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Fast and fun way to create teams for games and events by spinning a wheel.
With a Discord integration, users can easily add players and share the results in their Discord server.

Live Site

Check out the live version of the website:



  • Spin a wheel to randomly assign players to teams
  • Add players manually or fetch from a Discord server/voice channel
  • Move players between teams
  • Post results to a Discord server
  • Change wheel settings such as the number of players per team and spin speed
  • User authentication

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React, Vite, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion
  • Backend: Node.js, Express, Discord.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Authentication: Supabase

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd DCWheel
  2. Install dependencies:

    # For backend
    cd backend
    npm install
    # For frontend
    cd frontend
    npm install
  3. Configure environment variables: Rename the .env.example files in both backend and frontend directories to .env and fill in the values:

    Frontend .env file:

    Variable Required Description
    VITE_SERVER_URL The URL where your backend server is hosted, e.g., http://localhost:3000.
    VITE_SUPABASE_URL URL found in Project Settings > API > Project URL in your Supabase project.
    VITE_SUPABASE_KEY Anon key found in Project Settings > API > Project API keys in your Supabase project.
    VITE_SUPABASE_PASS The password for your Supabase database.
    VITE_ENCRYPTION_KEY A random string used for encryption. Should be the same in both the frontend and backend .env files.
    VITE_DISCORD_BOT_INVITE_LINK Bot invite link found in Installation > Install Link in your Discord Developer Portal application.
    VITE_FAKE_ODDS Show randomly generated odds. Only shown to the main Discord server.
    VITE_MAIN_GUILD_ID The ID of your main Discord server. This is only used for fake odds if you want to enable them.

    Backend .env file:

    Variable Required Description
    PORT The port where the backend server will run, e.g., 3000.
    DISCORD_TOKEN Bot token found in Bot > Token in your Discord Developer Portal application.
    DISCORD_CLIENT_ID Client ID found in OAuth2 > Client information in your Discord Developer Portal application.
    DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret found in OAuth2 > Client information in your Discord Developer Portal application.
    ENCRYPTION_KEY A random string used for encryption. Should be the same in both the frontend and backend .env files.
    TOKEN_SECRET A random string used for encrypting and decrypting tokens.
  4. Run the application:

    # Start the backend server
    cd backend
    npm run start
    # Start the frontend development server
    cd frontend
    npm run dev

API Endpoints

Public Endpoints

  • GET /api/encrypt - Encrypt tokens.
  • GET /api/validate - Validate encrypted tokens.

Protected Endpoints

These endpoints require authentication.

  • GET /api/guilds - Retrieve a list of Discord guilds.
  • GET /api/voicechannels - Retrieve a list of voice channels and connected users from a guild.
  • GET /api/textchannels - Retrieve a list of text channels from a guild.
  • GET /api/members - Retrieve a list of all members from a guild.
  • POST /api/screenshot - Post a screenshot to text channel in a guild.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.