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Atlant Client Library for Python

atlant is a Python module for interacting with WithSecure Atlant. It can be used to scan files and manage Atlant instance's configuration. In addtion, the module includes a command-line tool with similar functionality.

Getting Started

The following steps can be used to install the module in a new virtual environment.

# Create virtual environment for installing the module
python -m venv env
# Activate virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
# Install the module in editable mode
pip install -e .

Using atlant Command-Line Tool

This section covers how to use the included atlant command-line tool. The program contains multiple sub-commands for performing different tasks. Below is a list of available sub-commands and their usage.

atlant get-access-token [--scopes SCOPE...]

get-access-token sub-command can be used to retrieve an OAuth access token from Atlant. Using this command requires that Atlant has been configured to use OAuth based authentication (this is always the case for non-container versions of Atlant). Desired scopes for the access token can be specified using the --scopes option.

atlant config get [SETTING...] atlant config set [SETTING...] VALUE

config get and config set sub-commands can be used to get and set configuration values, respectively. For the config set sub command, VALUE should be specified in JSON format.

atlant scan-file [--scan-archives BOOL] [--max-nested INT] [--max-scan-time INT] [--stop-on-first BOOL] [--allow-metadata-upstreaming BOOL] FILE

scan-file sub-command can be used to scan files. FILE should be a path to the file to be scanned, or - if content to be scanned should be read from standard input.

Below is a description of the available options:

Option Description
--scan-archives BOOL Controls if archives should be extracted during scanning.
--max-nested INT If archive scanning is enabled, controls how many levels of nested archives to extract.
--max-scan-time INT Sets time limit for scanning.
--stop-on-first BOOL Controls if scanning should be stopped when the first mallicious file is found.
--allow-metadata-upstreaming BOOL Controls if Atlant is allowed to upstream metadata about the file.

atlant scan-dir [--recursive] DIR

scan-dir sub-command can be used to scan entire directories. If --recursive if specifed files also within subdirectories are scanned.

atlant classify-url URL

classify-url sub-command can be used to classify URLs based on their content.


atlant command-line tool requires a configuration file to be present. The configuration file specifies URLs for Atlant instance along with information about the authentication method that should be used.

atlant tool looks for the configuration in the following locations:

  1. ~/.atlant.ini
  2. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/atlant/atlant.ini. If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set ~/.config will be used as the default value.
  3. atlant/atlant.ini inside each of the directories specified in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS if it is set.
  4. /etc/xdg/atlant/atlant.ini

Alternatively, configuration file path can be specified on the command-line --config option.

Configuration File Format

atlant command-line -ool uses an INI formatted configuration file. Below is an example of what this configuration file can look like:

scanning_url =
management_url =

type = oauth
client_id = 6bca905ca4c1602a372e600c6f17d188
client_secret = 51ba319c3a979ac170c3895e796d5d380a06f51101bef2a400ad4170378d35c3
authorization_url =

The configuration file must contain an atlant section. The following options can be specified in this section:

Option Description
scanning_url Atlant's scanning service URL. Required
management_url Atlant's management service URl. Required for config sub-command. This is not applicable to Atlant container.
certificate_path Path to certificate bundle.
log_level Log level. One of critical, error, warning, info, debug.

If Atlant has been configured to use authentication, an authentication section must be present. Depending on the mode of authentication that Atlant has been configured to use, this section can take one of the two possible forms.

If Atlant has been configured to use OAuth based authentication (this is the mode of authentication that is always used in the case of non-container versions of Atlant), the following options can be specified in the authentication section:

Option Description
type Always oauth if OAuth authentication is used. Required
client_id Client secret. Required
client_secret Client secret. Required
authorization_url Atlant's authorization service URL. Required
audience Clients audience. One of f-secure-atlant, policy-manager. The value for this parameter depends on how the client was created. If the client was created with atlantctl utility. The value f-secure-atlant should be used. This is the default. If the client was created with Policy Manager Console, the value of policy-manager should be used.

If Atlant has been configured to use API key based authentication (this authentication method can currently only be used with Atlant container), the following options can be specified in the authentication section:

Option Description
type Always api-key if API key authentication is used. Required
api_key API key used for authentication. Required