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Job Finder

Application Data
Package jobfinder
Version 0.1.4
Topic Information Technology, Utilities
Development Status 2 - Pre-Alpha
Compatibility Windows, Linux, MacOS
Arch Any
Python Version >= 3.5
Dependencies See requirements.txt

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A set of python scripts built to gather State of Montana IT jobs in Helena, MT on behalf of students in the UM Helena IT department, notifying them of a new job if one appears. Job data gathered from the State of Montana's [central job site][].


Job Finder was built using Python >= 3.5, 3.6, 3.7; tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10 using Anaconda Python virtual environments. For a full list of modules used, see requirements.txt


NOTE: This process is to be used during development. When the package is ready for General Availability to the public, a standard pip install <package-name> will be used rather than the -e . convention. Likewise, there will be no need to clone the repository beforehand.

A Makefile exists for both Windows and Linux | Posix systems. The help message may look slightly different on each system, however, the commands are identical for both.

 Job Finder Make Help

 The build script takes one option:

   make <option>

   clean      :  clean the build tree
   distclean  :  clean distribution files and folders
   dist       :  generate distribution wheel
   install    :  install the application locally
   uninstall  :  uninstall the application
   pubtest    :  publish app to
   publish    :  publish app to
   setup      :  pip install requirements.txt
   setupdev   :  pip install requirements-dev.txt

     make setup
     make clean
     make install
  1. Open a Command Line/Terminal Session

  2. Change directories to a sutable location and checkout the repository

    git clone
  3. Change directories to job_finder and install dependencies

    # Install Dependencies in your Virtual Environment
    cd job_finder
    make setup
  4. Add a recipient to initialize the the database.

    # Note: change email address to the desired recipient.
    jobfinder ADD


The entry point for the application is aptly called, jobfinder. The purpose of this script is to manage interaction with the parser, recipient, and smtp-sender.

Using the Driver script

The jobfinder script provides three main functions:

  • Add a recipient
  • Remove a recipient
  • Gather jobs/Review jobs/Notify recipients

Add Recipient

To add a new recipient you would execute the jobfinder script, passing in the ADD keyword followed by the recipient's email address, like so:

# Add a single recipient to the database

jobfinder ADD

You can also add a list of recipients, however they need to be in a *.txt file with One Recipient per Line.

# Add a list of recipients to the database using a file

jobfinder ADD recipients_to_add.txt

Remove Recipient

To remove a recipient you would execute the jobfinder script, passing in the REMOVE keyword followed by the recipient's email address, like so:

# Remove recipient form the database

jobfinder REMOVE

You can also remove a list of recipients, however, they need to be in a *.txt file with One Recipient per Line.

# Remove a list of recipients from database using a file

jobfinder ADD recipients_to_remove.txt

Gather Jobs

To perform the default Job_Finder functions, you would execute the jobfinder script with no arguments:

# Launch jobfinder to parse jobs, and email recipients


Notifying Recipients

jobfinder uses email to notify recipients of jobs that have either closed or opened recently.

In order to do so, email needs a useable email address and password, as well as smtp and port info. This information is stored in a database table named jobfinder.db for SQLite3, and in a Schema named jobs in the default PostgreSQL installation.

Access to the SQLite3 Database can be found at the following locations:

For Windows


For Linux | MacOSX

The data required for the props table (SQLite | PostgreSQL) is as follows:

NOTE: Your password will be in plain text. This is not secure and will be addressed in future iterations.** Additionally, emailer has only been tested with one email and may not work with others.


The database used for this project (currently) is sqlite. The included sqlite.sql script shows the current database structure.

Moving Forward

This repository currently only gathers State of Montana IT Jobs. It would be useful to combine this functionality with jobs gathered from the private and/or non-profit sector.

Additionally, it will likely be useful at some point to provide a web interface to display the currently gathered jobs. This list has some potentially useful apis that could help with this.