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Setting Up XAITK-Saliency with SonarCloud

Creating a SonarCloud organization

This will house our repository ("project") dashboard and is parallel to the GitHub organization.

  • Go to SonarCloud
  • Click the "+" button in the upper-right near user drop-down.
  • Select "Create a new organization".
  • Follow instructions.
    • Part of this will be "Installing" the SonarCloud app at the organization level. Select either "All repositories" or select repositories to enable SonarCloud access to. Currently we have selected access only to the xaitk-saliency repository.

Create project for XAITK-Saliency

  • Go to SonarCloud.
  • Click the "+" button in the upper-right near user drop-down.
  • Select the "XAITK" organization created above.
  • Check our repo in the repos listed.

By default this will enable automatic scanning for common situations including PR submissions and master-branch updates. This is currently acceptable however this does not report coverage information due to the SonarCloud automatic scanning not having access to the unit test coverage reports generated during the GitHub Actions-based CI workflow. In the future we may want to switch to performing the SonarQube scanning action inside our CI workflow, however currently there is the hurdle where PRs from forks do not have the appropriate access to submit scan reports without leaning private security tokens. The following Setting Analysis method to GitHub Actions is provided as purely experimental/historical information.

Setting Analysis method to GitHub Actions

NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE CURRENT CONFIGURATION. This documentation here is notionally provided as it was written during experimentation and maybe has future value if we attempted again.

This is less setting something up but more deactivating the default setting to use SonarCloud Automatic Analysis. We chose to do this as SonarCloud automatic analysis has no ability to consider unittest code coverage as this is only a byproduct of the CI unittests.

We "enabled" the GitHub action method by explicitly configuring a job in our GitHub CI workflow to use the SonarCloud GitHub Action to run the scanner and submit the report.


  # Add the following step to the end of the `unittests` job.
      - name: Upload test coverage artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: test-coverage-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ matrix.opt-extra }}
          path: coverage.xml

  # For analysis of codebase and submission to
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # Requires coverage info generated from a previous unit-test run.
    needs: unittests

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0
      - name: Pull coverage XML from test run
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
          # Just one version of the coverage. Sonar can't merge a matrix of
          # coverages yet (2021-06).
          name: test-coverage-3.7-
      - name: Munge coverage.xml source path for SonarCloud container use
        # Bridge the gap between what pytest-cov outputs and SonarCloud repo
        # source directory assumptions of "/github/workspace/".
        # We check that the coverage source line is as expected before sed call.
        run: |
          grep -E '^\s*<source>.*</source>$' coverage.xml
          sed -Ei 's|^(\s*)<source>.*</source>|\1<source>/github/workspace/xaitk_saliency</source>|g' coverage.xml
      - name: SonarCloud Scan
        uses: sonarsource/sonarcloud-github-action@master
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}

This requires that a SONAR_TOKEN secret to be defined in the github repository settings to be accessed within the workflow. The application to the repository is important because PRs from forks will not have access the secret defined in the upstream repository, thus the job will fail for those fork-based PRs.

The value for this secret is from a SonarCloud personal security token (see below on how to make one of these). Currently, Paul Tunison holds the security token that is set to the SONAR_TOKEN secret in the upstream xaitk-saliency repository on GitHub. In the future this may be changed by a repo admin, as described in a below section.

Creating a personal security token

  • Go to SonarCloud.
  • Drop down user option in the upper right --> select "My Account"
  • Click "Security" tab.
  • Enter the descriptive label for the token in the editable box --> Click "Generate"
  • Retain one-time-exposed value of token appropriately.

Setting GitHub repository SONAR_TOKEN secret

  • Go to the XAITK-Saliency repository page.
  • Click on "Settings" --> "Secrets"
  • If no existing SONAR_TOKEN secret, click on the "New repository secret" in the upper right.
    • This will open a new page to enter the name of the secret, which should be "SONAR_TOKEN" and a space to paste the value of the secret, which should be the token hash as generated above in Creating a personal security token.
  • Otherwise, update the existing secret value by clicking on the "Update" button to the right of the secret entry.
    • This will open a new page to enter a new value for the existing SONAR_TOKEN secret (i.e. cannot change the name of the secret). There should be a space to paste the value of the secret, which should be the token hash as generated above in Creating a personal security token.