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File metadata and controls

45 lines (31 loc) · 2.75 KB


A mini clone of the Lodash library.


BEWARE: This library was published for learning purposes. It is not intended for use in production-grade software.

This project was created and published by me as part of my learnings at Lighthouse Labs.


Install it:

npm install @feaovali/lotide

Require it:

const _ = require('@feaovali/lotide');

Call it:

const results = _.tail([1, 2, 3]) // => [2, 3]


The following functions are currently implemented:

  • assertArraysEqual(actual, expected): console log either if the assertion of arrays fail or pass
  • assertEqual(actual, expected): console log either if the assertion of primative value fail or pass
  • assertObjectsEqual(actual, expected): console log either if the assertion of Objects fail or pass
  • countLetterss(string): count the amount of character in string, and return a object of {character : count}, will skip space
  • countOnly(Array, object): input a array of item, a object of either certain item should be count or not with boolean (default to false if not entered). Return a object of {item: count};
  • eqArrays(actual, expected): input 2 arrays, will return boolean if they are equal or not.
  • eqObject(actual, expected): input 2 Objects, will return boolean if they are equal or not.
  • findKey(object, callBack): input a list(object) and a callBack fn as criteria of the key that is being look for. return the key in String.
  • findKeyByValue(object, Value): input a list(object) and the value that is being look for. return the key in String, return undefined if no paired key is found
  • flatten(array)): input a nested array, return a flatten array.
  • head(array): return the content from the first index of the array, undefined if array is empty
  • letterPositions(String): Input a string, return a Object which log the index of each character appearance as an Object.{cha1: [index1, index2...], cha2...}
  • map(array, callBack): input a Array, and a callBack fn. return will be a array modified based on your callBack fn.
  • middle(array): input a array, return the middle value if the array length is odd, and middle 2 value if even. return empty array if the length is 2 or less
  • tail(array): input a array, return array without the first value in the original array. will return empty array if array length is 1 or less.
  • takeUntil(array, callBack): input a array and callBack fn as stop case, return a modified array base on original up until the case from callBack fn is matched. (exclud the matched case);
  • without(array, array): input 2 array, first the array that wished to be modified. Second a array of items that wished to be remove from the first array. return a modify array. (Please look out for data type)