stamps Format:

Response: JSON representation of network statistics

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for time
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get default

./whiteblock get default [FLAGS]

Get the blockchain specific parameters for a deployed blockchain.

Params: The blockchain to get the build params of Format:

Response: The params as a list of key value params, of name and type respectively

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for default

get nodes

./whiteblock get nodes [FLAGS]

Aliases: nodes, node

Nodes will output all of the nodes in the current network.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for server
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get server

./whiteblock get server [FLAGS]

Aliases: server, servers

Server will allow the user to get server information.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for server
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get stats

./whiteblock get stats [FLAGS]

Stats will allow the user to get statistics regarding the network.

Response: JSON representation of network statistics

  • Available Commands:

    • all
    • block
    • time
  • Flags:

    • -h, --help : help for stats
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get stats all

./whiteblock get stats all [FLAGS]

Stats all will allow the user to get all the statistics regarding the network.

Response: JSON representation of network statistics

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for all
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get stats block

./whiteblock get stats block [FLAGS]

Stats block will allow the user to get statistics regarding the network.

Params: Block numbers Format:

Response: JSON representation of network statistics

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for block
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

get stats time

./whiteblock get stats time [FLAGS] Stats time will allow the user to get statistics by specifying a start time and stop time (unix time stamp).

Params: Unix time stamps Format:

Response: JSON representation of network statistics

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for time
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")


./whiteblock geth [flags]

Geth will allow the user to get infromation and run geth commands.

  • Available SubCommands:

    • block_listener Get block listener
    • get_accounts Get account information
    • get_balance Get account balance information
    • get_block Get block information
    • get_block_number Get block number
    • get_hash_rate Get hasg rate
    • get_recent_sent_tx Get recently sent transaction
    • get_transaction Get transaction information
    • get_transaction_count Get transaction count
    • get_transaction_receipt Get transaction receipt
    • send_transaction Sends a transaction
    • start_mining Start Mining
    • start_transactions Start transactions
    • stop_mining Stop mining
    • stop_transactions Stop transactions
  • Flags:

    • -h, --help: help for geth
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

geth block_listener

./whiteblock geth block_listener [block number] [flags]

Get all blocks and continue to subscribe to new blocks

Format: [block number] Params: The block number to start at or None for all blocks Response: Will emit on eth::block_listener for every block after the given block or 0 that exists/has been created

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for block_listener

geth get_accounts

./whiteblock geth get_accounts [flags]

Get a list of all unlocked accounts

Response: A JSON array of the accounts

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_accounts

geth get_balance

./whiteblock geth get_balance


Get the current balance of an account


Params: Account address Response: The integer balance of the account in wei

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_balance

geth get_block

./whiteblock geth get_block [flags]

Get the data of a block

Format: Params: Block number

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_block

geth get_block_number

./whiteblock geth get_block_number [flags]

Get the current highest block number of the chain

Response: The block number

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_block_number

geth get_hash_rate

./whiteblock geth get_hash_rate [flags]

Get the current hash rate per node

Response: The hash rate of a single node in the network

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_hash_rate

geth get_recent_sent_tx

./whiteblock geth get_recent_sent_tx [number] [flags]

Get a number of the most recent transactions sent

Format: [number] Params: The number of transactions to retrieve Response: JSON object of transaction data

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_recent_sent_tx

geth get_transaction

./whiteblock geth get_transaction [flags]

Get a transaction by its hash

Format: Params: The transaction hash

Response: JSON representation of the transaction.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_transaction

geth get_transaction_count

./whiteblock geth get_transaction_count

[block number] [flags]

Get the transaction count sent from an address, optionally by block


[block number] Params: The sender account, a block number Response: The transaction count

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_transaction_count

geth get_transaction_receipt

./whiteblock geth get_transaction_receipt [flags]

Get the transaction receipt by the tx hash

Format: Params: The transaction hash Response: JSON representation of the transaction receipt.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for get_transaction_receipt

geth send_transaction

./whiteblock geth send_transaction [flags]

Send a transaction between two accounts

Format: Params: Sending account, receiving account, gas, gas price, amount to send, transaction data, nonce Response: The transaction hash

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for send_transaction

geth start_mining

./whiteblock geth start_mining [node 1 number] [node 2 number]... [flags]

Send the start mining signal to nodes, may take a while to take effect due to DAG generation

Format: [node 1 number] [node 2 number]... Params: A list of the nodes to start mining or None for all nodes Response: The number of nodes which successfully received the signal to start mining

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for start_mining

geth start_transactions

./whiteblock geth start_transactions <tx/s> [destination] [flags]

Start sending transactions according to the given parameters, value = -1 means randomize value.

Format: <tx/s> [destination] Params: The amount of transactions to send in a second, the value of each transaction in wei, the destination for the transaction

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for start_transactions

geth stop_mining

./whiteblock geth stop_mining [node 1 number] [node 2 number]... [flags]

Send the stop mining signal to nodes

Format: [node 1 number] [node 2 number]... Params: A list of the nodes to stop mining or None for all nodes Response: The number of nodes which successfully received the signal to stop mining

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for stop_mining

geth stop_transactions

./whiteblock geth stop_transactions [flags]

Stops the sending of transactions if transactions are currently being sent

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for stop_transactions


./whiteblock netconfig [FLAGS]

Aliases: emulate

Netconfig will introduce persisting network conditions for testing. Use '?' at any time for more help on configuring the network.

Custom Command: netconfig

set delay Specifies the latency to add [ms]; set loss loss Specifies the amount of packet loss to add [%]; set bw Specifies the bandwidth of the network [bps|Kbps|Mbps|Gbps];

  • Available Commands:

    • bandwidth Set bandwidth
    • delay Set latency
    • loss Set packetloss
    • off Turn off emulation
    • on Turn on emulation
  • Flags:

    • -h, --help: help for netconfig

netconfig bandwidth

./whiteblock netconfig bandwidth [FLAGS]

Aliases: bw

Bandwidth will constrict the network to the specified bandwidth. You will specify the amount of bandwdth and the type.

Fomat: bandwidth type: bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for bandwidth

netconfig delay

./whiteblock netconfig delay [FLAGS]

Aliases: delay, latancy, lat

Latency will introduce delay to the network. You will specify the amount of latency in ms.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for latency

netconfig loss

./whiteblock netconfig loss [FLAGS]

Aliases: packetloss

Packetloss will drop packets in the network. You will specify the amount of packet loss in %.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for loss

netconfig off

./whiteblock netconfig off [FLAGS]

Turn off emulation.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for off

netconfig on

./whiteblock netconfig on [FLAGS]

Turn on emulation.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for on


./whiteblock ssh [FLAGS]

SSH will allow the user to go into the contianer where the specified node exists.

Response: stdout of the command

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for ssh
    • -a, --server-addr : server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")


./whiteblock sys [FLAGS]

Alias: SYS, syscoin

Sys will allow the user to get infromation and run SYS commands.

  • Available Commands:

    • test SYS test commands.
  • Flags:

    • -h, --help : help for sys

sys test

./whiteblock sys test [FLAGS]

Available Commands: results Get results from a previous test. start Starts propagation test.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for test

sys test start

./whiteblock sys test start [FLAGS]

Sys test start will start the propagation test. It will wait for the signal start time, have nodes send messages at the same time, and require to wait a minimum amount of time then check receivers with a completion rate of minimum completion percentage.

Format: Params: Time in seconds, percentage, number of transactions

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for start
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

sys test results

./whiteblock sys test results [FLAGS]

Sys test results pulls data from a previous test or tests and outputs as csv.

Format: Params: Test number

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for results
    • -a, --server-addr string: server address with port 5000 (default "localhost:5000")

version [FLAGS]

./whiteblock version

Get whiteblock CLI client version

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help : help for version

**** TO CONFIGURE: ****


./whiteblock contractadd [flags]

Adds the specified smart contract into the /Downloads folder.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for contractadd
    • -p, --path string : File path where the smart contract is located


./whiteblock contractcompile [flags]

Compiles the specified smart contract.

  • Flags:
    • -h, --help: help for contractcompile
    • -p, --path string: File path where the smart contract is located