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tuple is a vocabulary container consisting of a collection of hetrogenous types, like pair, but with any number of types. tuple is one of the most interesting containers in the standard library as its very different from most peoples day-to-day experience with C++. tuple is also the only standard library container to accept l-value references.


  • What is the overhead of std::get<> with a tuple?
  • How does it handle multiple types in a variadic template?
  • How can std::get use both index and type?


To construct a tuple we use list-initialization, prior to C++17 we had to use make_tuple. As shown below, you can use structured bindings to unpack a tuple into its sub-objects,

learn::tuple<int, double, char, double> myFunction() {
    return {1, 3.04, 'a', -3.232};

int main() {
    const auto [a, b, c, d] = myFunction();

. More traditionally, results can be extracted from a tuple using tie or get. get is used to extract single values by either its index or type. If multiple values exist of the same type then get returns the first value of that type. tie can be used to extract all values at once, it does this by forming a tuple of l-value references, we can then use tuple::operator= to assign the value of each of the elements in the tuple produced by tie. To ignore an element while using tie, ignore can be used,

int main() {
    const auto result = myFunction();

    const auto& a = learn::get<0>(result);
    const auto& b = learn::get<double>(result);

    int x;
    double y;
    char z;

    learn::tie(x, y, z, learn::ignore) = result;

. tie can also be used to perform lexographical comparisons between structs, its common to see it used like,

struct Thing {
    int a;
    float b;
    char c;

    bool operator==(const Thing& other) const {
        return learn::tie(a, b, c) == learn::tie(other.a, other.b, other.c);


How it works

But how does tuple perform all this magic? The answer is a lot of variadic templates. Each element in a tuple is contained by a tuple_leaf which is templated on the element type and index, each tuple_leaf is unique within a tuple,

namespace learn {
namespace detail {

template <std::size_t I, typename Type>
struct tuple_leaf {
    using type = Type;
    explicit constexpr tuple_leaf(const type& value) : value_(value) {}
    explicit constexpr tuple_leaf(Type&& value) : value_(move(value)) {}

    Type value_;

. To construct a tuple from the leaves we need to produce a compile-time sequence of integers the same size as the number of values tuple is templated on, and then convert it to a sequence of integers and values to template tuple_leaf. To start, we create our tuple with a variadic template, typename... Types, to get the number of types in our variadic template we call sizeof...(Types). This lets us crate a compile-time sequence of integers using make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Types)>::type. We pass these onto detail::tuple which expands the index sequence and type sequence into our detail::tuple_leafs, : tuple_leaf<Indices, Types>(elements).... The code is simpler than it sounds,

template <std::size_t... Indices, typename... Types>
struct tuple<index_sequence<Indices...>, Types...> : tuple_leaf<Indices, Types>... {
    explicit constexpr tuple(const Types&... elements) : tuple_leaf<Indices, Types>(elements)... {}
    explicit constexpr tuple(Types&&... elements)
        : tuple_leaf<Indices, Types>(forward<Types>(elements))... {}
} // namespace detail

template <typename... Types>
class tuple : public detail::tuple<typename make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Types)>::type, Types...> {
    explicit constexpr tuple(const Types&... elements) : TupleImpl(elements...) {}
    explicit constexpr tuple(Types&&... elements) : TupleImpl(forward<Types>(elements)...) {}

    using TupleImpl = detail::tuple<typename make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Types)>::type, Types...>;
} // namespace learn


This is the simple part of tuple. The next question is, how do we access the values? As tuple only consists of the values in order (and lots of templating magic), structured-bindings implicitly works. Next is tie, which is the simpler of tie and get as we just create a tuple with l-value references,

namespace learn {
namespace detail {
struct ignore_t {
    template <typename T>
    const ignore_t& operator=(const T&) const { return *this; }
} // namespace detail 
const detail::ignore_t ignore;
template <typename... Args>
auto tie(Args&... args) {
    return tuple<Args&...>(args...);
} // namespace learn 

. Finally get works by casting a tuple to the required tuple_leaf type, and then returning the value. The tricky bit is working out the type at a given index, or the index of a given type. This is done with tuple_element_t,

template <std::size_t Index, typename... Types>
constexpr auto& get(tuple<Types...>& data) noexcept {
    using Tuple = tuple<Types...>;
    using Type = tuple_element_t<Index, Tuple>;
    using Element = detail::tuple_leaf<Index, Type>;

    Element& base = data;
    return base.value_;

. The index version of tuple_element_t is done using a recursive template called type_at_index which recursively goes through the tuple until a template specialisation is hit, which gives the correct type definition for that type index. The opposite is done for getting an index from a type. This leads to the behaviour of get returning the first element of a type when multiple elements have the same type.

namespace detail {
template <size_t I, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct type_at_index {
    using type = typename type_at_index<I - 1, Tail...>::type;

template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct type_at_index<0, Head, Tail...> {
    using type = Head;

template <size_t I, typename... Types>
using type_at_index_t = typename type_at_index<I, Types...>::type;
} // namespace detail

template <std::size_t I, typename Type>
class tuple_element {
    using type = Type;

template <std::size_t I, typename... Types>
class tuple_element<I, tuple<Types...>> {
    using type = detail::type_at_index_t<I, Types...>;

template <std::size_t I, typename Tuple>
using tuple_element_t = typename tuple_element<I, Tuple>::type;