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This article introduces how to evaluate LLM-based agents on WebShop task via Agent GYM.

Setup the Environment

Firstly, please install agentenv package. You can refer to the in the root path of this project. Then, you can launch the WebShop environment server through the following instructions.

# Change to the agentenv-webshop directory
cd agentenv-webshop

# WebShop depends on specific versions of Python, PyTorch, Faiss and Java.
# To avoid any conflict, please create a new Conda virtual environment.
conda create -n webshop -f environment.yml

# After creating, activate it.
conda activate -n webshop

# Then, run `` to setup the environment.
bash ./
# The script will resolve the dependencies in correct order, download the dataset and install the agentenv-webshop server.
# This script will download data from Google Drive. Please make sure that the network is available.

Launch the Server

After configuration of the environment, you can launch the WebShop environment server fron the webshop Conda Environment.

# Make sure the webshop Conda environment is activated.
conda activate webshop

# Launch the server on port 36001 or other ports you like.
webshop --port 36001

Write the Evaluation Script

The webshop Conda should only be used to launch the WebShop environment server. Other code should be executed in your own Conda environment, where the agentenv package have been installed.

Please refer to examples/basic/

# Evaluate AgentLM-7B on WebShop task.
# 200 data pieces, max_length=4096, max_rounds=20

import json
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, GenerationConfig

from agentenv.controller import Agent, Evaluator
from agentenv.envs import WebshopTask

MODEL_PATH = "THUDM/agentlm-7b"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_PATH)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_PATH, device_map="auto", trust_remote_code=True).eval()

evaluator = Evaluator(
    Agent(model, tokenizer),
                "env_server_base": "", # If you have modified the port, modify it here.
                "data_len": 200, # Currently, the data_len argument is of no use. It will be removed in future versions.
                "timeout": 300,
            # The n_clients argument is reserved for subsequent implementations of batch generation. Please leave it at 1.

exps = evaluator.eval(
        if tokenizer.pad_token_id is not None
        else tokenizer.eos_token_id,

print("\n\n==== EVALUATION ====\n")
print(f"Score: {exps.score}")
print(f"Success: {exps.success}")

print("\n\n==== EXPERIENCES ====\n")
for idx, exp in enumerate(exps.experiences[:3]):
    print(f"\n\n==== EXP {idx} ====\n")
    for message in exp.conversation:
        if message["from"] == "gpt":
            print(f"\n### Agent\n{message['value']}")
            print(f"\n### Env\n{message['value']}")

This script evaluate the THUDM/AgentLM-7b model on tasks with id from 0 to 199.

Evaluation on Multi-GPU

agentenv/utils/ evaluates the models on multi-gpu. Please refer to agentenv/examples/distributed_eval_scripts/

To use the script, you need to prepare an inference_file with the ids of the data. This is the required format:

        "item_id": "webshop_0",
        "conversations": []
        "item_id": "webshop_1",
        "conversations": []
        "item_id": "webshop_2",
        "conversations": []

While evaluating the model, this script also saves the trajectories to a file, which can be used for further training or analysis. AgentGYM gives the split of the train and test set. You can get the dataset from Hugging Face.