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Performs website specific operations


wo site (command) [options]
subcommand description
create Create site with WordOps
update Update site type or configuration
info Get site information
show Show site Nginx configuration
edit Edit site Nginx configuration
delete Delete site
list List all sites
enable Enable site in Nginx
disable Disable site in Nginx
cd Move into site webroot directory

site create


wo site create  [<site_name>] [options]

Basic sites

HTML site

To create simple html website use this command.

wo site create site.tld --html

PHP site

To create simple php website with no database use this command.

wo site create site.tld --php

PHP+MySQL site

To create simple php website with database use this command.

wo site create site.tld --mysql

NOTE: You can find MySQL database details in /var/www/site.tld/wo-config.php.

Proxy site

To create site with Proxy configuration you can use --proxy during site creation

wo site create site.tld --proxy=

This will create proxy site site.tld with proxy destination as Port is optional. Default port: 80.

Alias site

To create an alias site you can use --alias during site creation

wo site create site.tld --alias sitetoredirect.tld

It will create a nginx vhost for site.tld which redirect to sitetoredirect.tld.


Following are the WordPress website types you can create website based on Cache Mechanism

Standard WordPress site

wo site create site.tld --wp

WordPress site + Nginx fastcgi_cache

wo site create site.tld --wpfc

WordPress site + Redis cache

wo site create site.tld --wpredis

WordPress site + WP-Super-cache

wo site create site.tld --wpsc

WordPress site + WP-Rocket cache

wo site create site.tld --wprocket

WordPress site + Cache enabler

wo site create site.tld --wpce

Enable Ultimate Nginx bad blocker on new site

wo site create site.tld --ngxblocker


Cache single site multisite w/ subdir multisite w/ subdom
NO Cache --wp --wpsubdir --wpsubdomain
WP Super Cache plugin --wpsc --wpsubdir --wpsc --wpsubdomain --wpsc
Nginx fastcgi_cache --wpfc --wpsubdir --wpfc --wpsubdomain --wpfc
Redis cache --wpredis --wpsubdir --wpredis --wpsubdomain --wpredis
WP-Rocket plugin --wprocket --wpsubdir --wprocket --wpsubdomain --wprocket
Cache-Enabler plugin --wpce --wpsubdir --wpce --wpsubdomain --wpce

Extra settings

Define WordPress administrator user

To define WordPress administrator user during site creation use

wo site create site.tld --user=admin

This will create admin as administrator user in WordPress during installation. If not defined it will take git user name.

Define WordPress administrator password

To define WordPress administrator password during site creation use

wo site create site.tld --pass=password

This will set defined password as administrator password. If not defined it will generate random pasword for administrator. If you have special characters, you can quote them using single quotes like this:

Define WordPress administrator email

To define WordPress administrator email during site creation use

wo site create site.tld --email=wo@site.tld

This will set defined email as administrator email. If not defined it will set git email as administrator email.

Virtual host only

To create WordPress site and database without installing it, you can use --vhostonly during site creation

For example, you can only create vhost and database without installing WordPress using following command:

wo site create site.tld --wp --vhostonly

Additional features

Let's Encrypt

WordOps supports Let's Encrypt out of the box.

wo site create site.tld --wp --letsencrypt

This command will issue a certificate for site.tld +


You can also issue Let's Encrypt certificates with subdomains.

wo site create --wp --letsencrypt

Since the release v3.9.8.4, WordOps will automatically detect if the site is a domain or a subdomain, and will not issue a certificate for www alias with subdomains


Since the release v3.9.6, WordOps supports Let's Encrypt Wildcard SSL certificates with DNS API validation. Before issuing a wildcard certificate, it require to define the DNS API crendentials for

Example with Cloudflare DNS:

export CF_Key="d7eab56a903f25dd4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export CF_Email=""

!!! info More example in our guide about DNS API configuration

After you define those variables with the command export, you can issue your certificate with

wo site create site.tld --wp --letsencrypt=wildcard --dns=dns_cf
  • --dns=dns_cf can be replaced with another DNS provider supported by For DigitalOcean, it would be --dns=dns_dgon


Additionally you can enable HSTS on your site by adding the flag --hsts with --letsencrypt

wo site create site.tld --wp --letsencrypt --hsts

PHP 7.3 & PHP 7.4

To create site with PHP 7.3 you can use --php73 during site creation

For example, you can create WordPress site running on PHP 7.3 using following command:

wo site create site.tld --wp --php73

For a WordPress site running on PHP 7.4:

wo site create site.tld --wp --php74

To create simple php site running with PHP 7.3 with no database, you can use this command:

wo site create site.tld --php73

This is the same with PHP 7.4:

wo site create site.tld --php74

site update

Update site configuration

Pre-update policy

wo site update command follows following procedure while updating current site.

Before Updating any site:

  • Creates nginx configuration backup for site.
  • Moves htdocs to backup while updating HTML/PHP/MySQL site.
  • Creates database dump in backup.
  • While updating current MySQL site WordOps uses same database for installing WordPress tables.
  • All these backup are stored outside htdocs, in backup directory.

WordOps possible Update Options

<style type="text/css">.ritz .waffle a{color:inherit}.ritz .waffle .s2{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;border-right:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#666;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s10{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;border-right:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#f3f3f3;text-align:center;color:#6aa84f;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s11{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;border-right:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#fff;text-align:center;color:#cc4125;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s9{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;border-right:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#f3f3f3;text-align:center;color:#cc4125;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s3{border-right:none;border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#666;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s1{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;border-right:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#fff;text-align:left;color:#000;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s4{border-left:none;border-right:none;border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#666;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s6{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;border-right:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#fff;text-align:center;color:#000;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s5{border-left:none;border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#666;text-align:center;color:#fff;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s8{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;border-right:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#f3f3f3;text-align:center;color:#000;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s0{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#fff;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#20124d;font-family:'Arial';font-size:12pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}.ritz .waffle .s7{border-bottom:1px SOLID #000;border-right:1px SOLID #000;background-color:#fff;text-align:center;color:#6aa84f;font-family:'Arial';font-size:10pt;vertical-align:bottom;white-space:nowrap;direction:ltr;padding:2px 3px 2px 3px}</style>
WordOps Possible Site Update Options
wpsubdom + wpfc
wpsubdom + wpsc
wpsubdir + wpfc
wpsubdir + wpsc
wpsubdir + wpsc
wpsubdom+wpredis -
<script type='text/javascript' nonce='Xz18Z26bXmR7taAlfzModg'> function posObj(sheet,id,row,col,x,y) { var rtl=false; var sheetElement=document.getElementById(sheet); if(!sheetElement) { sheetElement=document.getElementById(sheet+'-grid-container'); } if(sheetElement) { rtl=sheetElement.getAttribute('dir')=='rtl'; } var r=document.getElementById(sheet+'R'+row); var c=document.getElementById(sheet+'C'+col); if(r&&c) { var objElement=document.getElementById(id); var; var t=y; while(r&&r!=sheetElement) { t+=r.offsetTop; r=r.offsetParent; } var offsetX=x; while(c&&c!=sheetElement) { offsetX+=c.offsetLeft; c=c.offsetParent; } if(rtl) { offsetX-=objElement.offsetWidth; } s.left=offsetX+'px';'px'; s.display='block'; s.border='1px solid #000000'; } }; function posObjs() { }; posObjs();</script>

Example: updating site from basic wp to wp + fastcgi_cache:



wo site update  [<site_name>] [options]
options description
--html update to html site
--php update to php site
--mysql update to MySQL + PHP site
--php72 update site to PHP 7.2
--php73 update site to PHP 7.3
--php74 update site to PHP 7.4
--php80 update site to PHP 8.0
--php81 update site to PHP 8.1
--php82 update site to PHP 8.2
--wp update site to WordPress without cache
--wpfc update site to WordPress with fastcgi_cache
--wpsc update site to WordPress with wp-super-cache plugin
--wpredis update site to WordPress with redis-cache
--wprocket update site to WordPress with WP-Rocket plugin
--wpce update site to WordPress with Cache-Enabler plugin
--wpsubdir update site to WordPress multisite on subdirectories
--wpsubdomain update site to WordPress multisite on subdomains
--password update admin password for a WordPress site
--letsencrypt,-le secure site with Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
--letsencrypt=wildcard secure site/multisite with a wildcard SSL certificates
--letsencrypt=off disable Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
--dns, --dns=<dns api provider> issue Let's Encrypt certificate with DNS validation. default: dns_cf
--hsts, --hsts=off Enable or disable HSTS on site secured with Let's Encrypt
--ngxblocker, --ngxblocker=off Enable or disable Ultimate Nginx bad blocker


Update a WordPress site without cache (--wp), to WordPress with Nginx fastcgi_cache

wo site update site.tld --wpfc

Update a WordPress site running with PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.3

wo site update site.tld --php73

Update a site running with PHP 7.3 to PHP 7.2

wo site update site.tld --php72

Update a site running with PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.3 to PHP 7.4

wo site update site.tld --php74

Update a WordPress site with Nginx fastcgi_cache to WordPress with redis-cache

wo site update site.tld --wpredis

site info

Get site information including cache backend, PHP version or user database credentials


wo site info [<site_name>]

site delete

Delete site including webroot and database:


wo site delete  [<site_name>] [options]
options description
--no-prompt delete website without confirmation prompt
--files delete only website files
--db delete only database

site edit

Edit site Nginx configuration


wo site edit [<site_name>]

You will be prompted to choose the text editor you prefer. Nano is highly recommended for beginners.

site cd

Move into a site webroot directory


wo site cd  [<site_name>]

site list

List all sites managed with WordOps


wo site list

site show

Display site Nginx configuration


wo site show  [<site_name>]

site disable

Disable site Nginx vhost


wo site disable  [<site_name>]

site enable

Enable site Nginx vhost


wo site enable  [<site_name>]