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File metadata and controls

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Read Quantification

Quantifying and Collating Reads

In order to quantify aligned reads, they must be counts to a reference transcriptome. This will tell you in relative terms how much of each transcript is expressed in a system. The following sub-module will perform this quantification, as well as compile all sample quantifications into a single data matrix for downstream use.
XPRESSpipe uses Cufflinks as the default, but HTSeq can also be specified. Cufflinks is one of the most accurate read quantifiers currently available, but HTSeq is still widely used and is part of the TCGA pipeline.


The help menu can be accessed by calling the following from the command line:
$ xpresspipe count --help
Required Arguments Description
:data:`-i \<path\>, --input \<path\>` Path to input directory of SAM files
:data:`-o \<path\>, --output \<path\>` Path to output directory
:data:`-g \</path/transcripts.gtf\>`, :data:`--gtf \</path/transcripts.gtf\>` Path and file name to GTF used for alignment quantification (if a modified GTF was created, this should be provided here; if using Cufflinks and you want isoform abundance estimates, important that you do not provide a longest transcript only GTF)
Optional Arguments Description
:data:`--suppress_version_check` Suppress version checks and other features that require internet access during processing
:data:`-e <experiment_name>`, :data:`--experiment <experiment_name>` Experiment name
:data:`-c <method>`, :data:`--quantification_method <method>` Specify quantification method (default: htseq; other option: cufflinks. If using Cufflinks, no downstream sample normalization is required)
:data:`--feature_type \<feature\>` Specify feature type (3rd column in GTF file) to be used if quantifying with htseq (default: CDS)
:data:`--stranded \<fr-unstranded/fr-firststrand` :data:`/fr-secondstrand||no/yes\>` Specify whether library preparation was stranded (Options before || correspond with Cufflinks inputs, options after correspond with htseq inputs)
:data:`--deduplicate` Include flag to quantify reads with de-duplication (will search for files with suffix :data:`_dedupRemoved.bam`)
:data:`--bam_suffix <suffix>` Change from default suffix of _Aligned.sort.bam
:data:`-m <processors>, --max_processors <processors>` Number of max processors to use for tasks (default: No limit)

Example 1: Count ribosome profiling alignments

- Input points to directory with SAM alignment files that are sorted by name
- An experiment name is provided to name the final data matrix
- Reads are quantified only to coding genes and are not counted if mapping to the first x nucleotides of each transcript exon 1 (x being the value provided for truncation when initially creating the reference files)
$ xpresspipe count -i riboseq_out/alignments/ -o riboseq_out/ -r se_reference/ -g se_reference/transcripts_codingOnly_truncated.gtf -e se_test

Example 2: Count paired-end alignments

- Input points to directory with SAM alignment files that are sorted by name
- An experiment name is not provided and a default name is given to the data matrix using datatime
- Reads are quantified to the entire transcriptome (coding and non-coding, no truncation)
$ xpresspipe count -i pe_out/alignments/ -o pe_out/ -r pe_reference/