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Wikinaut edited this page Jul 25, 2023 · 25 revisions

Pinetradio - RaspberryPi Internetradio

Lightning Talk for Berlin Hack and Tell #89 at c-base 25.07.2023
BHNT #89: camping hacks

Interradio issues

  • Mopidy (server-client system, complicated) --
  • PyRadio (not bad but features were too difficult to add) +/-0
  • Mplayer (dead project) --
  • mpv - Python-wrapper for mpv (libmpv-dev + python3-mpv): works ++

RaspberryPi issues

  • ugly rpigpio: debouncing is broken
  • ugly rpigpio: pulse width modulation (PWM) is broken
    (needed for display dimming)
  • now using pigpio/pigpiod as a system service: works ++
  • monitoring WiFi (radio signal strength RSS/RSSindication)
  • easy & quick ways of restarting:
    ** player ** WiFi connection (WiFi stack)
  • clean shutdown sequence (long keypress)
  • minimizing memory wear (disabled syslog; using RAM for logging)

Further features

  • Take your seat and let's move to the code and Readme!
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