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Wonderland Engine AR Tracking

General AR framework which currently supports 8th Wall tracking and WebXR Device API

Currently supported WebXR features: SLAM tracking.

Currently supported 8th Wall features: SLAM tracking, image tracking, face tracking, VPS.

Setting Up

  1. Create a new Wonderland Engine AR project and package.

  2. Run npm i --save @wonderlandengine/ar-tracking @wonderlandengine/ar-provider-webxr @wonderlandengine/ar-provider-8thwall in the project's root directory.

    2.1 In case you want to try the examples from this repo, make sure you run npm run build for each of the following folders: ar-provider-8thwall, ar-provider-webxr, ar-tracking before opening the examples.

  3. Open the file configured in editor Project Settings > JavaScript > entryPoint (usually this is js/index.js).

  4. Copy the following snippets into your entrypoint:

/* wle:auto-imports:end */

import {loadRuntime} from '@wonderlandengine/api';
import {ARSession} from '@wonderlandengine/ar-tracking';
import {WebXRProvider} from '@wonderlandengine/ar-provider-webxr';
import {XR8Provider} from '@wonderlandengine/ar-provider-8thwall';

// ...

/* wle:auto-constants:end */
window.API_TOKEN_XR8 = ApiToken8THWall;
window.WEBXR_REQUIRED_FEATURES = WebXRRequiredFeatures;
window.WEBXR_OPTIONAL_FEATURES = WebXROptionalFeatures;

// ...

const arSession = ARSession.getSessionForEngine(engine);

/* wle:auto-register:start */
// ...
  1. In case you are building a VPS experience, make sure you clear the editor Project Settings > Editor > serverCOEP field.

  2. Make sure you are running on HTTPS (even on localhost!): Go to Views > Preferences > Server and set the paths to a local certificate. You can generate a certificate for localhost with the following command:

openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -days 3650 \
    -keyout 'privkey.pem' -out 'fullchain.crt' -subj '/CN=localhost'"



  • Manages all AR sessions.
  • Registers dependencies (i.e., providers)
  • Handles global callbacks when AR sessions are started or ended
class ARSLAMCamera extends ARCamera {
    static TypeName = 'AR-SLAM-camera';

    private _trackingImpl!: ITrackingMode;

    override init = () => {
        /* Check if the device supports WebXR. If it does, use WebXRProvider */
        if (this.engine.arSupported) {
            ARSession.registerTrackingProvider(this.engine, WebXRProvider);
            this._trackingImpl = new WorldTracking_WebAR(this);
        } else {
            ARSession.registerTrackingProvider(this.engine, xr8Provider);
            this._trackingImpl = new WorldTracking_XR8(this);

        const arSession = ARSession.getSessionForEngine(this.engine);
        /* Listen to when all providers are loaded and ready to be used */
        arSession.onARSessionReady.add(() => {});

        /* Listen to when any tracking provider started a tracking session */
        arSession.onSessionStart.add((trackingProvider: ARProvider) => {});

        /* Listen to when running tracking provider ended a tracking session */
        arSession.onSessionEnd.add((trackingProvider: ARProvider) => {});

    /** Start AR session manually, for example on button click */
    startSession() {
        if (! return;

    /** Stop any running tracking provider */
    endSession() {
        if (! return;


AR provider should handle the loading, configuring and starting/stopping some tracking implementation. E.g., src/components/AR/frameworks/xr8/xr8-provider.ts loads, configures and checks the required permissions for the 8th Wall library.

class CustomProvider extends ARProvider {

    async load() {
        // Make sure we're not in the editor
        if (!window.document) return;

        /* Load the AR tracking library and notify AR-Session when it's loaded.
         * You might want to take extra steps before calling resolve. For example tell the loaded library
         * what's your <canvas> element. */
        return new Promise<void>((resolve, _reject) => {
            const s = document.createElement('script');
            s.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
            s.src = 'URL-TO-THE-TRACKING-LIBRARY.js';
            s.addEventListener("load", resolve);


Tracking modes holds the configuration and logic for how to handle the data coming from the AR-provider. E.g, 8th Wall AR-provider may provide only camera pose if the tracking mode is world-tracking and extra pose for a tracked if tracking mode is face-tracking. Tracking modes are set by AR-camera and modify the camera's pose when ever a new pose is resolved by the AR-provider.


Base class for all AR-cameras.


All supported AR camera components. Should be attached to the main view (default view is root/Player/NonVrCamera). There may be multiple cameras attached to the main view, but only one AR-Camera should be active at any given time. Otherwise multiple active AR-cameras will start fighting for setting the pose of the main view. Usually we keep the code of AR-camera as short as possible and let other components listed to camera's events:

export class FaceMaskExample extends Component {
    static TypeName = 'face-mask-example';

    /** The ARFaceTrackingCamera somewhere in the scene */
    ARFaceTrackingCamera!: WLEObject;

    start() {
       camera.onFaceUpdate.add((event) => {
            const {transform} = event.detail;


Can be found under /examples.

SLAM (World Tracking)

Runs an AR session using WebXR Device API where available with a fallback to 8th Wall implementation.

SLAM tracking

Image Tracking

Simple Image target

Physically correct image size

Curved image target with video

Face Tracking

Allows tracking a face and attaching objects to different attachment points.

Face target

8th Wall VPS

VPS (Visual Positioning System) allows tracking a world mesh for a scanned location.

VPS Dynamically generated mesh


Components of the 8thwall AR tracking integration.






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