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607 lines (284 loc) · 35.3 KB
original_url created_at updated_at closed_at status type resolution reporter owner priority component version cc
2013-10-22 23:42:23 -0700
2016-08-26 07:17:49 -0700
2015-02-23 16:29:01 -0800
2.7.4 (xserver-1.13.0)

Mavericks spaces + XQuartz windows disappearing between monitors

Xterm window disappears when dragged between two displays, and if spaces is in "displays have separate spaces" mode. It still exists in F3 but cannot be dragged back to any of the displays. Also, newly opened windows do not feel inactive top bar and can go under it so the window title bar becomes inaccessible.

sishome@… commented on Oct 22, 2013

  • Cc sishome@… added

sishome@… commented on Oct 22, 2013

  • Cc sishome@… removed

jeremyhu@… commented on Oct 23, 2013

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to invalid

File a bug report at

david.rosenborg@… commented on Oct 24, 2013

  • Status changed from closed to reopened
  • Resolution invalid deleted

I regularly switch between single and dual display setups and as it is now, the X11-windows that I see on my laptop display will move to the external display when I plug it in, only that they are positioned off screen. I can only see them when using Misson Control, but I cannot move them to the visible part of the screen.

The root cause may be something that Apple did wrong, but apparently other (Apple and non-Apple) applications do just fine with multiple displays and Mavericks. This bug is really annoying so I wonder if you would consider putting in some workaround to make it work like other applications or if you could describe a bit more in detail what Apple did wrong so that I can be more precise in a bug report to them.

Thank you

jeremyhu@… commented on Oct 24, 2013

  • Status changed from reopened to closed
  • Resolution set to invalid

You can work around this by turning off "Displays have different spaces" in Mission Control preferences, but the fix will require a change in OS X.

david.rosenborg@… commented on Oct 24, 2013

OK, thanks

One possible feature you could consider adding would be a "Gather Windows" action in the Window menu that would bring all windows into the visible screen space. That feature could be used as a last resort for all kinds of multi-display mishaps. On occasion I've ended up in situations with X11-windows off screen, even before Mavericks.

fischmuetze@… commented on Oct 24, 2013

Replying to jeremyhu@…:

You can work around this by turning off "Displays have different spaces" in Mission Control preferences, but the fix will require a change in OS X.

This isn't an option! If you change to turning off "Displays have different spaces" you will lost the new functionality in mavericks

  • an additional menu bar on the second screen
  • full screen app doesn't block the second screen

Also xquartz windows doesn't attend the second menu bar so the window title is hidden behind the second menu bar and make it impossible to move windows

jeremyhu@… commented on Oct 24, 2013

Yes, that is exactly what I said in the post to the mailing list ... but as I indicated, it is not an issue that can be fixed with X11 alone. It requires changes to OS frameworks that libXplugin uses.

dcharnes@… commented on Oct 28, 2013


I just submitted a bug report on this today myself. Another workaround I just discovered is that you can leave "Displays have separate spaces" turned ON and, when you want to drag an X11 window to a 2nd display, just zoom out on Mission Control to show all the separate Spaces and THEN grab the desired X11 window and drag it into the Space reserved for the 2nd display. It's just one additional move beyond the way it worked in Mountain Lion, where you could just drag between windows. Might be a good workaround till Apple fixes the bug.

Dave C.

darcy@… commented on Nov 15, 2013

Thank you for the workaround - it is better to be able to juggle some functionality (ie. X11 window reliability vs. proper multiple-monitor support) rather than not be able to use my X11 windows at all.

I filed my own bug report at

keith@… commented on Jul 17, 2014

I must respectfully disagree that this is an OSX issue. The fact is that Quartz needs to be spaces-aware and create an X display for each space, rather than a single X display enveloping all physical displays, as is currently done. This would actually solve several other issues, as well, such as an application's ability to spawn a window or dialog off-screen, which happens when the X display, which is a single rectangular area, is not fully covered by the layout of the physical displays.

I'll admit I've not looked over the XQuartz codebase, so I don't know how huge of an undertaking this is, but this is the proper solution for this issue, as well as several others. Telling users not to use a feature of their OS is *not* a fix, or an acceptable workaround.

jeremyhu@… commented on Jul 17, 2014

Keith, I'm speaking to you as an Apple developer as well as the XQuartz maintainer when I say that yes, the issue here was an OS issue. it was a very well understood OS issue and required an OS update to fix it. The issue was either fixed in 10.9.2 or 10.9.3 which provided new internal API for us to use, and we started making use of that in 2.7.5. If you are on Mavericks, update to the latest OS release and the latest XQuartz release, and you should be fine.

keith@… commented on Jul 17, 2014

Jeremy, thank you for the prompt response. I'm running the latest release of both, Mavericks 10.9.4 and XQuartz 2.7.7 (I installed this beta hoping it would fix my issue, but it did not - I was previously running 2.7.6 when I first encountered this issue).

I may simply be experiencing a *similar, but different* issue, but I do still have issues with windows disappearing when moving them between displays. I haven't tried to reproduce this issue with a multitude of applications, as the only X11 application I use that opens multiple windows is Inkscape (version 0.48.2, also the latest release for OSX). I can move the main window from one screen to another with no issues; but, moving a secondary window, like the font dialog, results in that window being irretrievably lost (it no longer appears in the XQuartz Window menu, or in Mission Control). Attempting to re-open it, even after closing and reopening Inkscape results in it being banished to wherever it disappeared to when I first moved it, meaning that Inkscape is now broken *permanently* by this issue; the only fix I have found is to close and reopen Inkscape, then move it to the display where I originally lost the dialog, then open the dialog. It is *not* possible to move the dialog back to the original window (it gets lost, but then the fix I just mentioned *does not* work again, which means I have now totally lost the font dialog in Inkscape to this issue).

If this is a completely different issue, I will file a separate bug report for this, but to my eyes it looks similar enough to, at the very least, be related to this one. Now, this could be an Inkscape bug, as well, but I've used Inkscape (as in this very version, which was released in 2011) on multi-monitor setups under Windows, Linux (both Ubuntu and CentOS), and even earlier versions of OSX, without issue for years now, so I have my doubts about that.

jeremyhu@… commented on Jul 17, 2014

Please file a new radar at It's likely that some windows are not getting handled correctly =/

alexanderdewing@… commented on Oct 22, 2014

In the meantime, I've found a workaround.

This doesn't (always) fix the windows spawning off screen issue, but it helps.

First, unplug your additional monitors. Now you can open an xquartz window. Then click on their top bar and hold (as if you were dragging the window around). Don't let go. Now plug in your other monitors. So long as you keep holding the mouse down, the window will be anchored in the actually visible part of the display. Once your monitors are plugged in, you are free to let go.

I've found that often, once one window is in the right place, any other X windows you spawn will also be visible (as in you don't have to repeat a unplug/replug process to get them all).

Hope this helps.

shankarunni@… commented on Jan 22, 2015

OK, so I'm just confirming that the bug still exists in Mac OS 10.10.1 and XQuartz 2.7.7.

If I have two monitors (with Displays Are Separate Spaces), and start an X11 application (say, xterm) and put it on the 2nd monitor, unplug the monitor, and re-plug it in, the window moves into the "ether" (not on any display). If I click on Mission Control, I can see the window outside both desktop spaces, and there's no way for me to force that window onto any of the spaces (e.g. drag and drop it into any of the existing spaces).

I can unplug the second monitor again, and it pops up on my primary display - my laptop screen - which is nice; but at that point, I have to kill it (or do that weird "grab the window, move it, but don't let go, and plug in the monitor again" workaround). Which is awkward and annoying.

This is all exactly as it used to work after the first upgrade to 10.9, so I'm wondering what, exactly, was fixed in 10.9.2/3 and XQuartz 2.7.5 (as mentioned in comment 12 by Jeremy..)

panayotis@… commented on Feb 1, 2015

Please reopen this bug. I still have this problem and it is almost impossible *and not practical) to unplug and replug my monitor just to be able to see a window.

I have another idea, what if I can use another window manager?

kasper.jordaens@… commented on Feb 19, 2015

I have found a workaround for this annoying bug. I'm using inkscape and I keep losing my windows (and unsaved work) I added a shiftit, which allows moving even X11 windows on OSX as well as regular windows.

when activating the window in XQuartz from the window menu, I can get it back by using the "move to next screen" shortcut

this is on OSX 10.10.2, XQuartz 2.7.7 (xorg-server 1.15.2)

but this is a bug that should be fixed nonetheless...


tobias@… commented on Feb 23, 2015

Please reopen, have the same issue. Really annoying. Unplugging second monitor helps.

panayotis@… commented on Feb 23, 2015

  • Status changed from closed to reopened
  • Resolution Invalid deleted

jeremyhu@… commented on Feb 23, 2015

  • Status changed from reopened to closed
  • Resolution set to Invalid

As I mentioned above:

Please file a new radar at ​ It's likely that some windows are not getting handled correctly =/

There's nothing I can do about regressions introduced by the OS.

shankarunni@… commented on Feb 23, 2015

Jeremy, I hope you'll pardon me for this, but you're the person in the best position to file such a report. Even if we all got Apple accounts to file radar tickets, it would be very hard for us to explain what exactly is going on, except the superficial symptoms. And reports like that get tossed by Apple into a deep pit and never heard from again.

I know you're probably quite busy, but this is a problem that affects a _lot_ of people. It's not just specific X applications - it's just about ANY X window that you put on a second desktop, so I can't imagine that there's anything application- or environment-specific about this.

Please consider helping us by liaising with Apple, by filing a deep incident report with the specific observations that only you are in a position to provide (with a full reference to the XQuartz internals, and the precise MacOS (mis)behavior that's screwing it up..)

jeremyhu@… commented on Feb 23, 2015

Multiple radars filed by real external people get much more weight than a single internal engineer complaining that some legacy software no longer works. When it comes down to it, number of dupes and external reports are important whether or not you have the visibility as to what is going on with your radar. This is why I need you guys to originate such reports.

jeremyhu@… commented on Feb 23, 2015

As for the "invalid" resolution. I apologize if the phrase is offensive. It is just the most appropriate for "not something that we can do anything about in the XQuartz project"

shankarunni@… commented on Feb 24, 2015

Thanks, Jeremy. My original report (15566443) was DUP'd to "15307501" (which is invisible to everybody). And that bug itself is marked as "Closed", so perhaps it's time to open another bug.

jeremyhu@… commented on Feb 24, 2015

<rdar://problem/15307501> was fixed in 10.10.2. I just tested that issue on the 10.10.3 beta that I'm on, and I cannot reproduce the reported problem. I suspect perhaps your problem is different than 15307501 if you are still seeing it. Specifically, I tested:

  1. Create a second desktop space
  2. Hold down control and initiate a drag of an X11 window.
  3. Move the cursor (and thus window) to the right edge of the screen and wait.
  4. Observe the space change to the new space (including the window coming along for the ride)

If you're still seeing an issue on 10.10.2, it's possible that there is something else at play. Please open a new radar with details explaining how what you are doing is different than the above (which works for me).

jeremyhu@… commented on Feb 24, 2015

Could everyone experiencing the issue please comment on:

  1. The number of displays connected to the machine
  2. The state of the "Displays have separate spaces" checkbox in Mission Control Preferences

shankarunni@… commented on Feb 24, 2015

But that's not the problem we're seeing at all. Not even close, so it looks like Apple has (as usual) hastily mis-diagnosed the issue. What we're seeing would be (to extend your example):

  • Create a new desktop space on a second monitor (specifically)
  • create or move a window to that space
  • unplug the 2nd monitor - the window moves back to the space on the primary monitor (in my case, my laptop)
  • now plug the 2nd monitor back in (which _should_ re-create the original second space).
  • the window automatically moves off the first space, but never appears in the second space. It ends up outside time and space, so to speak.

OK, I'll create a new report detailing this. Thanks.

In my case, as I said, my primary display is my Macbook Pro 15" (non-retina), while the 2nd monitor is an HP 2560x1600 monitor. I'm trying to use "Displays have separate spaces".

shankarunni@… commented on Feb 24, 2015

Note: this problem does not happen if my 2nd monitor is in the same space (i.e. if I un-check Displays have Separate Spaces).

jeremyhu@… commented on Feb 24, 2015

No, "Apple" did not misdiagnose the issue. An engineer read your radar, saw that it referenced this ticket and duped to the internal radar tracking the change. I was the one that actually verified that <rdar://problem/15307501> was fixed in 10.10.2. Before the change, I was not able to move X11 windows to other spaces. Now, I can.

It looks like you are experiencing an additional problem. The problem you are seeing has to do with monitor disconnect and reconnect. That is not what this ticket (nor 15307501) was tracking, and I didn't really read much into your comment 16 because you mentioned 10.10.1 (which still had the original problem).

shankarunni@… commented on Feb 24, 2015

Ah, thanks for the correction. I'll open a fresh XQuartz issue describing this sequence, and connect it to a radar. Thanks.

dpwe@… commented on Mar 23, 2015

I just went through this same thing again, with MacOS 10.10.2 and XQuartz 2.7.7 (my Emacs window from my Linux machine, which was showing on my external monitor which has a "separate space", becomes somewhere inaccessible off-screen after I disconnect and reconnect the external monitor). Even quitting and relaunching Emacs didn't fix it (I can switch focus to the missing window by selecting it after "three finger swipe down", I just have to type blind). I eventually got it back onto my second monitor by some combination of moving it between primary and secondary monitors, grabbing the title bar while plugging/unplugging the monitor, and "rearranging" the external monitor to be above or below my laptop monitor.

My original report here ( appears to be ignored.

My radar issue 19941779 has been marked as a duplicate of 16610254 and marked closed.

Anything I can do to reinforce my wish to see this fixed?

redm@… commented on Apr 8, 2015

Replying to jeremyhu@…:

I was the one that actually verified that <rdar://problem/15307501> was fixed in 10.10.2. Before the change, I was not able to move X11 windows to other spaces. Now, I can.

It looks like you are experiencing an additional problem. The problem you are seeing has to do with monitor disconnect and reconnect. That is not what this ticket (nor 15307501) was tracking, and I didn't really read much into your comment 16 because you mentioned 10.10.1 (which still had the original problem).

As I read it this ticket specifically *is* about exactly this problem. About spaces on multiple screens, and not just about moving X11 windows between spaces on the same screen, see issue title (this may have been broken as well, but then that is a different issue). This is also not just about disconnecting and reconnection a screen, but seems to be more general. At some point you run an X11 app with 2nd screen plugged in and it disappears right away! No connecting/disconnecting at this point, also restarting XQuartz does not help. But not exactly sure when this happens

There are two cases I can always reproduce reproduce:

  1. Run X11 app, e.g. through ssh -X ..., it should appear on primary screen; if 2nd screen was disconnected, connect it -> window disappears from visible area; if 2nd screen was connected, disconnect (for some reason also here the window is moved to the top left corner, but stays visible), connect again -> windows disappears from visible area
  2. Have 2nd screen connected; run X11 app; move window to 2nd screen; maximize (green titlebar button) -> window disappears from visible area, too

This is with MacOS 10.10.2 and XQuartz 2.7.7, on MacBook 13" Retina, with laptop display as primary and an external 2nd display. Also "Displays have separate spaces" is set.

If it's impossible for you to fix, please provide some "tool" to work around this, like a menu entry/shortcut to gather windows in the visible area. The current situation is really a pain!

redm@… commented on Apr 8, 2015

Another observation: I have my 2nd display above my 1st, no idea if that matters. However, if I drag an X11 window on 2nd display upwards, towards the menubar then the window jumps to 1st display as soon as it touches the menubar.

2jsjohnson@… commented on Apr 17, 2015

Replying to jeremyhu@…:

Could everyone experiencing the issue please comment on:

  1. The number of displays connected to the machine
  2. The state of the "Displays have separate spaces" checkbox in Mission Control Preferences

Hello, I am having what seems to be the same problem people here are describing. First, some details about my setup and what I am doing:

  1. I am using recent gen iMac with secondary monitor connected via Thunderbolt port (using miniDisplayPort to DVI adaptor)
  2. iMac has latest version of Yosemite OS installed (10.10.4, I believe it is; I'm not on that computer at the moment)
  3. tunneling to remote server using 'ssh -Y ..' and running Matlab via X11 (XQuartz) ver. 2.7.7

The problem I am having is that when I move around X11 windows (Matlab windows, in my case), try to maximize them, etc., they wind up disappearing into the space between the spaces, as others have reported. I can see them in Mission Control, or when I select F3, but I can't see them on either monitor, or pull them back out of the void. If I unplug the secondary monitor, all screens are again visible on the iMac primary monitor. *Note that none of the above described behaviors, with the exception of the last bit, depend on my disconnecting/reconnecting the external monitor. I can restart the computer with the external monitor connected, ssh to the server, move some windows, and poof, they are gone. No disconnecting/reconnecting required.

Here are the answers to your questions:

  1. I have two monitors total: the primary iMac screen, and a secondary LCD monitor connected to the iMac via its Thunderbolt port using a miniDisplayPort to DVI adaptor
  2. The 'Displays have separate spaces' is selected in Mission Control Preferences

Any advice on how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated.

tal@… commented on May 6, 2015

  • Cc tal@… added

lucian@… commented on May 25, 2015

Replying to jeremyhu@…:

Could everyone experiencing the issue please comment on:

  1. The number of displays connected to the machine
  2. The state of the "Displays have separate spaces" checkbox in Mission Control Preferences

This issue still isn't completely fixed for me on 10.10.2. I have reported another bug with Apple (21095923) but I will leave a comment here as well for completeness' sake. I have 1 additional monitor connected, with "Displays have separate spaces" switched on. I use Inkscape under XQuartz 2.7.7. By and large, it works fine, I can move Inkscape to my secondary monitor, and dialog boxes appear as expected. In some circumstances, however, dialog boxes are still being lost, and once lost, they stay lost until you unplug the secondary monitor.

The worst culprit seems to be the legacy gradient editor (enabled in Preferences/Tools/Gradient) which reliably fails to appear if Inkscape is displayed on the second monitor. I have also managed to make this happen with the preferences dialog itself, but unfortunately I'm not sure of the exact steps to reproduce that. I think it may have something to do with attempting to launch the gradient editor first.

Dragging *any* inkscape dialog from the primary monitor to the secondary monitor while inkscape remains on the primary monitor results in the dialog disappearing into the ether. It will not appear again until you disconnect the secondary monitor.

Using the "Zoom" command from the X11 Window menu also seems to result in the Inkscape window vanishing.

knut-xquartz@… commented on Aug 3, 2015

Me too. My setup is as described by others above. OSX 10.10.4 (14E46) and XQuartz 2.7.7 (xorg-server 1.15.2). "Displays have separate spaces" is set. I plug in to a larger monitor at the office, which is where I do most of my work. The app causing me the most grief is gnuplot, as in "brew install gnuplot". The default output is X11, but every X11 window ends up outside the screen with no obvious way of getting it back. Grabbing the window while plugging in the external monitor does work, but in practice it is a last desperate resort, very inconvenient.

I have sympathy for the position that this is an OSX level problem and not a bug in XQuartz. However that isn't much of a solution, so it understandably leaves users like me almost as frustrated as before. It would be great if there was somewhere else we could direct our calls for help. I'm not an Apple developer, so I'm blissfully unfamiliar with the Apple bug reporting progress. From the above discussion it seems there is no single URL to go to to vote for this particular bug to be considered by the Apple Engineering team, or is it?

jeremyhu@… commented on Aug 3, 2015

It's an issue in the interaction between OS X and XQuartz. It could likely be solved in XQuartz (specifically in quartz-wm) if someone was interested in working on that. If someone fixes it, I'll gladly pull a fix into an XQuartz update, but as it is, there isn't really anyone working on the product these days.

knut-xquartz@… commented on Aug 10, 2015

Replying to jeremyhu@…:

It's an issue in the interaction between OS X and XQuartz. It could likely be solved in XQuartz (specifically in quartz-wm) if someone was interested in working on that. If someone fixes it, I'll gladly pull a fix into an XQuartz update, but as it is, there isn't really anyone working on the product these days.

Thanks for the pointer (to quartz-wm). The code looks quite readable. Without knowing much of neither Objective-C nor X11, I'm guessing that the fix would be in validate_window_position at Maybe something similar to the loop over "heads" at line 768 needs to be added to make sure the title bar intersects with at least one visible screen/head area. But that is pure speculation on my part.

knut-xquartz@… commented on Aug 10, 2015

  • Cc knut-xquartz@… added

aroomusic@… commented on Oct 2, 2015

just to let you know, the problem still occur under 10.11 (one display - "displays have separate spaces" : on - 2.7.7 xorg-server 1.15.2)

the workaround by grabbing the title bar before plug-in the second monitor or using windows>zoom to get the windows back won't work with every soft. in DLight ( f.e. you'll get the main window back, but any menu list will still open off-screen.

the only workaround who's working yet for me is to get the window back using Shiftit (


tommaso.vinci@… commented on Oct 2, 2015

  • Cc tommaso.vinci@… added

al_qahtani@… commented on Oct 9, 2015

Another person here who is experiencing this issue. In my case it did not seem to manifest itself until upgrading to El Captian a few days ago.

Bob.Deen@… commented on Oct 14, 2015

I am having the same problem. Brand new MacBook Pro (2 days old), 10.10.5, XQuartz 2.2.7. I have an Apple Thunderbolt display above the laptop. X programs sometimes show up offscreen where they are completely inaccessible, or half on the screen where I can interact with the bottom but not the top, which means of course I can't move the windows either (since I can't get at the top bar).

Turning off multiple spaces in Mission Control seems to work around the problem... it works like it used to on my old Mountain Lion machine. I actually like this mode; being able to have a window (Mac or X) span both displays is a good thing. But I wonder what I'm giving up (besides the multiple menu thing)?

I use X-windows for at least 50% of my work on the mac so this is critical for me.

Bob.Deen@… commented on Oct 14, 2015

  • Cc Bob.Deen@… added

alexanderdewing@… commented on May 22, 2016

Replying to knut-xquartz@…:

Replying to jeremyhu@…:

It's an issue in the interaction between OS X and XQuartz. It could likely be solved in XQuartz (specifically in quartz-wm) if someone was interested in working on that. If someone fixes it, I'll gladly pull a fix into an XQuartz update, but as it is, there isn't really anyone working on the product these days.

Thanks for the pointer (to quartz-wm). The code looks quite readable. Without knowing much of neither Objective-C nor X11, I'm guessing that the fix would be in validate_window_position at Maybe something similar to the loop over "heads" at line 768 needs to be added to make sure the title bar intersects with at least one visible screen/head area. But that is pure speculation on my part.

So I've done quite a bit of digging into this bug and am almost done with patches. Here's the issue: X11's coordinate system starts from the top left corner of the box that contains all of the displays. OS X uses the bottom left. So when you add a monitor that moves the X11 origin without a comparable shift in the OS X origin, windows can 'move' from your point of view. When you plug a new monitor in, xquartz-wm checks to see if the window overlaps the new displays, but does move them if they're out of the total bounding boxes. Unfortunately, somewhere in the X11 code (afaik), different displays are treated separately when in 'separate spaces' mode, so even if a window is in display A's bounding box, if it is 'attached' to display B it will not be drawn and manifest as this offscreen bug. These origin issues should only occur when you add a screen above or to the left of your existing screens.

What should happen is that the windows stay stationary when a new monitor is added/removed (of course the ones from the unplugged monitor should be shifted somewhere, currently to the top left corner of the primary screen ). This, however, requires some persistent identifier to match heads to their physical equivalents. This should be fairly simple, but has been causing me a headache. The existing code picks the primary monitor as the closest origin to (0,0), but it's tougher for the remainder. This could be done approximately by matching resolutions/color depth/etc, but the CGDirectDisplayID (which is equal to the NSScreenNumber) will change based on each new configuration (i.e. plug in B and A will become C. Unplug B and C reverts to A). As far as I've been able to discover, there is no way to load EDID data (probably the best bet?) and match it to a head. If any of you have ideas, I am more than open. Once this piece is fixed, the remainder of my code should be ready.

Also, I have a good workaround now. You can install wmtrl from homebrew, and use this python script to move things around: . Hope this is helpful.

jaru419@… commented on Aug 26, 2016

Hey guys, I just found simple solution even it is not perfect. Just follow the instruction below.

  1. At the command line, type 'touch ~/.afnirc' if you don't have it
  2. And type the commands below step-wise

echo '* ENVIRONMENT' > ~/.afnirc echo ' AFNI_DONT_MOVE_MENUS = YES' > ~/.afnirc

or just put that configuration using editor. Then the main menu windows will not move to invisible space But the viewer windows should move when you open it, so in that case, just right click on the particular axis button if it activated. then It should be appeared on the mouse location.

I hope you this can help your problem.